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updated Thu. June 13, 2024

Dovid Katz, a Jewish scholar of Yiddish and a historian with Lithuanian ancestry, called the museum “a 21st-century version of Holocaust denial.” Mr. Katz, an American who lives in Vilnius, edits the Defending History website, devoted to challenging what he sees as Lithuania's revisionist approach to the ...

When I worked at Google, I was proud to promote one of the company's innovative products. It wasn't the tech giant's magical search engine. Nor was it its efficient Android mobile phone operating system or its crystal clear Hangout video calls. It was the Google Transparency Report. The report, the first of ...
Le Pen has ousted her father, the party's founder, from the movement over his repeated anti-Semitic comments and Holocaust revisionism. But she also said last year that “France is not responsible” for the deportation of tens of thousands of Jews to be murdered by the Nazis by the collaborationist pro-Nazi ...
Kassow described the law as an attempt to regain control of a revisionist historical narrative, which has been the norm for most of Poland's modern history. Whereas the German population quickly came to terms with the crimes of World War II, Poland was subsequently occupied by the Soviet Union, and ...
A self-confessed Holocaust revisionist described the Shoah as a “weapon to provoke guilt in white Europeans”, as her trial for broadcasting antisemitic material resumed on Wednesday. Alison Chabloz, of Charlesworth, near Glossop, Derbyshire, faces five charges related to songs alleged to have been ...



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