

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 conscientous objectors

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
John F. Kennedy
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updated Wed. August 7, 2024

Sister Jean is a sweet old lady and light of goodness in these dark times. But also, it's okay if you conscientiously object. Let us be super clear because I don't want an angry phone call from the Chicago Tribune: Sister Jean seems lovely. She's a 98-year-old nun, after all, which means she's probably a ...
For most people, the term “conscientious objection” evokes images of Quakers and pacifists registering to avoid military service. Many countries have a long and honourable tradition of accommodating such conscientious objectors. It might not be about bombs and bullets, but healthcare professionals often ...

OLD CHATHAM — A one-man show focusing on World War I's conscientious objectors, or those who refused to fight because they believed killing was wrong, was performed at the Old Chatham Quaker Meetinghouse on Sunday. English actor Michael Mears wrote and starred in the play “This Evil Thing,” ...
Two young conscientious objectors have received a prison term for refusing their mandatory military service based on their religious convictions. The Incheon District Court said on Thursday that it sentenced a 25-year-old man to 18 months in prison for violating the military law. The convict, who is a member ...
Two young conscientious objectors have received a prison term for refusing their mandatory military service based on their religious convictions. The Incheon District Court said on Thursday that it sentenced a 25-year-old man to 18 months in prison for violating the military law. The convict, who is a member ...
A court in the southeastern city of Ulsan has acquitted two conscientious objectors indicted for refusing the mandatory military service. The Ulsan District Court on Thursday found innocent the two male Jehovah's Witnesses, including a 22-year-old, citing Article 19 of the Constitution on the freedom of ...

500 ultra-Orthodox Anti-draft Protesters Block Entrance to Jerusalem. The 'Jerusalem Faction' urged its members to demonstrate against the arrest of Meir Burdiansky when a routine police check of driver's licenses in Ma'aleh Adumim revealed that he was a draft dodger. Aaron Rabinowitz. Mar 08, 2018 ...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“DHHS”) recently took two steps to protect the conscience and religious freedom of health care workers. First, it established a new division within its Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) known as the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division.
Mears' U.S. tour is being sponsored by the Center on Conscience & War, an organization that advocates for conscientious objectors. It's being brought to Akron Mennonite by 1040 for Peace, a local pacifist organization. Mears explains the title of his play, “This Evil Thing,” was a “key phrase used by one of ...
This, together with a need for official denominational representation for Adventist conscientious objectors who were being drafted for the U.S. Civil War, led first to the formation of local conferences, then to the organization of the General Conference in May 1863. In early June of the same year, Ellen White ...

MR J. C. Anderson, of Stirling, expressed a strong objection at the monthly meeting of the Clutha Farmers' Union to the Government's action in placing conscientious objectors on the State Training Farm at Wereroa. About 30 of these persons have been placed on this farm, and Mr Anderson stated that any ...
With a slim majority of 4 to 3, the Helsinki Court of Appeals voted that the Finnish practice of allowing male Jehovah's Witnesses to avoid conscription was unjust towards other conscientious objectors, national broadcaster Yle reported. This historic decision denounces the decades-old exemption for ...
Dozens of Haredi extremists demonstrated Tuesday morning outside the home of Knesset member Uri Maklev (United Torah Judaism) in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem. They were protesting the scheduled session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday concerning ...
They include Haggai Matar, who was also part of the five-strong group of conscientious objectors whose decision to go public with their protest brought the wrath of the Israeli authorities upon them. Matar is today executive director of Israeli-based 972 – Advancement of Citizen Journalism, a non-profit ...
They include Haggai Matar, who was also part of the five-strong group of conscientious objectors whose decision to go public with their protest brought the wrath of the Israeli authorities upon them. Matar is today executive director of Israeli-based 972 – Advancement of Citizen Journalism, a non-profit ...
On Monday, Oct. 16, 1967, Americans gathered by the thousands in cities and on campuses all over the country for the first “Stop the Draft” week. On the steps of federal buildings, city halls and university buildings, hundreds of young men protested the Vietnam War by turning in their draft cards — a ...
Wartime conscientious objectors were human guinea pigs in Sheffield research. The building where the human guinea pig experiments took place in ... Conscientious objectors acted as experimental subjects for research purposes. They proved willing experimental subjects, eager to show that although ...
Two conscientious objectors, both Jehovah's Witnesses, were jailed for one year in January. One had just completed a corrective labour sentence. These are the first jailings of conscientious objectors since 2014. No prisoners of conscience are known to have been freed under the Novruz amnesty.
A new court ruled on Friday that the Finnish practice of allowing male Jehovah's Witnesses to avoid conscription is discriminatory. The Helsinki Court of Appeal on Friday voted 4-3 for naming the policy discriminatory against other conscientious objectors. The ruling came in a discrimination case brought by ...
It should be understood that objectors can, and are in practice, divided into three classes: (1) Religious objectors, who hold to certain sects, whose creeds are against the bearing of arms; (2) conscientious objectors, with real consciences; and (3) defiant objectors. The religious objectors are housed in ...


CCCO supports and promotes individual and collective resistance to war and preparations for war.
Help Oppose Hollins and Rangel's Draft!


Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Senator Fritz Hollins (D-SC) have introduced legislation to reinstate the military draft for young men. Even pro-war hawks President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have gone on the record opposing the bill. They realize that a draft is not necessary for our military and if anything would be a hinderance. Please join the President in opposing Rep. Rangel's bill by signing the petition below.


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