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updated Sat. August 17, 2024

South African-based businessman Justice Maphosa is a man on a mission to help Zimbabwe come up with ways to create an all-inclusive economy. BY NDAMU SANDU. The Big Time Strategic Group founder says he will, in a few months, launch companies in Zimbabwe in the financial services, agriculture ...
UC Berkeley is launching a new center designed to help those affected by consumer law, which will be the first of its kind among top-tier institutions, Berkeley School of Law announced Tuesday. The Berkeley Center for Consumer Law and Economic Justice, which is scheduled to open in April, will be ...

In The Boss, women share how they became successful and the lessons they learned along the way. Becoming an elected official was never something I aspired to do. My aspiration and mission in life was to continue the fight for social and economic justice that I witnessed on TV as a child growing up in ...
In The Boss, women share how they became successful and the lessons they learned along the way. Becoming an elected official was never something I aspired to do. My aspiration and mission in life was to continue the fight for social and economic justice that I witnessed on TV as a child growing up in ...
The New Yorker published a story yesterday revealing that Gar Alperovitz was a key member of the Lavender Hill Mob, the loose group of anti-war activists that helped to hide Daniel Ellsberg for three weeks as they released the Pentagon Papers to various news organizations. The article describes the first ...
The world has reached a tipping point for sources of renewable power, like wind and solar energy. This isn't just recognition of the effects climate change is having on the environment; on a practical level, a lot of this technology is much cheaper. That means many corporations are ready to invest in solar ...

Protesters participate in the Women's March against President Donald J. Trump in Chicago, United Protesters participate in the Women's March against President Donald J. Trump in Chicago on January 20, 2018. (Photo: Bilgin S. Sasmaz / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images). Zero, zip, zilch. That's how many ...
Gov. Ralph Northam used his first speech to the General Assembly to seek common ground with Republicans on workforce training, education and economic development, but he also forcefully called for expansion of the state's Medicaid program as “a matter of basic economic justice” and challenged them ...
On Sunday morning, with snow in the Sandias and temperatures in the 30s, thousands of people converged on Civic Plaza in Albuquerque for the Women's March. The crowd may have been smaller than in January 2017, the day after President Donald Trump's inauguration, but it was no less defiant of the ...
NORTHAMPTON — One year ago, thousands of people rallied at the Women's March on Washington, and hundreds of communities across the world, including Northampton, held their own marches to advocate for women's rights and social justice for all peoples. On Saturday, women, men and people of ...
With forgiveness, a need for economic justice. Shift in thought. In Liberia and Colombia, civil conflict has been halted by programs that aid former rebels. South Africa has avoided civil war but it also needs to help those who don't share in its wealth. African National Congress (ANC) supporters attend the ...
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by US Embassy, New Delhi. https:/ Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by US Embassy, New Delhi. Martin Luther King, Jr, was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. Every man, woman and child in this ...
It has been 50 years since the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. began his major push for economic justice. Dr. King's 1968 “Poor People's Campaign” was a call for underprivileged people around the country to rise up and demand better jobs, wages, education and more. Dr. King touched on issues of ...
The newly released paperback version of “The Chicago Freedom Movement: Martin Luther King Jr. and Civil Rights Activism in the North” explores the challenges faced by the coalition in its quest for economic justice. Here is an excerpt from the chapter “Labor and the Chicago Freedom Movement.”.
There is a new effort underway to renew Dr. Martin Luther King's campaign against poverty. On this holiday honoring the late civil rights icon, Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, co-director of the Kairos Center and co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, discusses the new poverty ...
The Little Italy signs he worked for on Hertel Avenue were also a point of pride, they said, as was being chosen to be grand marshal of the Italian Festival, receiving the first City Honors alumni award, and receiving a leadership award from the Coalition for Economic Justice. In addition to his parents, Joan ...
Lots of people hold the views spelled out in our party's 10 key values, such as grass-roots inclusive democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, and economic justice. We sum up our values by pledging that we will run, 'for people, planet and peace.' “In the early 2000s, I joined a ...

Political and economic pundits have described the year 2017 as challenging to Malawians and warned that things may get worse, especially if government fails to change its direction. Among things that challenged Malawians in 2017 according to analysts include government's failure to deal with corruption ...
It comes down to growing the national and global movement of movements that are working for 100 percent clean energy, ecological agriculture, green design, biomimicry, watershed restoration, social and economic justice, racial and gender justice and democratic governance … “To succeed, we're called ...
Black people fought and continue to fight for clean water for the people of Flint, Mich. as well as other cities; social justice; economic justice; and an end to the state-sanctioned murder of black people at the hands of police. These fights are not over, and if 2017 was any indication, our voices will only get ...
ALBANY, N.Y. -- Governor Cuomo announced Sunday that 2018 will see the beginning of various economic justice programs for the middle class, including minimum wage increases, paid family leave policy, and tax cuts for the middle class. Increased Minimum Wage: As of December 31, minimum wage in ...
Indonesian land certificate program for economic justice. Reporter: Fardah Assegaf 4 minutes ago. Indonesian land certificate program for economic justice. Illustration. A number of residents showed their land certificate after they got it at the delivery ceremony of Land Certificate for People in Makassar, South Sulawesi, ...
Before walking into an executive session where City Council members decided unanimously to select Spencer Cronk as Austin's next city manager, Council Member Delia Garza spoke to the Austin Monitor about her thoughts on her third year on Council. Although she didn't disclose who she planned to ...
It's high time—-we're more than a year from President Donald Trump's earthquake election, we're less than a year from the 2018 midterms—-that the Democrats come up with a new and compelling message. “Organize, organize, organize”—-signing up more voters to vote, the chant from the Democratic ...
GALESBURG — A Democratic candidate for Illinois Attorney General stopped Wednesday in Galesburg to hear and address constituents' concerns. Renato Mariotti, a private attorney and former federal prosecutor, first visited Cherry Street Restaurant and Bar, 57 S. Cherry St., for a meet-and-greet with the ...
The Agnes Scott Living Wage Campaign calls all people and organizations to participate in the Economic Justice Teach-In on Feb. 16. The event starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m.. Their Living Wage Campaign is one that “builds on the historic struggle and achievements of our facilities staff.” According to ...
In a remarkable speech at Mason Temple on March 18, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., told the workers they had shifted the freedom movement's emphasis from civil rights to economic justice. "You are reminding, not only Memphis, but you are reminding the nation that it is a crime for people to live in this rich ...
Economic justice is about making economic opportunity available to everyone, not just those who have traditionally held the wealth and power in our city. By leveraging the tools of entrepreneurship, middle class New Yorkers can take control of their economic future and finally push back against the wave of ...
In the aftermath of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, perhaps we should reflect on how we went from our first African-American president to Donald Trump, whose recent racist rant directed at Haiti and all of Africa has once again cast our president as a white supremacist in the eyes of the world.
What are the origins of racial consciousness? Recent comments by our president make finding answers to this question urgent. Historians generally agree that humans lived for millennia without thinking about race. There is little evidence of concern for the color of a person's skin until about 1400 AD. Race consciousness ...
In this tumultuous world, one thing seems certain: today's dire threats to our democracy did not arise out of nowhere. Every culture thrives, or not, on whether its core narrative—the causation story we tell ourselves—enhances mutual gain or spurs division. And, the narrative driving today's unfolding ...
Yusuff said: “I feel sad about the ordeals of the returnees from Libya. It is pathetic that such slavery is going on in Africa. “The greatest blame goes to parents who have failed to guide their wards well. “ For the government, there should be economic justice, social justice and cultural justice to end this trend.
"What we feel is that issues that have been categorized as 'women's issues' can fall under the larger umbrella of 'economic justice,' " she said. "The fact that women have never participated fully, or equally, in Ohio politically is the area where we need to concentrate right now." Asked about the prospect of ...
A potential lawsuit could be filed on civil rights and economic justice grounds, because some of the state's poorer people have less access to public transportation, he said. Pacheco volunteered to coordinate meetings between community leaders. Allin Frawley, chairman of the Middleboro Board of ...
It's high time—-we're more than a year from President Donald Trump's earthquake election, we're less than a year from the 2018 midterms—-that the Democrats come up with a new and compelling message. “Organize, organize, organize”—-signing up more voters to vote, the chant from the Democratic ...
GALESBURG — A Democratic candidate for Illinois Attorney General stopped Wednesday in Galesburg to hear and address constituents' concerns. Renato Mariotti, a private attorney and former federal prosecutor, first visited Cherry Street Restaurant and Bar, 57 S. Cherry St., for a meet-and-greet with the ...
Allama Iqbal, he said, envisioned a state where social and economic justice would prevail but we had just shattered his dream. He reminded the gathering that Iqbal demanded a Muslim state and not an Islamic state because he could sense that in the latter case, the clerics would have a field day.
Seven years ago, the 2300 block of N. 46th St. in Milwaukee's Sherman Park neighborhood was practically in shambles. Houses were run down and in foreclosure or headed there. Several were vacant; some had been taken over by squatters. Today, there is no sign of the blight that threatened the block.
Seeking a stronger social safety net, a self-described economic justice coalition plans to hold a news conference outside Riverside County headquarters Tuesday, Nov. 14, to encourage more public input on the county budget. California Partnership will hold its event at 11 a.m. outside the County ...
Three guiding principles on tax policy are offered in the U.S. Catholic bishop's 1986 pastoral letter, "Economic Justice for All." Paragraph 202 ...
... the criminal justice system with more access to legal resources and mental health supports; economic justice that creates access to capital for ...
We cannot have social justice or economic justice without environmental justice,” Sen. Booker added. “Can you imagine watching your child ...
Dudley Dough, a “fair-wage” pizza parlor dedicated to “economic justice” in Boston, MA, has been forced to close its doors because it is unable ...
The Democratic Party needs to "step up and pick a fight" on issues of economic justice, says Elizabeth Warren. 0. Fifteen years after the death ...
... is supposed to “advocate for social and economic justice and we strive daily to vanquish oppression and make our communities better for all ...
The report “highlights the social and economic justice of this issue,” said Marc Jeuland, associate professor with the Sanford School of Public ...
BENNINGTON — The Seedlings program has received an Economic Justice grant from the Ben and Jerry's Foundation to further their goals of ...
Students in the newly redesigned Economic Justice Clinic (EJC), one of the six sections in UNM Law School's top-rated clinical program, are ...
We believe that achieving human dignity, individual worth, and economic justice in the workplace reflects the core of our respective faith ...
Back in August I profiled Family Farm Action, a new economic-justice organization formed to take on Big Ag monopolies and fight for ...


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