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updated Thu. August 29, 2024

Members of this administration "possess the skills needed for the restoration of functioning governance institutions in Sinjar,” stated the International Crisis ... The ICG report urged Baghdad to "lead the way" to restore local governance in Sinjar by relying on Yazidis in order to reduce "their dependence on ...
Iraq must stabilise the northern region of Sinjar to help the Yazidi minority brutalised at the hands of the Islamic State group return home, the International Crisis Group said on Tuesday. A report by the conflict analysts said that Baghdad must set up a local administration and mediate between factions who ...

Given the scale of the problem, the plight of the Yazidis remains serious. A majority of them are scattered across the Syrian-Iraqi border. The Iraq-Syria border and the cities of Dohuk and Sinjar are at the forefront of the Yazidi problem. Given its proximity to the Iraqi city of Mosul, Sinjar was left defenseless ...
At the time, the Syrian Army was occupied with defeating encircled ISIS terrorists in northeast Hama and when news of the attack near Sinjar came ... heavy shelling by rebel artillery encouraged the Syrian Army to keep its reserve forces from Ash-Shutayb in the area west of Sinjar in the event that insurgent ...
3, 2014, the Islamic State invaded the Sinjar region in northern Iraq with the mission of exterminating the Yazidis, whose numbers are estimated to be between 400,000 and 500,000. Our religion dates back to ancient Mesopotamia and preserves pre-Islamic practices. Because of that, the Islamic State ...
Laila Mishko and Hari Moussa never thought they'd see each other again after the Islamic State attacked their northern Iraq village in August 2014, capturing Moussa and forcing Mishko to seek shelter on the unforgiving slopes of Mount Sinjar. Both managed to escape the Islamic State's clutches, but it ...

Turkey continues to target members of the YPG-affiliated Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) in northern Iraq, as well. Analysts have voiced concern that YPG units near the Iraqi-Syrian border who have been helpful in countering a resurgence of ISIS militants may relocate from the Sinjar region to defend areas ...
The road to Sinjar passes through dozens of bleak, damp, wrecked villages. Their houses have crumpled under shellfire, the gateways lie in the street, a mosque sprawls half way across a road, its silver metal crescent resting on its side on the pavement. So swiftly have the Islamist al-Nusra group retreated ...
BAGHDAD: Turkey and Iraq are in talks for a joint operation against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) presence in the Sinjar province of Iraq, the Turkish foreign minister has said, as the Turkish army launched a massive new operation into the Afrin region of Syria to eradicate PKK-linked forces ...
Turkey and Iraq are in talks for a joint operation against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) presence in the Sinjar province of Iraq, the Turkish foreign minister has said, as the Turkish army launched a massive new operation into the Afrin region of Syria to eradicate PKK-linked forces on its ...
There are residents fleeing on the back of a trailer, a man with broken glasses making his way through the desert, and a teenage girl with a gun in one hand and a water bottle in the other. Dastan Othman, 25, is a world away from her homeland of Iraq, but her paintings of Sinjar refugees on display at ...
Over the course of Tuesday to Wednesday, popular opposition sources began to spread reports (even using maps) that Islamic State forces in northeast Hama had carried out a successful blitz assault against the Syrian Army and captured the town of Sinjar as well as a number of villages surrounding it in ...
Aiming to advance and liberate all HTS-held areas in Idlib province, the Syrian forces keep advancing amid heavy clashes with the terror group. The video footage was released by the Syrian ministry of Defense -online- features scenes from inside the liberated Sinjar town in southern Idlib countryside.
Beneath the ruins memories of the terror group's rapid rise and crimes are buried, along with many Yazidis, whose villages in and around Sinjar—located in Iraqi Kurdistan—were initially besieged in August 2014. Since then, Yazidi men have been serially executed, with women and children sold off to ISIS ...
BEIRUT (Sputnik) - Syrian troops supported by allied forces liberated the settlement of Sinjar southeast of the Idlib province from the militants of the Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly known as Nusra Front) ... "The Syrian army has taken control of the strategically important settlement of Sinjar," the source said.
The newly liberated towns in question have been identified as Nabbaz Qabli, Nabbaz Shamali, Ramleh, Siraa, Saree, Jadedah, Khyarah, Al-Matoustah, and Kafraya Al-Ma'arat – all are located to the east and west of Sinjar. Khyarah, Al-Matoustah, and Kafraya Al-Ma'arat were reported earlier on as ...
This was at the expense of a deeper understanding of the community and the social, tribal and political dynamics in Sinjar. I felt there was a deeper story there. I also felt that the reporting on the women tended to be quite one-dimensional. I wanted to move away from that, presenting these women as more ...

Government forces are now just 2.5 miles (4 km) away from the strategic town of Sinjar in eastern Idlib. The SOHR said Sinjar is important because it can be used by pro-government forces to launch future operations in the Idlib countryside. The government's push in Idlib coincides with intensified airstrikes ...
After ISIS attacked Sinjar city - home to 80,000 including Yezidis, Christians, Sunni and Shia Muslims, Kurds, Turkomen, and Arabs – over 100,000 people fled for refuge on the Sinjar Mountain to the north. Those who were able to reach the mountain were stranded, starving and surrounded by ISIS militants ...
Nineveh ( Iraqi troops have run into 12 mass graves in west of Nineveh, security source was quoted saying on Wednesday. “The graves were found in Kojar region, Sinjar. They include bodies of Yazidi civilians who were executed by Islamic State since its control on the town in 2014,” the ...
Sinjar ( The total number of mass graves of Yazidi victims have reached 62 in Sinajr, west of Nineveh, an official was quoted saying on Tuesday. Speaking to AlSumaria News, Fahd Hamed Omar, acting mayor of Sinjar, said, “a human rights team arrived at Sinjar and counted the amount of ...
At the foot of the craggy ridge line that slashes across the plains of northern Iraq, the devastated town of Sinjar is slowly repopulating. Crammed into their battered old cars, families pull up to houses they left in haste more than over three years ago, and have not seen since. With a home to return to, they are ...
Nineveh ( A mass grave containing the relics of at least 50 people was found in western Nineveh, according to a security source quoted on Wednesday. Shafaq News quoted the source saying that security forces ran into the grave in Sinjar, northwest of Mosul. The forces await expert teams ...
Before ISIS, the Yazidi community in Sinjar was one of the poorest and most underdeveloped groups in Iraq. In some villages, it was considered improper for girls to go to school. But now, young Yazidi women like Hussin have resolved to take their future into their own hands. "It was a new experience and it ...
When I went to Sinjar in northern Iraq in December 2015, the legacy of the genocide was fresh. Tens of thousands of Yazidis had taken shelter on Mount Sinjar and were living in tents and shacks, with one medical clinic for thousands of people. A month earlier, Kurdish forces had liberated Sinjar city.
Sinjar ( Four persons were killed and injured as a bomb blast occurred west of Sinjar, a Yazidi activist was quoted saying on ...
SULAIMANI – The Iraqi forces have entered the district of Sinjar early on Tuesday (October 17), a Peshmerga commander said. A commander ...
Iraqi forces captured the Yazidi Kurdish town of Sinjar from Kurdish forces on Tuesday as they pressed a campaign against Kurdish-held areas ...
BAGHDAD: Iraqi forces said on Tuesday that they had taken the Yazidi Kurdish town of Sinjar from Kurdish peshmerga forces as they pressed ...
The mainly Shiite Hashd al-Shaabi are also in control of the Yezidi town of Shingal or Sinjar, west of Mosul, after the withdrawal of the Kurdish ...
The Yazidi group called Lalesh, extended their control over all of Sinjar after the withdrawal late on Monday of Peshmerga fighters who were ...
The commander of local Yazidi fighters, Masloum Shingali, said Kurdish forces had left the town of Sinjar before dawn on Tuesday, allowing ...
These Arabs from Sinjar say they were forced to flee their villages, already under IS control, when Kurdish forces started battling to retake the ...
Sinjar ( The pro-government Shia-led paramilitary troops have denied clashes with Kurdish forces deployed in west of Mosul.
But Yazidis – displaced in different camps and mostly hailing from Sinjar, a contested area that could become a flashpoint for further conflict if ...
The Kurdish forces, known as peshmerga, withdrew from Sinjar as well ... Islamic State militants massacred Yazidis after seizing Sinjar in 2014.
BAGHDAD (AP) - Kurdish fighters pulled out of disputed areas across northern and eastern Iraq on Tuesday, one day after giving up the vital oil ...
Iraqi forces said Tuesday that they had taken the Yazidi Kurdish town of Sinjar from Kurdish peshmerga forces as they pressed a campaign ...
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:40 A.M.) – For the second time in three years, the Kurdish Peshmerga forces have abandoned the city of Sinjar in ...
A group called the Political Leadership of Kurdistan has been formed to communicate with Baghdad post-referendum. Meanwhile, Kurdish ...
These Arabs from Sinjar say they were forced to flee their villages, already under IS control, when Kurdish forces started battling to retake the ...
... part of the Iraqi Kurdistan region but is controlled by Kurds, as well as in the Sinjar region, where 90 percent voted in favor of independence.
At least three Hashd al-Shaabi fighters were killed in clashes with PKK terrorists in Iraq's northern Sinjar district on Friday, according to local ...
Sinjar ( Three persons were killed as they returned back to their house before being purged from explosives in Sinjar, Shafaq ...
SULAIMANI – Clashes broke out between Hashid al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) and the Sinjar Resistance Units (YBS) in Sinjar on Friday (September ...
Sinjar ( The pro-government Shia-led paramilitary troops have denied clashes with Kurdish forces deployed in west of Mosul.
But Yazidis – displaced in different camps and mostly hailing from Sinjar, a contested area that could become a flashpoint for further conflict if ...
Curukkaya played a critical role in the US-backed 2015 Kurdish campaign to liberate the town of Sinjar (Shingal) where IS had massacred and sexually ...
... Irbil and Sulaimaniya - and "areas of Kurdistan outside the region's administration", including Kirkuk, Makhmour, Khanaqin and Sinjar.
At the time, Sinjar was under the protection of the regional government of the Iraqi Kurdistan. The Daesh invasion prompted the pershmergas, ...


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Sinjar, Iraq