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"Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the United Nations' mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression that we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the United States could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land."
George H.W. Bush (Bush senior) and Brent Scowcroft in their 1998 book, "A World Transformed"
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Iraq retina scan
Marine Lance Cpl. Luis Molina scans an Iraqi citizen's retina at Brahma Park in Fallujah, Iraq, on Jan 25, 2005. U.S. Marines are utilizing a Biometric Analysis Tracking System to record and identify Iraqi civilians entering the battle torn city of Fallujah in an attempt to find and identify insurgent forces. The tracking system uses thumbprints, a photograph of the face, and a retinal scan to establish positive identity. Molina is deployed with Marine Wing Support Squadron 373 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Jonathan C. Knauth, U.S. Marine Corps.
Cost of the War in Iraq
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updated Wed. June 26, 2024

Iraq is the most salient example, particularly after the Anglo-American invasion of 2003. The United States plundered millions of documents and moved them out of Iraq during its occupation of the country. With the exception of the Iraqi Jewish Archive, which is set to be returned to Iraq in two years, there are ...
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq is opening more of its untapped oil and gas resources to foreign developers, hoping to boost revenues after its costly war with the Islamic State ... Iraqi forces concluded major military operations against the extremists last year, but large parts of the country were reduced to rubble.

UAE Culture Minister Noura Al Kaabi travelled to Baghdad, Iraq's capital, to sign a joint agreement with the Iraqi Ministry of Culture for Advanced Cultural Cooperation and UNESCO. “The five-year project is not just about rebuilding the mosque, the minaret and the infrastructure, but also about giving hope ...
During that visit, an announcement was made on establishing the Saudi-Iraqi Coordination Council, in the presence of Abadi, Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud and then US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The council aims to develop economic relations at all levels between Iraq and Saudi ...
Iraqi security forces continue to provide the security that enables stability necessary for rebuilding and reconstruction, he added, noting that the U.S.-led coalition will continue to conduct operations that limit ISIS' freedom of movement and constrain their ability to build forces. In Syria in over the past week, ...
In addition, with the Kurdish groups pulling out of Iraq's Sinjar region, Turkey no longer has an excuse to launch a military operation there — so Ankara for now has to be content with conducting low-profile military missions around other parts of Iraqi Kurdistan. Since the end of March, Turkish commandos ...

Anbar ( – An Iraqi court has sentenced four Islamic State (IS) militants to death over carrying out terrorist attacks against military outposts in Iraq. The Anbar Criminal Court found the four IS militants guilty of standing behind assaults on security and military posts in Fallujah and Ramadi ...
Amnesty International sent a memo with its findings to the Iraqi government on April 3 but has not received a response, Waldman said. The government of Iraq has largely been silent on how families perceived to be connected to ISIS are treated, she said. “We haven't yet seen a clear message that these ...
An appeal filed by festival organizers accepted by Switzerland on April 16 came too late to enable the Iraqi artists' participation. Adil and his colleagues are from Mesaha, Iraq's first-ever comic strip collective. Founded in 2015 by four graphic designers including Adil, the group first came together to publish a ...
PRAGUE (AP) — The Czech and Iraqi defense ministers have vowed to further boost the military cooperation between their states. The Czechs previously sold 15 Czech-made L-159 light combat planes to Iraq and sent instructors to train pilots for the planes as part of international efforts to help Iraq fight ...
Melina Bougedir, 27, was wary that her husband was an Islamic State fighter, however, she did not oppose to enter Iraq with him, the source told AFP. Under the Iraqi law, Bougedir might be sentenced to death on the new terror-related charges, the source said, adding that the retrial is scheduled next month ...
Iraq is reported to be making an offer to Morocco that may result in relaunching operations at the shuttered 200,000 barrels a day refinery in Mohammadiya. If the deal goes through, and I am enthusiastic, it could prove strategic to both. Dow Jones had reported BB Energy and another European oil company ...
Following a recent strike its F-16IQ Viper multi-role jets flew against ISIS terrorists in neighboring Syria, the Iraqi Air Force has released a detailed infographic showing how many combat and combat support missions each of its aircraft types have flown over the past nearly four years. Of particular note is that ...
A total of 24 million Iraqis are eligible to cast their ballots to elect members of parliament, who will in turn elect the Iraqi president and prime minister. The polls are the first to be held since last year's defeat of Daesh terrorist group after a three-day war, and the second since the U.S withdrawal from Iraq in ...
But their families, lawmakers and other advocates have pleaded with the administration not to deport the detainees to Iraq, where, as Christians, they would face persecution, potential harm or death, advocates say. While a few individuals may pose a threat to public safety or national security, the lawmakers ...
Iraqi elections have generally been free since the U.S. invasion, but politics have been dysfunctional because of the tremendously sectarian nature of the vote and of the major parties, such that the results are more like a census than a contest of ideas. This time around, Iraq's Sunni Muslims — hundreds of ...
The Iraq war officially continued until December of 2011, costing well over $2 trillion in U.S. funding and thousands of American lives, while causing as many as half a million Iraqi civilian deaths. The basic rationale for the Iraq intervention has remained intensely disputed. Bush himself later expressed ...

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Air strikes carried out by the United States, France and Britain against Syrian military targets could give terrorism an opportunity to expand in the region, the Iraqi foreign ministry said on Saturday. The air strikes marked a "a very dangerous development", the ministry said in statement.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Campaigning began Saturday for Iraqi parliamentary elections with some candidates embroiled in controversy after aides pulled ... Social media users cried foul as pictures of politicians, referred to by some in Iraq as "thieves" over allegations of corruption, replaced those of combatants.
The Iraqi government has announced that the Saudi-Iraqi Coordination Council is examining an agricultural investment project covering 1 million hectares in Anbar province in western Iraq. Iraqi Planning Minister Salman al-Jumaili said the council was studying technical aspects of the project. Experts said ...
Their corrupt misrule has financially crippled Iraqi Kurdistan; they govern the region undemocratically, and in defiance of the values of the 2005 Constitution of Iraq. Both parties control their own security forces, and both have abused them for political ends. Dirty politics. To take one example, in 2015, the ...
The oil and gas field development plans include three blocks along Iraq's border with Kuwait, seven blocks at the Iraq-Iran border, and one offshore block in the Iraqi waters in the Persian Gulf, Iraq's Oil Ministry's spokesman Asim Jihad told Bloomberg at the end of last month. Jihad told Bloomberg today ...
It all started with a 2006 article published in the eminent journal The Lancet, entitled Mortality after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: a cross-sectional cluster sample survey. The article had many problems, but one of its graphs in particular stuck out. That one figure displayed new estimated numbers of violent ...
Iraqi security forces seized back Kirkuk's government facilities and oil fields from Kurdish Peshmerga forces last October in response to a poll by Kurdistan Region in which a majority voted for independence from Iraq. But recent reports have told of U.S. efforts to mediate between the Iraqi government and ...
BAGHDAD — Amid Iraqi calls to reinforce the rule of law and strengthen Iraqi state institutions, the Ministry of Justice announced March 28 a new initiative for “arbitration” among tribes, allowing a team of tribal elders to intervene as arbitrators in resolving all possible disputes and conflicts between Iraqi ...
Under the original schedule, many if not all of the 16 potential bidders -- oil majors as well as smaller energy companies -- would have had only two days to review a draft of the ministry's new contract before the auction, according to Luay Al Khatteeb, executive director of the Iraq Energy Institute, a research ...
The largest US air and naval strike force since the 2003 Iraq war was heading towards Syria last night as Theresa May won the backing of the cabinet to join in military action. US-led strikes after the suspected chemical weapon attack in Douma, which left as many as 40 people dead, are expected within the ...
UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Jan Kubis, condemned the bombing and called on the Iraqi authorities “to ensure the security of the political parties, representatives, candidates, and voters.” The following day, Iraqi Speaker of Parliament Salim al-Jabouri met with Interior ...
At least 16 people were killed in a bomb attack on Thursday during a funeral in a northern Iraqi village for fighters killed by the Islamic State (IS) group, the village's mayor said. "Two bombs exploded as the funeral procession was entering the cemetery" in Asdira, near the town of Sharqat, Salaheddin ...
An Iraqi man who pleaded guilty to impersonating a U.S. intelligence officer in a letter to the prime minister of Iraq was set to face a year of federal probation. But the negotiated agreement fell apart after Wathiq Al-Ibraheemi continued his deceit by mailing a copy of a doctored newspaper article about his ...
New Book Details Marine's Mission in Iraq. "Echo in Ramadi" tells the story of battles and the .... A retired U.S. Marine has just published a book detailing what it was like for Camp Pendleton-based troops in Ramadi during the U.S. troop surge in Iraq. Retired Major Scott Huesing wrote "Echo in Ramadi" with ...
Jaafari, during the meeting, made an invitation to his Cuban counterpart to visit Iraq, said the statement. The minister said “Cuba contribute to Iraq's reconstruction efforts and benefit from the investment opportunities the Iraqi government is promoting”. Iraq fought since 2014 against Islamic State militants ...
It also throws some light on Iraq's current challenges as it emerges from a war with Islamic State militants and seeks to reconcile its Shi'ite majority with its Sunni and Kurdish minorities. Mustafa Salim, an Iraqi journalist at the Washington Post Bureau in Baghdad, gave the documentary a thumbs up after the ...
Baghdad ( Iraq has told British parliamentarians it opposes the return of Iraqi refugees there against their will as the country tries to recover from a war that displaced millions inside and abroad. In a statement, the Iraqi foreign ministry said Minister Jassem al-Jaff, meeting a delegation of ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan – Iraq's contentious 2018 budget was published in the republic's official state gazette, Al-Waqa'i' al-'Iraqiyah, on Monday, meaning the ... The budget bill, fiercely opposed by Kurds and at times by Sunnis, was sent back to the Iraqi parliament by the Iraqi president on March 13, as it was ...
A British soldier who has been repeatedly investigated over an Iraqi teenager's death in 2003 says he will refuse to take part in another inquiry. Saeed Shabram's family say he drowned after being forced into a river by UK soldiers. No-one has ever been charged. The Iraq Fatality Investigations team is due ...
His political evolution could have far-reaching consequences for the next Iraqi government, the country's fractured Shiite political class and Iraq's relationship with neighboring Iran. In Iraq, the new alliance asks Sadr's followers to take a major leap of faith in abandoning religion as a basis for voting.
Rebuilding efforts in Iraq have been slow since the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) last year. But it is not just about reconstructing schools and homes, archaeologists say Iraq's very heritage is at stake. Al Jazeera's Imran Khan reports from the country's second ...
As part of Saudi Arabia's efforts to engage with Shia religious leaders, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (also known as MBS) met Iraqi Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr in Riyadh in July last year. After Sadr had criticised Iran's influence over Iraq's domestic politics, and further challenged Tehran's ...
How, people wondered, could he suddenly embrace those elements of Iraqi society most hostile to the United States and the U.S.-Iraqi partnership, and most beholden to the IRGC? As it turned out, the alliance lasted barely a day. The outcry from across Iraq's political spectrum was immediate — not just ...
Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Health Ministry said on Sunday that it handed over bodies of 38 Indian workers, who were killed by Islamic State (IS) militants in Mosul, to the Indian Embassy in Iraq to be flown home later Sunday, according to Sputnik News. Indian Ambassador to Iraq Pradeep Singh ...
Iraq plans to award oil and gas exploration and development contracts in 11 new blocks on April 15, oil ministry spokesman Asim Jihad said on Sunday. Iraq had initially set June 21 as the date to open the bids for the new blocks, located in border areas with Iran and Kuwait, and in offshore Gulf waters.
Many Christians in Iraq will be able to pray and gather together at Easter for the first time since the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group (ISIL, also known as ISIS). In the northern city of Mosul, the armed group destroyed many churches, and Christians fled the area. Now the Christian ...
Many Iraqi newspapers are claiming that the propagation of atheism is a manifestation of the Islamic parties' failed reigns over the past decade, in addition to their corruption. Studies and statistics about beliefs and views in Iraq are nonexistent. However, Gallup released a study that said about 88% of Iraqis ...
Chandigarh: The mortal remains of 31 of the 39 Indians killed in Iraq will arrive at Amritsar International airport today in a special aircraft, said officials. ... Earlier this month, Swaraj had told Parliament that as many as 40 Indians were abducted by terror group ISIS from Mosul in Iraq in June 2014, but one of ...
The Iraqi cabinet on Sunday approved a plan to raise the nation's crude oil output capacity to 6.5 million barrels per day by 2022, according to a government statement. Iraqi Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi said in January capacity was currently close to 5 million bpd. The country is producing more than 4.4 ...
According to local authority figures, about 25,000 have returned, but many are struggling to rebuild. The Iraqi government has asked the international community for $100bn to reconstruct former ISIL-held areas, but nowhere near has been pledged. For people like Yunidim, it will be a long time before he ...
The Iraqi military has been ordered to take full control of the country's borders amid Turkish threats of an incursion into Iraq to track down Kurdish rebels. ... The Iraqi prime minister said that any attempt by 'foreign fighters' to launch cross-border attacks on Turkey will be prevented by the Iraqi military.
An Australian Super Hornet air strike last year may have killed two civilian adults and injured two children when it bombed a terrace house in west Mosul, Iraq. Deputy Chief of Joint Operations, Major General Greg Bilton, said the air strike occurred on May 3 but it wasn't until Amnesty International raised the ...
On Sunday 25 March protests broke out across the Kurdistan region of Iraq against austerity measures and delays in payment of and cuts to the salaries of state employees. Since then, teachers, health workers, and other public sector workers, as well as activists have taken to the streets every day to ...



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