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updated Thu. June 6, 2024

Islamic State retreats online to 'virtual caliphate' An Iraqi woman visits the grave of a relative, who was killed during battles with Islamic State (IS) group fighters, at a graveyard in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, 90 kilometres (55 miles) north of Baghdad, on Oct. 10, 2017. The Islamic State group once drew ...
Suicide car bomb kills 21 in town north of Baghdad Iraqis visit the grave of a relative, who was killed during battles with Islamic State (IS) group fighters, at a graveyard in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, 90 kilometres (55 miles) north of Baghdad, on Oct. 10, 2017. (Agence France-Presse/Sabah Arar) ...

Mass graves holding '400 IS victims' found in Iraq An Iraqi woman visits the grave of a relative, who was killed during battles with Islamic State (IS) group fighters, at a graveyard in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, 90 kilometres (55 miles) north of Baghdad, on Oct. 10, 2017. The Islamic State group once drew ...
An Iraqi man inspects the site of a pit containing the bodies of Islamic State (IS) fighters in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah. PHOTO: AFP. BEIRUT: The Islamic State group executed dozens of civilians this month in the Syrian desert, a monitor said Monday, in a gruesome massacre as the militants see their ...
The Islamic State, however, has steadily lost battles against Syrian and Iraqi government forces supported by troops of various nations, including the US and Russia. It steadily lost cities it had earlier conquered, among them the ancient city of Mosul in northern Iraq. Last Monday, a report from Dhuluiyah, ...

Lalat-lalat berkerumun di tengah tanah berpasir, di antara puing-puing kota Dhuluiyah, Irak. Mereka mengincar sisa-sisa jasad puluhan anggota ISIS yang dibiarkan membusuk sejak pertempuran tahun 2015 di kota itu. Di kota tepi sungai Tigris ini, ISIS baru saja dipukul mundur oleh pasukan militan Sunni ...
DHULUIYAH, IRAQ – The Islamic State group once drew recruits from near and far with promises of paradise but now bodies of jihadis lie in mass graves or at the mercy of wild dogs as its “caliphate” collapses. Flies buzz around human remains poking through the dusty earth in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, ...

DHULUIYAH, Iraq: Daesh (ISIS) once drew recruits from near and far with promises of paradise but now bodies of militants lie in mass graves or at the mercy of wild dogs as its “caliphate” collapses. Flies buzz around human remains poking through the dusty earth in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, ...
Flies buzz around human remains poking through the dusty earth in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, 90 kilometres (55 miles) north of Baghdad, at a ... In agricultural Dhuluiyah on the banks of the Tigris river, residents faced a common dilemma over what to do with the corpses of ISIS fighters after local Sunni ...
During the reporting period, returns continued to Yathrib and Dhuluiyah sub-districts, and started to new areas in Balad, such as Mahatat Balad area. Despite ongoing returns to the various retaken areas in Salah al-Din, the Deputy Governor stated on 28 February that large areas in the governorate are ...
Daesh used a bus bomb and an explosives-rigged boat to destroy two bridges leading to Dhuluiyah, a town north of Baghdad where tribesmen held out against the militants in one neighborhood for months that year. AddThis Sharing Buttons. Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Google+ Share to ...
Iraqi forces on Tuesday completed the recapture of the town of Dhuluiyah, parts of which had been held by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group for months, commanders said. ISIS, which declared a "caliphate" over territory it seized in Iraq and Syria, seized the second city of Mosul and swept ...
Meanwhile, government officials in Iraq said its forces, backed by Sunni tribesmen, advanced into the town of Dhuluiyah in a new attempt to push out Islamic State militants. A Sunni tribe in the south of the town, 90 kilometres north of the capital, had been holding out against relentless attacks for nearly six ...
When ISIL fighters attacked last week, the Shiite village of Al Saud in central Iraq received help from an unlikely source. The police chief from the neighbouring Sunni town of Dhuluiyah, once a key Al Qaeda hub, came with a detachment of men and 15,000 rounds of ammunition.
On Friday, Iraq's army chief claimed a victory in Dhuluiyah, a town north of Baghdad, where Sunni tribes had joined forces with Iraqi troops to boot out IS. “Dhuluiyah has been completely cleared of IS," Lieutenant General Mohammed al-Askari told AFP. "The Iraqi army, as well as volunteers from the tribes ...


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