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updated Thu. August 29, 2024

KIBLAT.NET – Abu Ubaid Al Qurasyi, seorang yang diklaim sebagai pemikir Al Qaeda dan termasuk dalam inner circle Osama bin Laden pernah menulis sebuah artikel berjudul Huruub Al Jail Ar Rabi' (peperangan generasi keempat). Al Qurasyi membuka paragraf tulisan tersebut dengan sebuah “curhat” ...

An-Nabulsi tegas mengatakan kepada penguasa Bani Ubaid, “Jika saya punya sepuluh tombak, saya akan melempar satu ke Roma, dan sembilan lainnya ke arah Fatimiyah.” Ulama dari madzab Syafi'i itu pun ditangkap dan dibawa menghadap Al-Mu'iz li-Dinillah, pemimpin Bani Ubaid. Al-Mu'iz berkata ...
Popular Mobilization Forces managed to liberate the center of Al-Qairawan subdistrict, also the villages of Umm Amer, Ammash, Tal Ubaid, Al-Malihat, Tal Hazil, and Al-Hathil aroud Al-Qairawan after twelve days of the operation called “Mohammad Rasul Allah 2” in Sinjar and Ba'aj districts of Ninewa ...
When you look at Fuad Bulkassim, the leader of Al Sharia group of Belgium, who has been condemned for supporting terrorism and whose group was ... For sure, youths like Salah Abdussalam or Abdul Hamid Bu Ubaid, who led the foolish, fatal terrorist operations with others in Paris and Brussels, never ...
Deoband dignitaries started their struggle against the imperial subjugation of the Indo-Pak subcontinent at a time when nobody dared to utter a word against the British rule. The predicament of the Indians was unspeakable. Whenever the history of Indian independence is discussed, the name of the brave ...
Berita eksekusi 10 dokter ini muncul hampir bersamaan dengan laporan bahwa para “jihadis” mengeksekusi 60 pejuang suku Sunni di Provinsi Anbar, Irak. Anggota Suku Al-Karableh, Albu Ubaid, Albu Mahal dan Albu Salman dilaporkan dieksekusi setelah ISIS paranoid dan menuduh suku-suku itu ...
ISIS members murdered 60 Sunni tribal fighters in the Anbar province on Friday, and accused members of al-Karableh, Albu Ubaid, Albu Mahal and Albu Salman tribesmen of working with Iraqi security forces before killing them. A struggle between Iraqi forces and ISIS has led to a significant number of ...
The worker hugged him and then blew himself up,” said Sadoun Ubaid, deputy head of the Anbar provincial council, in a statement to Reuters. In addition to being a member of Iraq's national parliament, Aifan was a sheikh of the Albu Issa tribe and one of the founders of Fallujah's tribal “Awakening” ...
The walls of Al Fahidi Fort were originally built from coral and shell rubble from the sea, and were cemented together with lime. It was built not only to defend the town of Dubai, but also served as an office and residence of the Ruler, as well as a prison and a place to store ammunition. Khalid Al Bu Obaid, ...


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