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updated Sun. June 16, 2024

TUNIS (Reuters) – A militant blew himself up as Tunisian security forces surrounded him and another fighter in a house near the Libyan border on Monday, the interior ministry said. Forces then shot the second man dead in the coastal town of Ben Guerdan, officials added. A security source said the men ...
More than 200 Australians have travelled to Iraq and Syria since 2012 to fight with or support terrorist groups. More than 100 may still be active. ... That law has also only been used once, to revoke the citizenship of Zakaria Amara, the ringleader of the Toronto 18 bomb plot. That revocation though had no ...

In Amarah, 350 km south of Baghdad on the Tigris, the pollution is so debilitating that not even boiling water is enough to prevent local priests from falling ill. At their heavily-guarded riverside temple in the Iraqi capital, Ayid and his colleagues have taken to leaving buckets of water to sit for a day, before ...
According to the Syrian Arab News Agency, six civilians were wounded in Al-Amarah and three in Al-Sayyidah Zaynab. Rebel 'Bianahum ... part of Al-Riyadh area. According to the Islamic State's Amaq Agency, 30 elements of the Iraqi Security Forces were killed and six vehicles burned in the ambush.
The water crisis in Iraq's southern regions has led to several conflicts between tribes as they fight over the depleted resource, and the Iraqi government ... The capital city of Maysan, Amarah, may suffer a major disaster as a result of drought, as waves of displacement will ensue, the marshes will dry out, the ...

It was a remarkable moment, and Maliki went on to launch subsequent operations that drove JAM from Amara, Qurnah, Kut, and even Sadr City itself. He then went on to win Iraq's 2009 provincial elections and come in second (to the secular Shi'a Ayad Allawi) in Iraq's 2010 national elections, all because ...
KUWAIT - Iraq needs $4 billion for new investments in its downstream oil industry, Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi said on Tuesday, outlining plans to expand refining capacity over the next several years. Speaking at a conference on reconstruction of the war-torn country, he also said Iraq planned to boost its ...

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was reportedly left unable to walk due to “fractures to the bones and legs” that were likely caused as a result of previous airstrikes, said Abu Ali al-Basri, Director General of Iraq's Intelligence and Counter-terrorism Office at the Ministry of Interior. “We have irrefutable information and ...
By Tarek Amara and Lamine Chikhi. TUNIS/ALGIERS (Reuters) ... But Islamic State's appeal has waned since it lost all its territorial strongholds in neighboring Libya as well as in Iraq and Syria to counter-offensives by security forces, with fighters returning home or looking for new causes to join. That has prompted AQIM to ...
The operation is being conducted by the Iraqi army's 9th armoured division, the interior ministry's elite Emergency Response Division, and Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), with air support from the U.S.-led anti-Islamic State coalition and in coordination with Kurdish ...
He was held in U.S. custody in Iraq, but was released. Trump's reason for keeping the facility open revolved mainly around notions of well-deserved punishment. "Terrorists who do things like place bombs in civilian hospitals are evil," Trump said in his speech. "When possible, we have no choice but to ...
Last month saw much to give a military veteran pause for thought. The three-part BBC documentary series Army: Behind the New Frontlines, the last episode of which airs tomorrow, has been offering thought-provoking analysis of the British Army in transition as it pivots from Iraq and Afghanistan to ...
In the orange light of late afternoon, a mile-long Army convoy of 33 heavily loaded trucks crossed a bridge over the Tigris River into the dusty, trash-strewn streets of Al Amarah, Iraq. Sgt. Stuart Redus was at the wheel of a boxy old big-rig, 28th in line, with Staff Sgt. Fernando Torres in the passenger seat.


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