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updated Fri. July 12, 2024

During the past few months, dozens of IS militants fled their former urban strongholds in Mosul, Salahudin province and Hawijah area in the west of Kirkuk after the Iraqi forces cleared these areas through major anti-IS offensives. However, many IS remnants have resorted to hideouts in mountainous and ...
Regarding the Oct. 16 military attack on Kirkuk against Peshmerga forces by the Iraqi army and Iran-backed militias, Karim said foreign interference from Iran and Turkey led to the fall of the province and as a result, a resurgence of IS in areas of Kirkuk, including Hawija. “Foreign interference in the internal affairs, particularly ...

Security officers in the area give similarly wide variations on the number of civilian returnees to Hawija and the surrounding area, which was liberated from IS in early October 2017. Several of them claimed that family members of IS in some of the villages are helping IS fighters with logistics and basic needs ...
Not long after the events of October 16 – which came after an Iraqi operation against its last stronghold in the province, Hawija – ISIS began carrying out hit-and-run attacks wherever they could against the Iraqi military forces and Shiite-majority Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitaries in Kirkuk. These attacks are still ...
Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), the Kurdish Peshmerga and various armed groups engaged in the fight against ISIS, and finally recaptured Ramadi in February 2016, Hit in April 2016, Fallujah in June 2016, Mosul in July 2017, Tal Afar in August 2017 and Hawija in October 2017. The Government of Iraq ...
Within the past 10 days, 150 families have returned to Kirkuk's Hawija district, which was liberated from the Daesh terrorist group six months ago, Kirkuk Governor Rakan Saeed told Anadolu Agency on Wednesday. According to Saeed, Daesh, which occupied Kirkuk's southern districts from 2014 to 2017, ...

SULAIMANI – Iraqi security forces killed on Monday (April 9) a "key adviser" for Islamic State (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the outskirts of Kirkuk province, intelligence sources said. Abu Walid al-Shishani, called Baghdadi's "right arm" was killed in desert area near Kirkuk city, said NRT reporter. Shishani was ...
After the rapid capture of Tal Afar and a pocket around Hawija from IS last year, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared that the war against IS was over, that it had been won. In Syria IS has, at least nominally, almost vanished from the map. The towns it had been expected to defend to the death ...
Kirkuk ( – Iraqi policemen, backed by pro-government forces, killed on Tuesday six Islamic State (IS) militants in Hawija district in Kirkuk, a security source was quoted as saying. Speaking to Alghad Press, the source said, “A joint force from the Iraqi police and the Tribal Mobilization Forces ...
Speaking to Alghad Press, the source said, “Iraqi servicemen, backed by al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces), stormed Hawija al-Marir village in southern Mosul after receiving reports on the presence of IS insurgents there.” “Six IS militants and two troops of al-Hashd al-Shaabi were killed in ...
Kirkuk ( Two civilians were wounded as a mortar missile was shot in southwest of Kirkuk province, a security source was quoted saying on Monday. “A mortar missile fell on one of the main streets in Hawija town, west of Kirkuk, leaving two civilians wounded,” the source said. “Security troops ...
Speaking to AlSumaria News, the source said, “Islamic State members set up an armed ambush near Dugheila village, located between al-Riyad and Hawija towns, which left five personnel of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) killed.” “Security troops cordoned off the accident scene and ...
The Iraqi forces found the bodies of five Hashd Shaabi fighters from the Turkoman minority, who were kidnapped three hours earlier in the day by gunmen outside their base in the town of Hawijah, some 45 km southwest of Kirkuk," Captain Ahmed al-Obeidi from Hawijah police told Xinhua. The five bodies ...
Even though the Hawija battle was supposed to be a fight that IS stood no chance of winning. Mosul had been retaken by the Iraqi army in the summer after months of bitter fighting, as was the city of Tal Afar. Aside from a couple of desert areas, Hawija was all that IS had left -- the same region where the ...
Speaking to Alsumaria News, the source said that IS insurgents killed two persons and kidnapped three others after they set up a “fake checkpoint in a village in Hawija district, Kirkuk.” “The abducted persons were taken to an unknown location,” according to the source. The source pointed out that a probe ...
An Islamic State attack near the city of Hawija in mid-February reportedly killed 27 militiamen fighting for Baghdad. Iraq bought 140 of the 63-ton M1s for $2 billion starting in 2008 in order to re-equip some armored units that previously operated Soviet-made vehicles — many of which the U.S.-led coalition ...
Popular Mobilization Forces aid through their media they, assisted by Federal Police troops, killed five members of IS and besieged two others during a raid on their hideout in Tuwairiya, Abbasi, northwest of Hawija, the group's former stronghold in the province. Iraqi forces have recently intensified their ...

24, coalition military forces conducted a strike consisting of one engagement against ISIS targets near Hawijah. The strike destroyed an ISIS weapons cache. On Feb. 23, coalition military forces conducted a strike consisting of one engagement against ISIS targets near Hawijah. The strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Members of Iraqi security forces pose for a photo in Hawija district, which was cleared from all Daesh terrorists almost 5 months ago, of Kirkuk, Iraq, on Wednesday. Iraqi security forces provide road security for 580 families of Hawija, who live in camps in Kirkuk (Anadolu Agency photo). BAGHDAD, Iraq ...
On February 24th several members of the PMU reportedly came under attack from ISIS on a road from Kirkuk to Hawija in Iraq. ... “There are 35 unique claims for February alone – Samarra, Tikrit, North Baghdad, Hawijah, southern and south-east Kirkuk, Diyala with January extending to Anbar, a lot or ...
It was the deadliest attack against Iraq's Shiite-led Popular Mobilization Units since the country's forces wrested Hawija from the terror group in October. At least 27 PMU fighters died in the Sunday night assault, southwest of Kirkuk, according to a statement released by the group on Monday. Dozens of ISIS ...
Iraqi army forces drive down a road, linking Hawija to Kirkuk, near the village of Khabbaz in October 2017. ... The Hashd al-Shaabi had been conducting anti-terror operations in the Hawija areas for a number of days, targeting reported sleeper cells in the area, the force detailed in a published statement on ...
Iraqi forces have captured Islamic State's last stronghold in northern Iraq, the military said on Thursday, leaving the militant group holed up in pockets of land by the Syrian border, across which its self-proclaimed “caliphate” once stretched. The town of Hawija and the surrounding areas were captured in an ...
SULAIMANI – Islamic State (ISIS) militants launched an attack late on Sunday (April 8) against a Shia paramilitary group, Hashid al-Shaabi, in the province of Kirkuk. The militia men thwarted the attack which occurred on Sunday night in Hawija area killing five foreign ISIS militants, sources from Hashid ...
18 when an intelligence unit of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) was ordered to go to Saadouniya village near Hawija, 290 kilometers (180 miles) north of Baghdad. A group of IS militants had laid an ambush for the PMU unit, and within half an hour of the arrival of the unit near the village, the young ...
Kirkuk ( – The Islamic State (IS) group is still active in Hawija, making it necessary to launch a large pre-emptive military operation to prevent its militants from seizing control of this vital city again, a paramilitary commander was quoted as saying Tuesday. In statements to Alghad Press, ...


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