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updated Mon. July 8, 2024

"We are supporting Afrin with a revolutionary spirit. We are thanking them. We must be together hand in hand to prevent the enemies from invading our lands," cried a youth among the demonstrators. In the province of Halabja, near the Iranian border, protesters kicked off their day of action with the Kurdish ...
Anfal was a series of atrocities culminating in the Halabja genocide, which many Kurds feel was ignored and forgotten by the world. The rosary, or tasbih, beads are made from olive pits, which are bountiful in Kurdistan. "It was at the beginning of 2015 at the highest of ISIS, I got this idea. I told my friends that ...

raqi and Iranian officials on Thursday jointly inspected the shared border area near Halabja, a town in northern Iraq's Kurdish region, where both countries hope to set up a new border terminal. Shakir Jabouri, head of the Iraqi inspection team, said Halabja's Shoshma entry point would eventually be ...
The Monument to Halabja Martyrs. The province does not have an official border crossing with Iran and is hopeful Iraq will recognize its unofficial gate at Tawela-Shushme. File photo: Rudaw. ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A delegation from eight Iraqi government ministries are set to visit the Kurdistan ...
SULAIMANI – An Iraqi delegation will pay a visit to the province of Halabja on Tuesday (February 13) to decide on a border crossing between the province and Iran. NRT reporter Wrya Hama Kareem said the delegation includes representatives from eight ministries of the Iraqi government. The aim of the delegation's visit is ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Security operations against an ISIS sleeper cell in Halabja province on the border with Iran are complete, Asayish (security) forces announced in a statement on Friday ... The suspected ISIS group attacked a Kurdish security office in the town of Bamo, in Halabja in January.

IRBIL, Feb 2 (KUNA) -- Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) distributed on Friday humanitarian assistance to earthquake victims near Halabja province, Kurdistan-Iraq region. The "Kuwait beside you" campaign, funded by (KRCS), has delivered 2,000 food supplies to inflicted victims in Kurdistan region, ...
Karam added that the Kurdish blocs had asked Abadi to make other changes to the bill, opposing the terminology used in the draft such as “the provincial governments in northern Iraq” in reference to the Kurdistan Region, or the financial separation of Halabja Province from the region's budget, among other demands.
BAMO, Kurdistan Region — A suspected ISIS group has attacked a Kurdish security office in town of Bamo in Halabja. Local Kurdish forces repelled the attack, but the group is still at-large. The Kurdistan Region's security agency (Asayesh) stated on Tuesday that they discovered an ISIS group's hideout on ...
Photo shows Kurdish employees prepare the list of their employees in the health department to be sent to the Iraqi government. Photo: Halabja health department. BAGHDAD, Iraq – The Iraqi government has decided to send the Kurdistan Region 250 billion Iraqi dinars (about $210 million) for the salaries ...
The Turkish attacks led Kurds in Syria and elsewhere to worry that the United States would again abandon them. They harked back to massacres of Kurds in Iraq by the former dictator Saddam Hussein — including a 1988 chemical weapons attack in Halabja that killed 5,000 — that they say Washington ...
Four giant puppets will parade through the streets of Huddersfield with music and singing from five cultures, including local band Slick Stick Sambastic and Iranian drummer Arian Sadr, to remember the Jewish and Roma genocides of the Holocaust and the Kurdish and Bosnian genocides of Halabja and ...
BAMO, Kurdistan Region — A suspected ISIS group has attacked a Kurdish security office in town of Bamo in Halabja. Local Kurdish forces repelled the attack, but the group is still at-large. The Kurdistan Region's security agency (Asayesh) stated on Tuesday that they discovered an ISIS group's hideout on ...
The earthquake was felt in Erbil, Sulaimani, Kirkuk, and Halabja provinces. The earthquake was also felt in areas as south as Babil, some 125 kilometers south of Baghdad. In November 2017, a powerful magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit the border areas between the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Iranian Kurdistan (Rojhilat), ...
In late December, the Kurdish broadcaster NRT was shut down and its offices ransacked on allegations of inciting deadly protests in the provinces of Sulaimani and Halabja. That same week KRG Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani revoked the decision made by the Ministry of Culture. A number of ...
With his own hands, prosthetic legs and without specialized equipment, he has been pulling out landmines around his hometown of Halabja since 1988. Many areas in the Kurdistan Region and near its borders were mined during the Iran-Iraq War and through Saddam Hussein's Baathist reign and have ...
Furthermore, the KRG was unable to consistently pay salaries based upon this plan, and civil servants' pay backlogged for months on end, causing widespread poverty, particularly in the governorates of Sulaimaniyah and Halabja in which public sector growth lagged behind the other governorates.

Halabja, 17 March 1988: Iraq attacked its own citizens with nerve agents. During its war with Iran, enemy soldiers and civilians were frequent targets. PHOTO: SAEED SADEGHI/COURTESY ABBAS FOROUTAN. On a chilly morning in September 1987, in the waning days of the Iran-Iraq War, an 18-year-old ...
The sheer brutality of the Anfal campaign is perhaps sadly best exemplified by one episode: a surprise chemical weapons attack on the border town of Halabja, which killed 5,000 civilians. Kaveh Golestan, an Iranian journalist among the first on the scene described the horrific aftermath: "Some villagers ...
It reopened Bashmakh, close to Halabja, ten days later. Iran became the first country to close its airspace to flights in and out of Kurdistan a day before the September 25 referendum, also at the request of the Iraqi government. The KRG has described the flight ban as “collective punishment” against the ...
A British spy in communication with influential Kurds in Iraq was reported to Ankara by Turkish field agents in Iraq. The spy was observed in local Kurdish dress near Hanekin and Halabja, talking in secret to Kurdish leaders about their next move in the region. According to an official Turkish intelligence ...
The PUK, with its power base in Sulaimani and Halabja provinces, witnessed protests that turned deadly and remains distanced from the close relationship it once had with the Change Movement (Gorran) and other parties in the Kurdistan Region. “We hope for stronger national unity in this New Year, that ...
SULAIMANI – A slow and deteriorating economic climate in the Kurdistan Region has resulted in stoppage of 18 projects previously launched by Halabja, said the head of Halabja municipalities on Sunday (December 31). Hassan Rasheed said during a press conference held in Halabja “Financial crisis ...
KRG Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani has been in Sulaimani since at least Thursday following deadly anti-government protests in both Sulaimani and Halabja provinces. File photo: Rudaw. SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – KRG Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani has been tasked with restoring ...
SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – Hundreds of people protesting against lack of services, demanding a fight against corruption and full payments of state salaries, have continued for a second day in a row in a number of Kurdish cities in the provinces of Sulaimani and Halabja, with the offices of several ...
Halabja ( Kurdish security forces dispersed on Tuesday anti-government protests in the center of the Kurdistan Region city of Sulaimaniya as demonstrations continue for a second day to decry delay in the disbursement of employees' salaries and poor services. Baghdad Today reported that ...
SULAIMANI – The guards of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) attacked the NRT reporter in Halabja, after protests resumed in the city. PUK guards in Halabja attacked NRT reporter Wrya Hama Kareem and his camera was broken while covering the protests. He was not injured. The reporter added that the PUK cadres ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – A 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit the Kurdistan Region and was felt mainly in the provinces of Sulaimani and Halabja. An earthquake registering a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale on Sunday at 5:10 PM (local time) struck several areas in the Kurdistan Region, where tremors ...
United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the earthquake was centered 28 kilometers southwest of Halabja. The earthquake happened just 32 minutes after the 5.4 magnitude earthquake at a depth of 10 kilometers hit parts of the Kurdistan Region. United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the magnitude of ...
In the evening of Sunday the 12 November 2017, the Governorate of Halabja region, North-East of Iraq experienced an earthquake in the magnitude of approximately 7.2-7.5, according to European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC). The epicentre of this earthquake is located 32kms from the ...
The fifth center of the KIU in the city of Halabja issued a statement on Sunday. They demanded the Iraqi Council of Representatives not to pass the general budget of the state without allocating a budget that will include the governorate of Halabja. They are appealing to jurists and legalists to exercise all legal options against ...
... • The earthquake hit at 21:18 local time (18:18 GMT) about 30 miles (19 km) southwest of Halabja, near the northeastern border with Iran. • The earthquake occurred at a relatively shallow depth of 33.9 km (21.06 miles), and tremors were felt in Turkey, Israel, Kuwait, and the Gulf. • Multiple aftershocks ...
The long-oppressed Kurds across northern Iraq are expected to get the chance to vote on Monday despite fierce opposition from the Baghdad government and regional powers who feel threatened by the referendum. It will be a bittersweet moment for the people of Halabja, a rundown city of around 75,000 ...
Syria gas attack evokes flashbacks of death for survivors of Halabja massacre. The Iraqi town was poisoned in one of the deadliest chemical attacks in history in 1988, a trauma that remains with those who believe Trump's strikes are justified. halabja chemical attack. The mass graves of the victims of the ...
Under the previous government, the KRG administered the provinces of Duhok, Erbil, Sulaimani, Halabja and some areas in Diyala and Nineveh provinces. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, after the events of October 16, has said the KRG has to withdraw to pre-2003 borders. The court letter added: ...
The IRGC did not give any further details on the alleged jihadist group crossing the border, but according to Kurdish officials, they might be the same group who recently appeared in mountainous areas in the Halabja province in the Kurdistan Region. Kurdish security forces have also clashed with the militants. In June 2017 ...
The group entered armed clashes against the Kurdish forces on Bamon Mountain in Halabja, Kurdistan Region on Monday January 22, 2018. ... in Garmiyan told Rudaw Saturday that they are the same group who entered armed clashes with their forces in Bamo Mountain, Halabja on the border with Iran.
... the businessman-turned-politician spent a week in detention in connection with violent protests in Kurdistan Region's Sulaimani and Halabja provinces, ... reported earlier that they detained about a dozen people on charges of attacks on party offices in Koya, while an Asayesh unit in Halabja stated that ...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish security forces have released about half a dozen people arrested for several hours in connection to anti-government protests in the city of Halabja, officials and detainees said. Another security unit in Koya told Rudaw that they have arrested at least 10 people since the ...
Violent protests broke out across the Sulaimaniya and Halabja provinces of Iraqi Kurdistan on Monday 18 December 2017, leaving at least six protesters dead and more than 100 injured. The protests, which as of 22 December were continuing, have been concentrated in areas controlled by the Talabani ...
KRG Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani has been in Sulaimani since at least Thursday following deadly anti-government protests in both Sulaimani and Halabja provinces. File photo: Rudaw. SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – KRG Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani has been tasked with restoring ...
The 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck near Halabja, Kurdistan Region, near the Iran-Iraq border on the evening of November 12 and could be felt throughout the Middle East ... Ten people were killed and more than 500 injured in the Kurdistan Region's areas of Darbandikhan, Halabja, Kalar, and Khanaqin.
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) – A 5.4 magnitude earthquake hit the Kurdistan Region and was felt mainly in the provinces of Sulaimani and Halabja. An earthquake registering a magnitude of 5.4 on the Richter scale on Sunday at 5:10 PM (local time) struck several areas in the Kurdistan Region, where tremors ...
The fifth center of the KIU in the city of Halabja issued a statement on Sunday. They demanded the Iraqi Council of Representatives not to pass the general budget of the state without allocating a budget that will include the governorate of Halabja. They are appealing to jurists and legalists to exercise all ...
... • The earthquake hit at 21:18 local time (18:18 GMT) about 30 miles (19 km) southwest of Halabja, near the northeastern border with Iran. • The earthquake occurred at a relatively shallow depth of 33.9 km (21.06 miles), and tremors were felt in Turkey, Israel, Kuwait, and the Gulf. • Multiple aftershocks ...
The KRG's Joint Crisis Coordination Center (JCC) reported that hundreds of homes in Darbandikhan, Halabja, and Garmian were damaged. The water and electricity networks in Darbandikhan were damaged and require “extensive repair” and Halabja's water plant was operating at half capacity after being ...
... the Kurds I know very well, who faced genocide during Saddam Hussein's regime, in Halabja, and Anfal, more than 5,000 villages destroyed, ...
In-Pictures: When it comes to pomegranates, locals choose Halabja ... border, Halabja is locally known for its pomegranates and walnuts.
... threat of making direct budget transfers to the Sulaymaniyah and Halabja provincial councils, circumventing the KRG's ministry of finance and ...
Gorran finally agreed to sign a political agreement to run the provinces of Sulaimani and Halabja, such that the position of Sulaimani governor ...


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