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 Hillah, Iraq

car bombing in Hilla, Iraq, 28 Feb 2005
People gather near the scene and sift through the wreckage after a suicide car bombing in Hilla, Iraq Monday Feb. 28, 2005 in this image from television. A suicide car bomber detonated explosives amid a crowd of people south of Baghdad on Monday, killing at least 106 and wounding 133, police and witnesses said.
(AP Photo/APTN)
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updated Sat. July 27, 2024

The ancient craft of building boats, which is one of Iraq's oldest heritage industries, is disappearing, with only a few dozen workshops left in the country. ... In the district of Krit'a on the Hillah River in central Babil governorate, boat craftsman Hussain al-Khafaji told Al-Monitor that there are only four ...

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In Iraq they have long enjoyed quasi-independence in an enclave in the north-east. But last September Masoud Barzani, the Kurdish president, overreached by calling a referendum for a fully fledged state, defying Baghdad as well as protests from America and Iran. When he refused to back down, Iraqi ...
A priest walking through the rubble of a demolished church in Mosul, Iraq, last year. (CNS photo/Paul Jeffrey). Archbishop Mar Nicodemus Daoud Sharaf heads the Archeparchy of Mosul, Kirkuk and Syriac Orthodox Church. In this interview with Aid to the Church in Need, he addresses the plight of ...
U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman HM1 Richard Barnett, assigned to the 1st Marine Division, holds an Iraqi child in central Iraq in this March 29, 2003, photo. .... Iraqi workers clean debris near a large pool of blood at the scene of a suicide attack in the city of Hilla, 100 kilometers (62 miles) south of Baghdad, on ...
Scenes of the aftermath of blowing up the Korek Telecom office by unidentified gunmen in Hillah city, Iraq. Photo: Courtesy of Korek ... The Peshmerga sent 6,000 reinforcements to the disputed area on Thursday night to counter a buildup of Iraqi forces and Iranian-backed Hashd al-Shaabi. In the latest ...
Nearly 100 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a massive suicide truck bomb blast at a petrol station south of Iraq's capital Baghdad, according to police and medical sources. The target of Thursday's attack near the town of Hilla appeared to be Shia Muslim pilgrims returning from the annual ...
The war in Iraq dragged on for years to come, American casualties piled up, and the "Mission Accomplished" banner became a punch line. On CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday morning, Maine Independent Sen. Angus King said "it's impossible to say at this point" whether the United States' mission in ...


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Iraq towns:
      abu sifa
      al‑bu faraj
      al‑bu ubaid
      al‑sheikh hadid
      al hamdania
      arab jubour
      ayn layla
      jurf al‑sakhar
      khan dari
      makr al‑deeb
      sulaiman beg
      tal afar
      tuz kharmato
      umm qasr