updated Sun. September 8, 2024
Islam NU (Blog)
April 21, 2018
Sosok tabi'in yang masyhur dari kalangan tua semisal Said bin Musayyib, Hasan Al Basri, dan Uwais al Qarni, yang di daerahnya masing-masing dinilai sebagai tabi'in paling istimewa.Kemudian dari golongan tabi'in muda yang lebih jauh dari masa Nabi, semisal Imam Abu Hanifah dan Imam Malik binÃâà...
Books LIVE (blog)
February 27, 2018
Two weeks after I arrived in Iraq, I was due to lead a team on a reconnaissance mission to the Musayyib Power Plant, about 120 km south-west of Bagdad. Our mission was to set up a base to receive and secure the first engineers and other workers from Southeast Texas Industries Inc., the engineering firmÃâà...
ISlampos (Siaran Pers)
February 16, 2018
INILAH Sa'id bin al-Musayyib rahimahullah, seorang tokoh ulama tabi'in. Amirul Mukminin Abdul Malik bin Marwan datang kepadanya melamar putrinya untuk putra mahkota, al-Walid bin Abdul Malik. Putrinya, ketika itu adalah wanita yang paling cantik dan paling sempurna, serta paling tahu (alim)Ãâà...
Jamaica Observer
February 12, 2018
2009: A female suicide bomber targets Shiite pilgrims in Musayyib, killing at least 40. 2010: Bombs and booby traps slow the advance of thousands of US Marines and Afghan soldiers moving through the Taliban-controlled town of Marjah — NATO's most ambitious effort yet to break the militants' grip overÃâà...
duta.co (Siaran Pers) (Blog)
January 25, 2018
PROBOLINGGO | duta.co – Wakil Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Probolinggo Musayyib Nahrawi pasrah sekaligus protes atas kasus yang menimpa anaknya. Dia meminta aparat penegak hukum mengusut tuntas dan menangkap otak pelaku kasus pemotongan desa yang menjerat anaknya. Anak MusayyibÃâà...
January 24, 2018
Setelah Sofatur Rahmah, kini Wakil Ketua DPRD Musayyib Nahrawi yang membelot. Musayyib merupakan politisi PKB. Adapun PKB mengusung Malik Haramain-Muzayyan dalam Pilkada Kabupaten Probolinggo pada 27 Juni mendatang. Namun, Musayyib terang-terangan mendukung pasangan yangÃâà...
Berita Harian
December 3, 2017
IBN Musayyib atau nama sebenarnya, Said ibn Musayyib ibn Hazam ibn Abi Wahab al-Makhzumi al-Qurasy adalah tabiin yang sangat masyhur. Beliau seorang imam, ahli hadis serta ahli fikah yang terkemuka dan terkenal di Madinah. Saidina Said al-Musayyib lahir pada tahun 15 Hijrah dan beliauÃâà...
August 16, 2017
On 9 June two explosions, one in the predominantly Shia village of Musayyib and another in the holy city of Karbala, killed at least 21 people. OHCHR has expressed concern at reports of forced evictions and killings committed by Iraqi and Kurdish security forces and affiliated militias "against Sunni ArabÃâà...
June 9, 2017
Police and medical officials say a suicide attacker has blown himself up in a market south of the capital Baghdad killing at least 21 people. The officials said the Friday morning blast in the village of Musayyib also wounded 30. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized toÃâà...
June 9, 2017
At least 20 people have been killed and 34 wounded after a suicide bomber detonated explosives at a market in the Iraqi town of Musayyib, south of the capital, Baghdad, according to police. "A suicide bomber blew himself up in Musayyib market, causing 20 civilian martyrs," an interior ministry spokesmanÃâà...
Iraqi News
July 20, 2016
The public relations directorate of Babel police in a statement, said, “Joint security forces carried out a security operation in al-Musayyib district (35 km in northern Babel) and seized an improvised explosive device containing C4 material from a house.” “The security force also seized a Kalashnikov rifle,Ãâà...
wartabromo (Siaran Pers)
December 31, 1999
Musayyib menuturkan ada beberapa pilihan pakaian yang bisa menjadi identitas yang mampu merepresentasikan jati diri warga Kabupaten Probolinggo. Seperti pakaian khas Suku Tengger, yang dominan dengan warna hitam beraksesoris odeng. Bisa juga menggunakan busana Madura dengan OdengÃâà...