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 US treasury secretary Henry Paulson

Henry Paulson with George W. Bush
Photo: Reuters
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updated Sat. July 13, 2024

The panel included Henry Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury under George W. Bush and former chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs; Ben Bernanke, former chairman of the Federal Reserve; and Edward Lazear, professor of economics at Stanford University. “I don't think our democracy is going to work,” ...
... $250,000 from the Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC; $100,000 from the Willy Family LLC of billionaire businessman and Groupon co-founder Eric Lefkosky; $26,300 from AT&T Illinois Employee PAC and $25,000 from Henry Paulson, who served as treasury secretary under former ...

Former US treasury secretary Henry Paulson on Thursday lodged a vote of confidence in the economic team that President Xi Jinping established in his recent leadership reshuffle, and said Beijing needs to take this opportunity to launch delayed reforms. Harvard-educated economist Liu He was elevated ...
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says market-opening reforms in China will be a win for both countries ... China should avoid a mutually damaging trade war and negotiate the scope and pace of the latter country's opening up, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said on Thursday.
From left, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The three top former government leaders devised the 2008 financial bailouts in the George W. Bush and Barack Obama years. Now imagine if Trump's ...
For the 10-year anniversary of the Bear Stearns failure, Marketplace recently released an hourlong interview with the key economic policymakers involved: former Federal Reserve chair Ben S. Bernanke, George W. Bush administration treasury secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. and former New York Federal ...

During the banking crisis of 2008, he helped to boost the global economy with a stimulus package. At the time, he is said to have told former Goldman Sachs head Henry Paulson, then the US treasury secretary, with whom he had worked closely for many years: "You were my teacher but look at your system ...
“[Former Treasury Secretary Henry] Paulson, before the crisis, and others, tried to straighten this out with proposals to reorganize the financial regulatory ... “It is headed by the Treasury, to which all of these other bodies report,” explained Roy Smith, an emeritus professor of finance at New York University.
That is, former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Timothy Geithner, former president of the New York Federal Reserve and former Treasury secretary. We sat down with all three of them at Yale University last week to talk about what they saw 10 years ago as the ...
In a joint interview with Marketplace on March 13, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, former president of the New York Federal Reserve and former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke stressed that while the financial system is stronger now than it ...
"We were working really hard to put the tools in place before the next failure," he said. "Unfortunately, the next failure, which was Lehman [Brothers], the next crisis came before we could get that in place." Frank said former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson warned him at the time that more crises were ...
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's use of military aircraft has cost taxpayers nearly $1 million for eight trips, newly released documents show. ... The documents obtained by CREW include historical data showing international trips taken by Mnuchin's three predecessors: Henry Paulson, who served from ...
Henry Paulson, one-time chief executive of Goldman Sachs, sold roughly half a billion dollars' worth of Goldman shares when he became Treasury secretary, a move The Economist estimated was worth $200 million in taxes. In a few cases there have been minor conflicts of interest that have erupted ...
Senior figures at investment banks know that regularly working late into the night can go with the territory. But David Solomon, the man tipped to be the next chief executive of Goldman Sachs, does not only spend his evenings poring over the numbers. As the 56-year-old's Instagram account shows, he also ...
Trading was the main profit engine in 2006 when Blankfein took the helm, replacing Henry Paulson, who became US Treasury secretary. Since then the bank has moved into new areas such as consumer banking. Solomon joined Goldman as a partner in 1999 and ran its investment banking arm from 2006 ...
Blankfein succeeded Henry Paulson, who was following in the steps of Robert Rubin, another Goldman chieftain, to become Treasury secretary. It seems unlikely that Blankfein will follow a similar path into the present administration, from which such Goldman alumni as Gary Cohn, Steve Bannon and Dina ...
Policy roles awaited his recent successors, with Henry Paulson serving as US Treasury secretary under George W. Bush and Jon Corzine serving as a senator from New Jersey and, later, the state's governor. Given Blankfein's sharp criticism of the current White House administration, it's unlikely he would ...

Bill Clinton married the Democratic Party with Wall Street by bringing on Goldman-Sachs' co-chairman Robert Rubin, first as his economic adviser and then as Treasury Secretary (1995-1999). George W. Bush had Goldman chairman and CEO Henry Paulson as his Treasury Secretary (2006-2009).
Bill Clinton married the Democratic Party with Wall Street by bringing on Goldman-Sachs' co-chairman Robert Rubin, first as his economic adviser and then as Treasury Secretary (1995-1999). George W. Bush had Goldman chairman and CEO Henry Paulson as his Treasury Secretary (2006-2009).
Most college students today think that education should be about getting a good job. To many, that means studying the liberal arts is a waste of time. What can you do with an English degree? Yet liberal arts graduates enjoy better health, succeed in their careers and express high levels of overall ...
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was first acquainted with Wang during this period, and they would later serve as counterparts in U.S.-China economic meetings during the Obama administration. U.S. officials and Wall Street are also familiar with Wang from his time as vice premier. Chinese ...
In 2008, the US Treasury Department was authorized to purchase up to $100 billion in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stock amid the financial collapse. Then-US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the move was necessary because the institutions were critical for the United States to turn the corner on ...
He is close to former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who led the U.S. side at the dialogue until 2008. Their personal connection helped the two countries weather the fallout from the global financial crisis. More recently, Wang was Xi's anti-corruption enforcer, serving as head of the Communist ...
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is betting that providing fresh capital to the two firms will eventually lead to lower mortgage rates, spur homebuying demand and slow the plunge in home prices that has ravaged many areas of the country. The huge potential liabilities facing each company, as a result of ...
There he served as senior adviser to Secretary Henry Paulson and then as assistant secretary. As assistant secretary for the treasury, he established and led the Office of Financial Stability and oversaw the Troubled Asset Relief Program, first for U.S. President George W. Bush and then for U.S. President ...
He was at the U.S. Department of Treasury from 2006 to 2009. There he served as senior adviser to Secretary Henry Paulson and then as assistant secretary. As assistant secretary for the treasury, he established and led the Office of Financial Stability and oversaw the Troubled Asset Relief Program, first ...
Last week, for the 10-year anniversary of the Bear Stearns failure, Marketplace released an hourlong interview with the key economic policymakers involved: former Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke, George W. Bush administration Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. and former New York Federal ...
China's parliament has endorsed Xi Jinping for a second term and appointed Wang Qishan as his vice-president. The ballot at the National People's Congress unanimously approved Mr Xi while Mr Wang received 2,969 votes in favour and only one against. Wang Qishan was previously in charge of ...
Past Goldman Sachs chief executives tend to go on to political careers: Henry Paulson became Treasury secretary in 2006, and Jon Corzine went on to become a US senator and then governor of New Jersey. Steven Mnuchin, who was formerly a CIO at Goldman Sachs, currently serves in President ...
Bill Clinton married the Democratic Party with Wall Street by bringing on Goldman-Sachs' co-chairman Robert Rubin, first as his economic adviser and then as Treasury Secretary (1995-1999). George W. Bush had Goldman chairman and CEO Henry Paulson as his Treasury Secretary (2006-2009).
The U.S. economy is firing on all cylinders but is threatened by the type of nationalism on display in Washington, D.C., experts said Wednesday at the George W. Bush Presidential Center's Forum on Leadership. The all-star economics panel warned about brewing trade wars and hostility toward ...
Wang reportedly met informally with Terry Branstad, the U.S. ambassador to China, earlier this year. In 2008, as the world was reeling from the collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers, Wang worked closely with Henry Paulson, the U.S. Treasury secretary, on fiscal measures to deal with the crisis ...


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