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 United States of America (USA or US)

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updated Sat. August 3, 2024

In Massachusetts, over half of young adult men released from jails and prisons go back within three years. The state's largest county wants to disrupt that cycle by teaching responsibility. In Billerica, a suburb northwest of Boston, a select group of inmates at the Middlesex House of Correction and Jail are at ...
Unlike in the United States, Canada's securities laws fall into the domain of the provinces. Arguably no area of provincial law has seen more activity as a result of the crypto boom than securities law, mainly due to the advent of initial coin offerings (ICOs). On Aug. 24 of last year the Canadian Securities ...

Through a combination of ambition and hard work, many immigrants living in the US, such as Elon Musk (Tesla), Sergey Brin (Google), and Pierre Omidyar ... The real estate mogul is head of Related Group of Florida, which has built both affordable and luxury housing units in the United States, as well as in Mexico and ...
After years of negotiations, it's finally official: Mobile carriers Sprint and T-Mobile have agreed to join forces in a mega-merger, the two companies announced Sunday. The all-stock transaction, which puts the value of the combined company at $146 billion, is poised to significantly change the U.S. telecom ...
Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari has arrived in the United States ahead of a scheduled meeting with president Donald Trump at the White House. ... He was ushered into the presidential guest house, Blair House, where he will reside during his stay in the U.S. The presidency shared photos of his ...
The US gave its client states hundreds of millions for anti-terrorism, then crooked UK military contractors ripped it all off ... Defense Secretary James Mattis has announced a criminal investigation into the misuse of $458,000,000 that the US government gave to Iraq and Afghanistan to build out mass-scale ...

“The United States will face a complex global foreign intelligence threat environment in 2018. We assess that the leading state ... Their Chinese “partner” stole the technology, opened up their own production facility, and drove the U.S. firm out of business in China. What's the solution? Here's a start.
The 40-stall Kettleman City Supercharger is one of Tesla's biggest charging facilities in the United States. The expansive Supercharger features several unique amenities, including a drivers' lounge, food services, a dedicated kids' play area, as well as pet-friendly amenities. A store that sells Tesla ...
That's partly because European laws are informed by human rights standards laid down in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which all European states are party to but the United States is not, as well as other European treaties like the European Convention on Human Rights.
The US, Canada, and Mexico are nearing a deal on a new version of the North American Free Trade Agreement. While all three countries are hopeful, issues concerning cars ... "I could make a deal very quickly, but I'm not sure that's in the best interest of the United States. We'll see what happens, but we're doing very well.".
The strength and stability of democracy has become a subject of intense debate in the United States and around the world. But how do Americans feel about their own democracy? As part of a year-long effort to study “Facts, Trust and Democracy” Pew Research Center has conducted a major survey of ...
Defense Secretary James Mattis told senators on Thursday that the U.S. military is not preparing to withdraw from Syria and that the presence of American troops is vital for continued anti-ISIS operations. Speaking in front of the Senate Armed Forces Committee, Mattis seemed to contradict President Donald ...
One factor that has hobbled the U.S. approach is the Africa experience gap both at the State Department and in the military. In some cases, subordinate and tactical officers have had a better understanding of the operational environment than their superiors. If the United States is going to place combatants ...
The escalating trade war between the United States and China, with the Trump administration considering $100 billion in punitive tariffs in response to China's $50 billion in retaliatory tariffs, obscures a more important source of conflict: China's desire to someday establish the yuan as a global reserve ...
The percentage of kids with autism in the United States continues to rise, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The report found that, in 2014, an estimated 1 in 59 children had autism, up from 1 in 68 children in 2012, and 1 in 88 children in 2008.
If, as expected, Mitt Romney wins his race for a Senate seat from Utah he may become the most powerful man in the United States Senate. As many of us remember, Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, ran for president in 2012 and lost to Barack Obama. It wasn't one of those totally humiliating ...
This verification process is currently only open in the U.S. and will require Page admins and ad account admins to submit their government-issued ID to Facebook, along with their residential mailing address. The government ID can either be a U.S. passport or U.S. driver's license, a FAQ explains. Facebook ...

Global equities pulled back Monday as the U.S. benchmark yield closely hovered around the psychologically significant 3 percent level. Traders and analysts were busy trying to explain its importance, with all of them noting that 2014 was the last time that the 10-year was at such a handle. Reuters said that ...
To appreciate the importance of the visit, it is key to understand the rich history between France and the United States. French settlers came to the American continent as early as the 1500s. When the American colonists were fighting for independence, France supported our Revolutionary War with military ...
In Swahili, the word safari means “journey” or “trip.” Yet in English, the term implies an African tour with the express purpose of observing native fauna—lions, elephant, antelopes, oh my! But if you wanted to see the United States' "Big Eight" in their natural habitat, where would you go? Here, eight ...
At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in February, Admiral Kurt Tidd, commander of U.S. Southern Command, estimated that the U.S. intercepts only 25 percent of the drug subs coming to the U.S.—a number that has not improved in years. The challenge, says Erik Soykan of the U.S. Department ...
Top 10 Soap Brands in the World (2018) Tire Industry in the USA Expects Steady Growth Everything You Need to Know about Plastics Industry in the US. Connecting on BizVibe. BizVibe has been specifically designed to help industry professionals connect with like-minded businesses, providing them with ...
Sarah Sanders: Dems have to decide if they love the US more than they hate Trump ... White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said early Monday that Democrats must decide if they love the United States more than they hate President Trump · Donald John TrumpClinton takes swipe at 'false ...
Before coming to Florida last week to talk trade, plan out East Asian security and play a round of golf, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe kicked off in Tokyo a series of meetings with China's visiting State Councillor Wang Yi. The meetings were set to strengthen the Sino-Japanese "strategic relationship of ...
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said the decision undermined its efforts to remove immigrants convicted of certain violent crimes, ... The Supreme Court case centered on James Garcia Dimaya, a native of the Philippines admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident when he was ...
Some gymnasts say part of the answer lies at the Karolyi ranch, which Bela and Martha purchased in 1983 after they defected from Romania and imported their rigorous and highly successful training system to the United States. Nestled in a forest an hour from Houston, the ranch began hosting national ...
In its recently released April 2018 Fiscal Monitor, the International Monetary Fund projected that the United States is the only — yes, only — advanced ... Which is exactly why economists and international institutions have been advising the United States not to fritter away this opportunity to get our fiscal ...
J. Cole's fifth album, KOD, has broken Apple Music's record for streams in the first 24 hours in the US with 64.5 million streams on its first day, Apple tells The Verge. KOD surpassed the previous record holder, Drake's Views, by nearly 1 million streams. Seven out of the top 10 most streamed songs in a ...
PL: Of course I'm interested in the United States, which is one of the most incredible countries in the world, and is multicultural. It's interesting to work in the United States, but also in Europe and in Asia and in India. There's so much culture to learn in all of these places. But I follow my clients and their visions.
American exceptionalism has meant many things over the years, often referring to our spirit and commitment to individual liberty. Today it could refer to our exceptional fiscal recklessness. In its newly released April 2018 Fiscal Monitor, the International Monetary Fund projected that the United States is the ...
SEOUL/WASHINGTON -- North Korea's Kim Jong Un on Saturday seized the initiative ahead of his summit with U.S. President Donald Trump. Kim created a hubbub by announcing his country no longer needs to test nuclear weapons or long-range missiles, that it would decommission a nuclear test site ...
Russia today is a challenge but, absent a crisis that leads to a nuclear war, not seeking the destruction of the United States (even if it is interested in reducing the U.S. role within the global system). There are plenty of single-issue constituencies that have objections to the current Russian regime—human ...
Sixt Rent-a-car is the second-biggest car rental company in Europe but entered the U.S. market only in 2011. ... German multinational rental company — with a decided Teutonic flair — has grown so fast that it is now the fourth-largest car rental company in the U.S., with five locations in Los Angeles County.
The United States must lead the world in supporting the Yemeni people. At a time of mass atrocities in Syria and state-directed genocide in Myanmar, Yemen has climbed the ranks of catastrophe to become host to the world's worst humanitarian crisis. The U.S. has demonstrated a strong capacity to ...
The US Constitution and the rights that it enshrines come up a lot if you listen to politicians, activists, protesters, or read the news in any capacity. The document is a remarkable political experiment that has guided the US since its founding, one that has also been updated over the years as new ...
Students at James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, Wisconsin, set up a memorial with the names of 331 people who died from gun violence in the United States during the first week of 2018. During their school walkout, the students laid flowers and paid their respects to the victims. Sophie ...
If Pope Francis were the United States Secretary of the Treasury, he might have issued the Department of the Treasury's recent press release April 22 with this comment from his encyclical "Laudato Si": "Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may ...
This story was originally published by Slate's Future Tense and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Having grown up in Southern California, I'm well-versed in the telltale signs of an advancing earthquake: light fixtures starting to swing, the slight rumbling of furniture, the creaking of walls and door ...
Are the Chinese mainland and Taiwan headed down an inevitable path to war – one that is likely to see the United States join the fray? This slow-burning question came to the fore again last week when the mainland launched live-fire drills in the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday amid fiery rhetoric from ...
Startups are a gamble, but it's possible to better understand why some thrive and many more die by looking at the ecosystems in which they operate. Such is the mission of eight-year-old Startup Genome, composed of a group of researchers and entrepreneurs who, every year, interview thousands of ...
Chinese technology company ZTE issued a statement today in response to the US government's banning of American exports to the company. The US Department of Commerce says ZTE didn't uphold a plea agreement after the company pleaded guilty last year to illegally shipping US equipment to Iran ...
Students at James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, Wisconsin, set up a memorial with the names of 331 people who died from gun violence in the United States during the first week of 2018. During their school walkout, the students laid flowers and paid their respects to the victims. Sophie ...
Twenty-nine states had outlawed marijuana by 1931, and in 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act was passed, essentially making the plant illegal in the United States. Since then, lawmakers have been doing a do-si-do with the drug. Over the decades, stricter enforcement and the passing of mandatory sentencing ...
The United States just bombed Syria. It's the second time the US has waded into the country's seven-year conflict in response to a chemical weapons attack. The strikes come just six days after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces used chemical weapons against locals outside Damascus, killing at ...
The US attorney also questioned the Cohen team's grasp of the law in his own defense, noting that: “Not only is Cohen's reliance on the [United States' Attorney Manual] USAM misplaced, but he invokes the wrong section,” which “applies to 'attorneys who are not suspects' of a criminal investigation” (p.13).
The U.S. Treasury Department's next foreign exchange report is due on April 15—so it should come out soon, maybe even tonight. ... unwarranted free pass as a result of its bilateral trade deficit with the United States (a deficit that likely reflects some tax arbitrage, as firms import into Singapore to re-export).
President Trump launched strikes on Syria this evening, in a combined effort with France and the U.K. "My fellow Americans, a short time ago, I ordered the United States Armed Forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad ...
Trump: These are crimes of a monster. See More. Timeline of the US precision strikes on Syria. CNN Tonight. Gen. Joseph Dunford addresses the nation after President Donald Trump announced US military action against Syria. Source: CNN · CNN Original Series on CNNgo. Watch Full episode on ...
Beyond its role as the new Latin American power, Colombia is also a key trading partner for the United States. In an age where the U.S. government wants to increase exports, Colombia is a promising market as it is already the third-largest export market for the United States, after Mexico and Brazil.
Last month, Trump signaled to military leaders that he'd like the U.S. to leave Syria “very soon" -- but Friday night's order for "precision strikes" on targets associated with Syria's chemical weapons capabilities, as well as small pockets of ISIS fighters still inside Syria, point to a longer-term American presence ...



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