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updated Sun. August 11, 2024

Syrian government forces continue to launch air raids and artillery fire on parts of the capital's outskirts in an attempt to drive out remaining armed opposition groups, according to state media and war monitors. Rebel-held pockets near Damascus have been witnessing intense shelling from Syrian President ...
The team from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) travelled to the town of Douma and collected samples and other items. Last week Western states bombed several Syrian government sites in retaliation for the suspected attack on 7 April. Syria and Russia, which now control ...

The spokeswoman for Russia's Foreign Ministry says Syrian troops found chlorine of German origin in the Eastern Ghouta region, which includes a town where a suspected chemical weapons attack prompted retaliatory missile strikes by the West on Syrian government targets. Syria and its Russian backers ...
Iraq's air strikes on Islamic State positions in Syria on Thursday were carried out in coordination with Syrian President Bashar Assad's government, an Iraqi military spokesman told Reuters. The Iraqi air force used F-16 jets to cross into Syria and carry out the strikes, Brigadier General Yahya Rasool said.
A Syrian army spokesperson appeared saying that “air defence systems effectively blocked the aggressor's rockets,” shooting most of them down, despite the Pentagon saying that more than 100 rockets hit their targets, in the first coordinated Western military intervention against the Syrian government.
The attack occurred near the end of a monthslong push by the Syrian government to retake a group of towns east of Damascus known as Eastern Ghouta. The towns have been held by rebels seeking to topple Mr. Assad since the early years of the Syrian war, and the rebels have often shelled Damascus, ...

The rebels were headed to Jarablus, a town in northern Syria where control of the territory is shared between Syrian rebels and Turkish forces. The Syrian government dispatched more than 50 buses to Douma to take the rebels out, SANA reported. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors ...
More than 50 buses were dispatched by the Syrian government to Douma to take the rebels out. By midday, only a handful had left for the north in three buses. There was no immediate comment from the Army of Islam. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the civil war ...
The Eastern Ghouta has been besieged by the Syrian government since 2013. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres described conditions there as "hell on earth". Residents suffered intense bombardment by Russian-backed Syrian government forces in recent weeks. Food, fuel and medical stocks are low, and the ...
FILE - This Monday, March. 26, 2018 file photo provided by Danny Makki, a British-born Syrian journalist, which has been verified and is consistent with other AP reporting, shows a view of damaged buildings due to fighting and Syrian government airstrikes in the town of Harasta, in eastern Ghouta region ...
They were detained by the Syrian government and she has not heard from them since. The other four sons stayed inside eastern Ghouta, separated from their mother by the frontlines of a war that has broken up countless families and killed hundreds of thousands of people over the last seven years.
As Turkey and the formerly CIA-backed rebel Free Syrian Army swept through Kurdish territory in northern Syria, they captured the town of Afrin earlier this month and now threatened to take nearby Syrian government-controlled Tel Rifaat and Kurdish-held Manbij too, risking an international or even ...
Danny Makki, a British-born Syrian journalist, smoking near damaged buildings due to fighting and Syrian government airstrikes in the town of Harasta, in eastern Ghouta region east of Damascus, Syria. — Danny Makki via AP. HONS. Syria Return to Harasta. Buy Now. Damaged buildings due to fighting ...
The Syrian government continues to close in on the last rebel pockets of eastern Ghouta — forcing out thousands and nearly ending the opposition presence around Damascus. AILSA CHANG, HOST: In Syria, government forces have nearly retaken rebel-held eastern Ghouta near the capital of Damascus.
Negotiations are currently taking place between Russia and Jaysh al-Islam to conclude a reconciliation agreement with the Syrian government, media sources reported. the city of Douma – controlled by the Saudi-backed group – is left alone among other East Ghouta towns which either fell to the Syrian ...
Dozens of people, mostly women and children, have been killed and 80 others injured after Syrian government forces bombed an underground shelter in Eastern Ghouta, according to rescuers and activists on the ground. Sources on the ground and rescuers from the Syrian Civil Defence, a volunteer ...
(Beirut) – With Russia's continued support, the Syrian government is using unlawful tactics in its assault on Eastern Ghouta, including what appears to be the use of internationally banned weapons, Human Rights Watch said today. There are significant concerns about how government forces will treat ...

“We urge that there be sufficient international pressure to compel the Syrian government and its allies to lift the siege on the Eastern Ghouta and open humanitarian crossings and end the systematic starvation exercised by the Syrian government on civilians.” Top UN officials and western countries have ...
He quickly had the backing of the U.N. Security Council, the Syrian government, and the Free Syrian Army for a ceasefire. That ceasefire went into effect on April 10, 2012 and lasted just long enough to deploy the U.N. Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS). The mission had a weak mandate and consisted ...
Thousands of civilians streamed out of two besieged enclaves on opposite sides of Syria on Thursday, crossing on foot and in pickup trucks and tractors to safety after suffering weeks of shelling and bombardment from Turkish and Syrian government forces. At least 10,000 men, women and children ...
Russian UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzya told the council on Monday the Syrian government has "every right to try and remove the threat to the safety of its citizens". He described the Damascus suburb as a "hotbed" of "terrorism". The destruction from the military onslaught has exacerbated an already ...
This photo released by the Syrian Civil Defense White Helmets, shows a member of the Syrian Civil Defense group carrying a boy who was wounded during airstrikes and shelling by Syrian government forces in Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, Syria, Sunday, March. 11, 2018. Syrian government forces ...
The Syrian government has reportedly captured the central town of Misraba, and advanced onwards into surrounding farmland. Misraba is located along a major road that links Douma, in the north, with another big town, Harasta, in the west. If confirmed, the advance leaves the enclave divided into three ...
The Syrian government army has made a significant advance in Eastern Ghouta which is the last remaining major rebel-held area near the capital, Damascus. The advance has split the region into three parts, isolating Douma, one of the biggest towns in the region and cutting-off another, according to the ...
More than 6,700 women, including 417 young girls, are still being held in prisons run by the Syrian government, according to a statement by the Conscience Convoy. Syria has been locked in a devastating civil war since March 2011, when the Bashar al-Assad government cracked down on pro-democracy ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Western allegations pertaining to the Syrian government launching chemical attacks on terrorists-held areas are "fake news." Putin made the remarks during a Friday released interview with NBC's Megyn Kelly in which he stressed that the Syrian government ...
Syrian government forces on Saturday marched between Douma and Harasta, the two largest towns in rebel-held eastern Ghouta, cutting them off from the rest of the region and effectively splitting the enclave into three parts. "Regime forces have divided eastern Ghouta into three parts — Douma and its ...
This photo released on Wednesday March 7, 2018 by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows Syrian government soldiers, in their armored vehicle during a battle against Syrian rebels, in eastern Ghouta, Syria. The International Committee of the Red Cross said a second convoy that was supposed to ...
On February 19th, the Syrian government's heavy bombing of the rebel-held town of Hamouria, in the besieged eastern Ghouta region, outside of Damascus, killed dozens of civilians. Photograph by Abdulmonam Essa / AFP / Getty. Two weeks ago, Mouaz Khaboutily, a Syrian photographer who works with ...
Forces loyal to the Syrian government have reportedly taken half of the Eastern Ghouta - the last rebel-held enclave close to the capital Damascus. "Regime forces control more than 50% of Ghouta," Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP news agency.
... than Washington had admitted to. The investigators also said Russian air strikes on a market in Atareb, west of Aleppo, killed at least 84 people last November. Their report talked too of chemical weapons attacks by Syrian government forces, and war crimes allegedly committed by their rebel opponents.
As Syrian government forces crush the country's largest remaining rebel strongholds and with Bashar al-Assad apparently here to stay, Syria is turning into an arena for three new proxy conflicts. In the south, Israel is facing off against Iran; in the northern region of Afrin, Turkey is fighting the Kurds.
BEIRUT (Sputnik) - The Syrian army is conducting a military operation in Eastern Ghouta against terrorist groups to protect its citizens, does not violate UN Resolution 2401, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said in a message to the UN secretary general and the UN Security Council. The message quoted by the ...
The first aid delivery in weeks to reach the besieged eastern suburbs of Damascus was cut short after Syrian government forces began shelling while aid workers were still in the ... The Syrian government, through the Sana state news agency, denied using chemical weapons in its eastern Ghouta offensive.
The Latest on the war in Syria (all times local):. 12:30 p.m.. A war-monitoring group says Syrian government shelling and airstrikes killed 80 people in the besieged eastern suburbs of Damascus the previous day, making it the deadliest day there since the U.N.'s Security Council last month demanded a ...
U.N. Aid Convoy Enters Eastern Ghouta After Syrian Government Troops Remove Medical Supplies. Mar 05, 2018. Al Jazeera: Syria: Aid convoy enters besieged Eastern Ghouta “A 46-truck convoy carrying humanitarian aid has begun entering Eastern Ghouta through the government-controlled Wafideen checkpoint for the ...
“The UN convoys must immediately deliver medical assistance and food aid to the besieged population,” the French president said. On Sunday, Macron asked his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani to put pressure on the Syrian government to end the attacks and allow humanitarian aid in. Tehran is a key ...
Syrian government forces have seized about one quarter of the rebel-held enclave of eastern Ghouta in recent days, activists say. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on March 4 that most of the captured areas were farmlands. A spokesman for Jaish al-Islam, one of the main ...
Beirut: Syrian government forces have launched a ground assault on the edge of the rebel-held eastern Ghouta enclave, seeking to gain territory despite a Russian plan for five-hour daily ceasefires, a war monitor and sources on both sides says. Hundreds of people died in 11 days of bombing of the ...
Pro-government forces continued to pound the rebel-held enclave of Eastern Ghouta on Monday, despite a U.N. call for a 30-day ceasefire across Syria. Interested in Syria? Add Syria as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Syria news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Syria. Add Interest. Airstrikes ...
There was no immediate comment from the Syrian government. But the government and Russia have previously said they only pursue militants in an effort to stop their mortar attacks on the capital. Russia has been Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's primary ally since the war began in March of 2011.
BEIRUT, Lebanon — The Syrian government, seizing on a chance to reclaim territory lost in its ever-escalating civil war, has loosed a devastating bombardment on a rebel-held Damascus suburb, killing at least 200 people, many of them children, aid workers said Tuesday. Syrian officials vowed to show no ...
The Syrian Government has moved closer to ending rebel resistance in Eastern Ghouta, with civilians streaming out of one of its besieged, bomb-battered towns and rebels preparing to surrender another. Key points: Buses have arrived in the town of Harasta to evacuate rebels and civilians; 18,000-20,000 ...
Syrian Government Resuming Normal Business 9 Days After Suspected Chemical Attack ... But the Syrian government is resuming business as usual — including attacks on rebel areas of the country. AILSA CHANG, HOST: ... And they say that about 27 of those were by the Syrian government. Chlorine ...
BEIRUT/GENEVA - Syrian government forces aim to advance into the eastern Ghouta region one “bite” at a time, a pro-government commander said on Friday, as a war monitor said the army had seized new ground from rebels. In one of the deadliest offensives of the war, government air strikes and ...
Hours into second attempt at implementing Russian truce, government shelling intensifies in towns near front lines. 28 Feb 2018. Smoke rose from the besieged enclave of Eastern Ghouta near Damascus on Tuesday, February 27 [Bassam Khabieh/Reuters]. Syrian government forces have clashed with rebels on the ...


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