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updated Thu. May 16, 2024

Fouzah Youssef is currently one of the highest-ranking politicians in the de facto autonomous, Kurdish-majority territories spanning much of northern Syria. In a country ranked third to last on the Global Gender Gap Index, this an unusual position for a woman to hold. Changing this reality, Youssef says, ...
Before the Syrian war started in 2011, the camp was home to Syria's largest Palestinian refugee population. ... Residents of the besieged camp have called on Palestinian leaders, including the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) - an umbrella of major Palestinian political parties - to help bring relief ...

Shadow Defence Secretary Nia Griffith has broken ranks with the Labour leadership over the recent military action taken by Theresa May in Syria. ... Ms Griffith added that the alleged Douma chemical attack was likely carried out by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because of its “scale and sophistication”.
U.S. military strikes against the Syrian government have elicited sharp reactions from Nevada's congressional delegation — though some responses seemed to have changed based on political conditions and the president's political party. The Trump administration has twice directly engaged in limited ...
His refusal comes as the Huffington Post reported that in 2015 and 2016, Elie Khawam, a member of a political party that is fighting alongside Assad in the Syrian civil war, gave the Kucinich Action PAC $6,000. His brother, Basam Khawam, gave Kucinich $2,000 during Kucinich's 2012 presidential run, the ...
The United States remains "locked and loaded" to strike Syria again in response to new chemical attacks, said Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, who accused Russia, a key Syrian ally, of covering up for the Assad government. But Russia failed to garner the necessary Security Council ...

Attack on Political Party Headquarters in Anbar Prompts Conversation on Election Security – On April 8, a suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest inside ... condemned the bombing and called on the Iraqi authorities “to ensure the security of the political parties, representatives, candidates, and voters.
A spokesperson for Ms Osamor later added: “Kate was expressing her horror at the chemical attack in Douma and the terrible suffering of the Syrian people in the conflict. “She recognised that there is no simple solution to bringing about lasting peace in Syria, which is why there must be an urgent ...
... Prime Minister Saad Hariri commented on the regional juncture, saying: “We are working on dissociating Lebanon from any potential problem that might erupt due to the developments.” He also tackled the outcome of CEDRE conference, asking the political parties represented in the government to draft ...
Matteo Salvini, the leader of the Right-wing League, is an open admirer of the Russian president and said the allegation that the Syrian regime had ... As political parties wobbled on Italy's traditional allegiance to the US and Nato, Sergio Mattarella, the president, was said to be increasingly concerned.
Theresa May must recall parliament so MPs can discuss a possible military strike against Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, the SNP has declared. ... And on Twitter he said: "I would day [sic] to @theresa_may that if the UK Cabinet is meeting today to discuss Syria Parliament, must be recalled to discuss ...
Centre of attention – Britain's potential new centrist political party has links to Tony Blair and his son, Euan, the Guardian has learned. As the Observer revealed on Sunday, LoveFilm's founder, Simon Franks, has set up a company as a vehicle to get the party started. Sources have told our political team that ...
Jeremy Corbyn has called for a ceasefire followed by a political solution in Syria as he refused to blame Bashar al-Assad for a chemical attack in the ... it would be yet another appalling example of the Assad regime's brutality and blatant disregard for both the Syrian people and its legal obligations not to ...
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Days after President Trump said he wanted to pull the United States out of Syria, Syrian forces hit a suburb of Damascus with .... is not realistic or of a timely manner as the threat by terrorists groups is still there,” said Shahoz Hasan, a leader of the primary Kurdish political party in Syria.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:15 P.M.) – The Turkish Prime Minister, Binali Yildirim, issued a statement, today, criticizing the US-backed political party that was recently formed in northern Syria. Prior to his departure from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yildirim called out the US-backed “Syria's Future” party as being a ...
Ankara has launched new attacks and threats aimed at Washington for ongoing U.S. support of the Syrian-Kurdish militia, the YPG. The latest verbal salvo comes as diplomatic talks between the NATO allies continue to resolve their worst crisis in bilateral relations. The YPG is a key ally in Washington's war ...
March 24, 2011 - In response to continuing protests, the Syrian government announces several plans to appease citizens. State employees will receive an immediate salary increase. The government also plans to study lifting Syria's long standing emergency law and the licensing of new political parties.

... ez-Zor, effectively reestablishing a land route stretching from Iran to Syria and Lebanon, where the formidable Hezbollah political party and militia is based. ... "The US is planning a large attack against the Syrian Army very soon to capture Syria's border with Iraq, especially near al-Tanf and perhaps even ...
Turkey jointly with the opposition Free Syrian Army forces, launched Operation Olive Branch in Afrin in order to "clear" its border with Syria from terrorists. Turkey considers the Democratic Union Party (PYD), a Kurdish political party in northern Syria, and the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) militia to ...
AMMAN: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced Tuesday that its fighters would withdraw from battles with the Islamic State in eastern Syria to ... Saleem Hussein, another Jandrees resident and a spokesman for a Kurdish political party, also said “a number of residents, who refused to leave their ...
March 24, 2011 - In response to continuing protests, the Syrian government announces several plans to appease citizens. State employees will receive an immediate salary increase. The government also plans to study lifting Syria's long standing emergency law and the licensing of new political parties.
New Delhi: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's Syria remark over Ram temple issue on Monday was slammed by the leaders from different political parties, calling it “provocative”. “Sri Sri Ravi Shankar should refrain from giving out such provocative statements,” senior Janata Dal (United) leader KC Tyagi told ANI.
The ICRC has been trying “for many weeks” to bring aid to the Kurdish canton, under bombardment by Turkish forces and their Syrian proxies. The aid delivery was a joint ... Ankara alleges the Kurdish groups, the armed YPG and the political party PYD, are branches of the banned PKK. The YPG and PYD ...
Hezbollah and the Free Patriotic Movement have called for Syrian refugees' immediate repatriation to relatively stable areas in Syria. According to the interviews conducted by LCPS with various Lebanese political party members and based on what is already in the public sphere, a detailed repatriation ...
... Tuesday, a court in the Czech Republic announced the release of Syrian Kurdish leader Saleh Muslim from custody, despite Turkey's attempts to have him detained and extradited. Muslim was once the co-chairman of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), a Kurdish political party operating in northern Syria.
Some fighters chanted “One Syria, one Syria,” when crossing the checkpoint into Afrin in video shown on Syrian state TV. The PYD, the ruling Kurdish party in Rojava PYD, confirmed that the ... Ankara believes the Kurdish YPG and political party PYD are terror groups. The Kurdish groups deny the charge.
Russia and America both have troops on the ground and planes in the air above Syria. So, too, does Turkey. Iran, meanwhile, arms and supports various Shia militias that are fighting to prop up the regime of Bashar al-Assad. These include Hizbullah, a Lebanese militia-cum-political-party that fought a war ...
These include Hizbullah, a Lebanese militia cum political party that fought a bloody war with Israel in 2006. ... But the downing was enough to provoke a further wave of attacks by Israel, this time aimed at Syrian air-defence batteries and what Israel claimed were “Iranian military targets” on Syrian soil.
A Twitter account affiliated with Turkey's so-called Operation Olive Branch in Syria claimed Tuesday that forces affiliated with the Democratic Union Party (PYD)—a leading Syrian Kurdish political party that commands the armed and U.S.-backed People's Protection Units (YPG)—fired a mortar shell ...
31 in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and the SDC was registered as a “foreign political party. ... “The legislative agenda of the U.S. Mission of the Syrian Democratic Council will involve efforts to better equip the army of Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS); improve ...
... to decide, what is their top priority – to be a Syrian organization or to be a Syrian organization linked to an organization in Turkey, the PKK,” said Hiltermann, who doesn't believe PKK-Ankara talks are likely to “happen soon.” The YPG denies any organic links to the Qandil-based Turkish political party.
... Ankara, jointly with forces from the opposition Free Syrian Army, launched Operation Olive Branch in Afrin in order to "clear" Turkey's border with Syria ... Turkey considers the PYD, a Kurdish political party in northern Syria, and the YPG militia to be linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), listed as a ...
The KNC is an umbrella group for 14 Syrian Kurdish political parties that oppose the YPG and its political wing, the PYD. ... States has repeatedly called on its NATO ally Turkey to show restraint in its offensive on Afrin and asked Ankara to commit to a UN Security Council-backed 30-day ceasefire in Syria.
... in northwest Syria in late January 2018, Human Rights Watch said today. The attacks killed 26 civilians, including 17 children. On January 20, Turkey opened a military offensive in the Afrin district. The area, which is under the control of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) – a Syrian Kurdish political party ...
BEIRUT: One of the most prominent leaders of Syria's Kurdish community has been arrested in Prague on a Turkish warrant, local political parties said Sunday. Saleh Muslim, the former co-chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), was arrested late on Saturday in the Czech capital, according to a ...


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