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updated Tue. July 9, 2024

The long-awaited vote is the first since 2009, and marks the end of a years-long political stalemate that had paralysed Lebanese government institutions. The deadlock had also left news organisations across Lebanon starving for both content and funds. Most of their financial backers are politically affiliated ...
"Election season has prompted Lebanese media outlets to offer packages that can reach up to $1.5 million per electoral list," says Roula Mikhael, who heads ... Debt service absorbs almost half of government revenues, making Lebanon's the biggest debt burden in the world according to the World Bank.

The long-awaited vote is the first since 2009, and marks the end of a years-long political stalemate that had paralysed Lebanese government institutions. The deadlock had also left news organisations across Lebanon starving for both content and funds. Most of their financial backers are politically affiliated ...
SULAIMANI — Lebanese media groups are profiting off on the upcoming election, by charging candidates large fees to appear on their networks. ... a law putting limits on spending, but Maharat's monitors claim that the parties are simply ignoring the limits and misreporting the data to the government.
Mr Hariri has accused Hezbollah of promoting return of Syrian stewardship over Lebanon. The Syrian government occupied Lebanon for nearly three decades until it withdrew its military in 2005 following the murder of Mr Hariri's father, former prime minister Rafik Hariri. A UN tribunal investigating the ...
Since the war's end in 1990, activists and NGOs have pressured the Lebanese government to mount a serious effort to locate people who went missing, to little avail. The 15-year Syrian occupation that followed the conflict, a brief war with Israel, an influx of refugees from Syria, and protracted economic and ...

The Sri Lanka Government must immediately prioritise the completion of the screening of 49 soldiers deployed to Lebanon in February, a spokesman for United Nations Peacekeeping has told the Inter Press Service (IPS). The UN's Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) has also notified Sri Lanka that, ...
Nasrallah went on to say that the Beirut government failed to support southern Lebanese cities following the withdrawal of Israeli military forces in 2000, hailing Hezbollah's capabilities in securing southern Lebanon against Israel's barbarism. He also urged his supporters to vote for Hezbollah and Amal ...
The Ministry emphasized that the statements released by the Commission must be consistent with the latest developments concerning the Syrian situation and the priorities of the Lebanese Government, in addition to complying with diplomatic principles. The Ministry also called on the Commission to avoid ...
The 57-page report, “'Our Homes Are Not for Strangers': Mass Evictions of Syrian Refugees by Lebanese Municipalities,” documents inconsistencies in the reasons municipalities have given for expelling Syrians and the failure of the central government to protect refugees' rights. United Nations officials ...
The upcoming Lebanese elections scheduled for next month could lead to the formation of a “Hezbollah government,” a political scientist told Agence France-Presse in a report published Wednesday. The elections would be the first since 2009 and would be held according to Lebanon's new election law ...
Nassib Ghobril, Byblos Chief Economist, said: "Demand for housing in Lebanon declined sharply in the first quarter of 2018 due to the suspension of interest-rate subsidies on housing loans at the beginning of the year.” ''Banque du Liban, in cooperation commercial banks, has subsidized interest rates on ...
International donors have pledged $11 billion in financing to Lebanon four weeks before the election. ... Around four weeks before the Lebanese elections, scheduled for May 6, some 50 countries participated in a conference that pledged more than $11 billion in support to the Lebanese government.
And the perspective of an international conference of donors and international backers, held in Paris on 6 April, and the government's efforts to pass the 2018 budget prior to that date was unable to restore Lebanese confidence. Lebanon had hoped to receive five or six billion dollars at what was called the ...
The US-led strike against Syrian regime targets on the eve of the Arab summit has mounted additional burdens on Beirut as Lebanese officials attempt to ... The foreign ministers voiced their “complete” solidarity with Lebanon, stressing the need to provide its government and institutions with political and ...
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — The leaders of Russia, Iran and the Hezbollah group in Lebanon said Sunday that Western airstrikes on their ally, Syria, have complicated ... The government regained full control of Douma on Saturday following a surrender deal with the rebels in the town east of Damascus.
... “has become even unbearable in Lebanon.” What Lebanon has gained in theory, it will lose when it comes to Iranian meddling. The ministers described “Hezbollah” as terrorist on at least three occasions. At one point it was referred to as “the terrorist 'Hezbollah', a partner in the Lebanese government.

The Paris conference in support of Lebanon was by no means a normal, run-of-the-mill event. The conference has proven the extent to which the international community is willing to help Lebanon and its government and the Lebanese side at the conference conveyed the picture of a united Lebanon.
In the years ahead Lebanon can continue to count on Dutch support to increase stability in the fragile country. During a speech at a conference in Paris on Lebanon's economic development, trade and development minister Sigrid Kaag said that she will closely monitor whether the Lebanese government ...
The campaign contributions to Wilson County mayoral candidate Mae Beavers have raised questions and led to an ethics complaint. The questions surround Beavers' latest financial disclosures, which show a movement of funds between several accounts associated with Beavers. The funds could indicate ...
Syrian government forces have regained control over Eastern Ghouta region, Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation announced. Russian military reported that Syrian army has established control over Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, which until now has been under control of “Jaish al-Islam” ...
“A model regiment in South Lebanon, together with the decision of the Government of Lebanon to reinforce deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces (to UNIFIL AO), is testament to the Government's commitment to extend State authority,” he added. The increase in foot patrols is also explained by a slight ...
Until last year it was getting hundreds of millions of dollars a year from the Gulf oil powers and another $1 billion from the United States. Lebanon relies on expats depositing money in local banks to keep its economy steady. The government itself is completely irresponsible and has succeeded in passing ...
He then claims that "the IMF has continuously put forth recommendations for the Lebanese government to decrease their debt," before blatantly telling those gathered that Lebanon has "a cancer which is a lack of governance." The video sparked panic among concerned Lebanese who are wary of the ...
When the rubbish crisis first started, it stimulated a civil movement; protestors rallied outside the Lebanese government and declared “You Stink!” Gradually this evolved into initiatives like Beirut Madinati, a new political party, and the Waste Management Coalition which is currently campaigning against the ...
In these circumstances, blacklisting Hezbollah, a coalition member in the Lebanese government and a key ally of the country's Christian president Michel Aoun, would risk pushing the EU to the brink of severing diplomatic relations with Lebanon. Another reason for the EU to tread cautiously is the ...
Lebanon relies on private-sector bank deposits, mainly from millions of Lebanese living abroad sending money back, to keep the banks stable and defend the dollar peg. As long as the money kept flowing, banks were happy to gobble up government debt. While deposit growth slowed to 3.8 per cent last ...
Futhermore, the family of a Lebanese woman, married to a non-Lebanese man and living in Lebanon, has to face the economic burden of not benefiting from any governmental support. “The government does not cover any expenses related to my children,” Hanadi Nasser, wife of a non-Lebanese man and ...
Lebanon relies on private-sector bank deposits, mainly from millions of Lebanese living abroad sending money back, to keep the banks stable and defend the dollar peg. As long as the money kept flowing, banks were happy to gobble up government debt. While deposit growth slowed to 3.8 percent last ...
BEIRUT: As Lebanon comes to terms with sporadic power supplies and government corruption, another crisis is looming on the horizon - water ... The total amount of available water stands at 4.7 billion cubic meters, yet 1 billion cubic meters cross the Lebanese borders and 0.4 billion enter the sea, which ...
BEIRUT: The family of Nizar Zakka, who has been detained in Iran since 2016, is considering appealing to the constitutional council after the Interior Ministry refused to enroll Zakka as a candidate in the upcoming parliamentary elections, effectively barring him from running for a seat in Tripoli district.
"We are present in Lebanon, in the region of south of the Litani, in order to strengthen security and prevent the outbreak of wars threatening the region and the world. Our main objective with the international community remains that the Lebanese government be able to gradually exercise its sovereignty ...
BEIRUT – Ahead of Lebanon's upcoming general elections, the country's politicians are increasing their calls for the repatriation of Syrian refugees. However, the coauthor of a report from the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS) has cautioned that the government simply does not have the capacity to ...
Mr. Lacroix praised the Lebanese Government's continuous support and cooperation in implementing the UNIFIL mandate, which includes monitoring the cessation of hostilities in the wake of the July 2006 conflict. The UN peacekeeping chief also underlined the need for the parties to work together to build ...
Should construction of the wall continue, the Lebanese government worries that it will pass through land that they believe belongs to Lebanon but lies on the Israeli side of the Blue Line. “There are 13 reservation points along the Blue Line that still need to be demarcated,” a government source, who ...
David Satterfield, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs, has in recent weeks taken part in mediation attempts between Israel and Lebanon, though there has been no proof of any breakthrough. The party raising most of the complaints is the Lebanese government, while Hezbollah's ...
A high-ranking British official visited Beirut Monday, commending the government for its efforts with coping with the Syrian refugee crisis. you've reached a subscriber-only article. Sign up now and access the full breadth of The Daily Star content in minutes. subscribe now unrestricted access 1 month.
We invite all our readers to share with us their views and comments about this article. Disclaimer: Comments submitted by third parties on this site are the sole responsibility of the individual(s) whose content is submitted. The Daily Star accepts no responsibility for the content of comment(s), including, ...
Nasrallah went on to say that the Beirut government failed to support southern Lebanese cities following the withdrawal of Israeli military forces in 2000, hailing Hezbollah's capabilities in securing southern Lebanon against Israel's barbarism. He also urged his supporters to vote for Hezbollah and Amal ...
Lebanon hopes to win billions of dollars of international investment at the Paris conference. It is seeking funding for a 10-year, $16 billion capital investment program aimed at lifting economic growth. Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri had said the budget needed to be completed by March 5 before Lebanese ...
After a few weeks — and some French intervention — Mr. Hariri eventually returned to Lebanon and reclaimed his position in the Lebanese government. This week's visit was his first to Saudi Arabia since his strange sojourn there. Mr. Hariri arrived on Wednesday at the invitation of the royal family and met ...
BEIRUT: Former March 14 MP Fares Souaid has accused “Lebanon's government of attempting to silence opposition groups” ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections, after the National Initiative movement was forced to cancel a political conference on Saturday. Speaking during a televised news ...


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