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updated Tue. June 18, 2024

On the same Azerbaijan strongman Ilham Aliyev secured a fourth consecutive term following an early election. “At the session of its executive committee, the Republican Party took the decision to nominate Serzh Sargsyan for the prime-ministerial post”, party spokesman, Eduard Sharmazanov, told AFP.
Ambassador Pivonka said that he did his best to contribute to the strengthening of bilateral relations during his tenure, and thanked the Government of Azerbaijan for the support of initiatives in this direction. He emphasized that he enjoyed the beauty of Azerbaijan and leaves the country with pleasant ...

Ambassador Pivonka said that he did his best to contribute to the strengthening of bilateral relations during his tenure and thanked the Azerbaijani government for the support of initiatives in this direction. He emphasized that he enjoyed the beauty of Azerbaijan and leaves the country with pleasant ...
Viorel Richard, Romanian MP, head of the PACE observation mission called on the Azerbaijani government to improve the situation with human rights. ... Corien Jonker, Dutch MP, head of the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission said that government agencies must comply with their commitments ...
For years, he added, Azerbaijani authorities “have been working overtime to silence the political opposition, media, and civil society,” sending dozens of journalists, bloggers, and other government critics to prison. “So, while there's no doubt who will be elected, Azerbaijan's international partners should ...
The Azerbaijani government has created all conditions for citizens so that they could exercise their right to vote guaranteed by the Constitution.” “Video cameras were widely used, which means that the government of Azerbaijan is interested in holding fair election,” Kuryachiy said. “Good measures were ...

"I always feel the support of Azerbaijani people. This support gives me strength. This support is the main condition for our development. The unity of people and government is the main factor of our development in Azerbaijan," said the Head of state. Ilham Aliyev said that in this election, the Azerbaijani ...
He expressed interest in developing all-round cooperation with Azerbaijan and thanked the Azerbaijani government for organizing high-level ministerial conference of the Non-Aligned Movement and hospitality. In this regard, he said that Azerbaijan's holding of a number of large-scale events within the ...
The $40-billion investment in three major pipelines that form the Southern Gas Corridor was made possible because of the strategic vision of Azerbaijan's government and the commitment of its business partners, first of all BP. In the South Caucasus, Azerbaijani gas supplies have remained critical for ...
The author stresses that the number of Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs displaced from occupied territories is above one million. “Twenty-five years of ... Azerbaijan's government is seeking to balance the country's security, sovereignty and economic growth with the demands of building a democratic society.
On 11 April, Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev will be re-elected to his fourth term in office while his major rivals sit in jail or boycott the snap elections. Despite the certain result, hackers, apparently acting on the orders of the Azerbaijani government, have used cheap ransomware, imported surveillance ...
Azerbaijan's opposition, as well as Western governments and international human rights groups have criticized Aliyev's government for persistently persecuting independent media outlets, journalists, and opposition politicians and activists, something which Azerbaijani officials have denied.
A new, all-news television station has started broadcasting in Azerbaijan. And as is the norm in the oil-rich dictatorship, the network has taken a strongly pro-government line. What has surprised many in Azerbaijan, however, is that the new station, Real TV, appears to have been built at least in part on the ...
The visit of Bako Sahakyan, who claims to be the “president” of the illegal regime created in the occupied Azerbaijani territories, to the US should ... Sahakyan's decision to make what the U.S. government views as a private visit to the U.S. should have no impact on the Azerbaijan-U.S. strategic partnershp.
“The executive government of the city of Sumgait is not a party to the contract with those who demand their money back. The only person responsible for settlement of those debts has been arrested,” the Turan news agency cited Eyvaz Orujov, a spokesperson for the Sumgait executive government, ...
Azerbaijan plays a very important role not only regarding the energy projects, but in other areas which are important both for the region and for Europe, ... I congratulate and thank the Azerbaijani government, as well, as the Nizami Ganjavi International Center for organizing this forum," said the Bulgarian ...
Azerbaijan's parliament has considered a report on activities of the Cabinet of Ministers in 2017 at a meeting on March 16. MPs positively assessed the report, which was presented by Prime Minister Artur Rasizade. They noted that the government's report was prepared at a high level, it fully reflects the ...

The deputy foreign minister expressed confidence that Azerbaijan will have a strong civil society that will assist the government in implementing its goals. ... More than 20 percent of the Azerbaijani territory was occupied by Armenia, and as a result of this conflict more than one million Azerbaijanis became ...
The rapid socio-economic development of the country has been the result of measures that the government has implemented to improve the business environment. The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018, which measures national competitiveness, ranked Azerbaijan in ...
It has become the first joint protest of the Azerbaijani key opposition forces (the National Council of Democratic Forces, the Popular Front Party and the Musavat Party) over the past five years. Although the opposition acquired the municipal government's permission to hold a rally in the outskirts of Baku, the ...
Good environment of partnership between journalism and government has been established in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani President's Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov told the 7th Congress of Azerbaijani Journalists in Baku on March 10. The democratic media traditions, the foundation of ...
Good environment of partnership between journalism and government has been established in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani President's Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov told the 7th Congress of Azerbaijani Journalists in Baku on March 10. The democratic media traditions, the foundation of ...
"We have witnessed fruitful cooperation with the Azerbaijani government, and I hope that this cooperation will continue in the future," said Jonker. Presidential election in Azerbaijan is to be held on April 11, 2018, according to an order signed Feb. 5 by the country's President Ilham Aliyev. According to the ...
However, the journalist denied all the charges brought against her saying the case was fabricated on political grounds because of her scandalous articles exposing corruption at the highest levels of the Azerbaijani government. In May 2016, the Azerbaijani Supreme Court ordered to replace Ismayil's prison ...
The electronic government (e-government) platform of Azerbaijan is being transferred to “cloud” technologies infrastructure, according to a report of the country's Cabinet of Ministers. According to the strategic roadmap for the development of telecommunications and information technologies, work has ...
The men approached him several times and told him Azerbaijan will rescind the extradition request against him if Huseynli reports positively on the Azerbaijani government and negatively about the opposition. They also threatened him with repercussions if he did not follow their instructions, the journalist ...
Telia confirmed that the transaction is not subject to regulatory or competition approvals – as the buyer is the Azerbaijani government – and has been completed. Since 2015 Telia has exited four of the seven countries in its Eurasian unit: Nepal, Tajikistan, Georgia and now Azerbaijan. It still has operations ...
As a result of the government's campaign to purge all Armenians from the land it controls, there is no substantial Armenian population left in the Republic of Azerbaijan today. In addition to the human suffering it has caused, the Azerbaijani state has been keen to eliminate any trace of Armenian civilization ...
Israel is one of few strategic partners of Azerbaijan in all respects – both countries cooperate in military-technical direction, in the field of the latest technologies and healthcare, Azerbaijani President's Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov told Israel – Azerbaijan International Association (AzIz) ...
Q.: Government of Azerbaijan is currently working towards diversifying its economy, putting a particular accent on non-oil sector. What do Montenegrin businesses need to do to enter Azerbaijani market in post-oil period? A.: We certainly welcome possibilities for Montenegrin companies to do business in ...
Azerbaijan and Morocco have signed a number of agreements at a meeting between Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and ... Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on cooperation in the field of security and combating crime”, “Protocol of Intent between Azerbaijan Railways CJSC and ...
Telia Company's exit from its troublesome operations in central Asia and eastern Europe has taken another step with the sale of its stake in Azercell. The purchaser of the 51.3% stake in the company is a company wholly owned by the government of Azerbaijan – just as, in January, Telia's interest in Kcell ...
MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/. Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev offered condolences to Azerbaijan's Prime Minister Artur Rasi-zade over victims in a fire in Baku, the Russian government's press service said on Saturday. "On behalf of the government and myself I am offering condolences over the ...
The bank's representative noted that the economic recovery in Azerbaijan is based on the assumption that oil and gas production will pick up once the expansion of Shah Deniz gas field comes on board. "Azerbaijani government has launched large scale reforms to develop the non-oil sector and these ...
“Let's wait for my visit to Baku, where official negotiations with representatives of the Azerbaijani government will be held. I think that we will have more joint projects that will be developing for the benefit of both Russia and Azerbaijan." In late January 2017, a Russian delegation led by Oreshkin paid a ...
The overall objective of USAID's assistance in Azerbaijan is to support the country's reform processes by promoting competition and pluralism in the society, laying the foundations for a sustainable market-based democracy. To accomplish this objective, USAID collaborates with the Azerbaijani government, ...
In just six months, Bele Bele Ishler garnered 190,000 Facebook followers, a remarkable success by Azerbaijani standards. “This kind of impartiality […] about the lives of forgotten people who played an important role in the development of Azerbaijan should be an example to the country's media,” one ...
The Azerbaijan government is not sure it will agree to a new race deal with Formula 1 owners Liberty Media. And race officials are not sure they can live with any deal that just extends the current terms. Baku hosted its first race on the historic city streets in 2016, with the contract having been negotiated with ...
TBILISI, DFWatch–The director of a Tbilisi hospital claims he was sentenced to prison on orders of the Azerbaijani government. Ferman Ceyranli, the director of Lancet Clinic, was sentenced to six years in jail by Tbilisi city court on Friday. The Prosecutor General's Office decided to seek his imprisonment ...
Shortly after speaking out, Yalcin Imanov, who has defended a number of government critics, was suspended by the Azerbaijani Bar Association. He awaits a final decision this month on whether he will be formally disbarred. With the Bar Association refusing to release any documents on its decision, ...
We are writing to urge the European Investment Bank (EIB) to take into account the Azerbaijan government's sustained and vicious crackdown against ... The Azerbaijani government's actions against civil society are a serious impediment to these principles and thus to inclusive, sustainable development.
According to the decree, the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations has been charged with the implementation and regulation of a state policy on e-government to improve the management system in this area, strengthen state control and improve the efficiency of the conducted work.
Huseynli, who has lived in the Netherlands since 2008 and has citizenship there, covers the activities of the Azerbaijani opposition in exile and suspected corruption in the Azerbaijani government. He has also been critical of the president. Huseynli told CPJ that his perception of safety beyond Azerbaijan's ...
Telia Company's exit from its troublesome operations in central Asia and eastern Europe has taken another step with the sale of its stake in Azercell. The purchaser of the 51.3% stake in the company is a company wholly owned by the government of Azerbaijan – just as, in January, Telia's interest in Kcell ...


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