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updated Tue. July 23, 2024

Twelve out of 28 EU member states registered a government surplus in 2017: Malta (+3.9 percent), Cyprus (+1.8 percent), the Czech Republic (+1.6 percent), ... Romania's public debt increased rapidly after the financial crisis, which hit hard the Romanian economy and generated large fiscal gaps.
The Romanian government has reduced the size of new tourist establishments to be set in the Danube Delta from 1,000 square meters to 200. The move was announced by Minister of Tourism Bogdan Trif and was taken due to the fact that the surface of the land in this area is reduced. The new ministers' ...

Washington's move also faced the opposition of the European Union, of which Romania is a member. Just days before the new US embassy is due to open, Dragnea announced on April 19 that the Romanian government has already signed a memorandum on moving the country's embassy in Israel from ...
Two of the most important companies controlled by the Romanian government, Transgaz and Romgaz, failed recently to expand abroad, due to tough competition or lack of proper strategies. On April 19, a consortium led by Spanish company Reganosa, including Romanian state-owned monopoly ...
The Romania 2040 Strategy will be drafted through national consensus and will include scenarios and alternative public policies for achieving the proposed goals, according to the Government's draft bill. The public administration authorities, the Romanian Academy, universities, research institutions, ...
Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli media she welcomed the announcement and her meetings in Romania had convinced her the move would happen. Romanian President Iohannis said on Friday he had not been informed or consulted about the decision and urged all government and political actors ...

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni has discussed the future of Europe after Britain leaves the European Union next year in talks with top Romanian officials. Gentiloni met Romanian counterpart Viorica Dancila Thursday and then headed for talks with President Klaus ...
In 2013, the Romanian government cut VAT for bakery products to 9 percent, and in the subsequent years tax evasion in the sector fell to 25-30 percent, ... claims one of the reasons of high tax evasion in Romania is the unequal EU and national subsidy-system: farmers get subsidies from the government, ...
Memet is from the Romanian seaside city of Constanta. She graduated summa cum laude from Ovidius University with a medical degree, and aspires to help cancer patients by creating the first oncological system in Romania that will focus on integrated medicine and genetic testing. She is chief resident in ...
While Romania's Government plans to make the mandatory pension funds optional, pension fund managers claim that the state has already failed to meet its obligations towards pension fund contributors by sending less money to pension funds than initially agreed in 2008, when the system was launched.
Their attempt to pass the changes by emergency ordinance, at the end of January 2017, triggered the biggest street protests Romania has seen in over 20 years, forcing the government to repeal the ordinance. The government wanted to set a RON 200,000 damage threshold under which abuse of office ...
The Romanian government will create a centralized procurement unit within the Ministry of Finance in order to speed up purchasing procedures and improve spending management, according to a law project published on Tuesday by the Ministry of Finance. The ministry aims to simplify the legislation to ...
... Jean Claude Juncker answered a letter from Romanian prime minister Viorica Dancila who asked him for explanations on an alleged EC interference in Romania's justice system. Dancila's letter referred to a document the European Commission sent to the Romanian government in 2012, in which the EC ...
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Romanian health workers are protesting pay cuts following government promises to hike salaries in the health care sector amid a general tax and wage overhaul. Some 200 medics, nurses and other health workers protested Monday at the regional Emergency Hospital in ...
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - Romanian caricaturist Mihai Stanescu, censored for mocking the Communist regime of Nicolae Ceausescu, has died at ..... Orban, whose campaign focused on the demonization of migrants, has promised "significant changes" in his next government, which could push for a ...
Revelations about the SRI raise questions about Romania's ability to shed its totalitarian past while putting more pressure on the government to force the ... It is now up to the Romanian government, as a full member of the European Union, to see that the activities of all state organs come into line with the ...
2017 was a turbulent year for Romania, with “massive street protests against government attempts to limit judicial independence and undermine the country's ... Moreover, the planned referendum for changing the definition of family in the Romanian Constitution, which could lead to banning same-sex ...

The Romanian government considers it necessary to continue the dialogue with Ukraine in a multilateral format, particularly within NATO, despite the unresolved dispute under Art. 7 of the education law, according to State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania Danut Neculaescu, who ...
Hungary's flagship project the Romania-Hungary interconnector, designed to flow gas from the Romanian Black Sea reserves will be high on the new government's agenda. As it stands now, the Romanian government and the American and Austrian investors, ExxonMobil and OMV are set to enter into an ...
Romania's prime minister Viorica Dancila sent a letter to European Commission president Jean Claude Juncker asking him for clarifications on an alleged ... The Romanian version of the letter resented by the Government included more categorical terms, suggesting that the PM actually requested the CVM ...
"The Government of Hungary is taking steps to make the relationship between Romania and Hungary be put at mutual respect. From this point of view, from the Romanian Government we have seen so far a very good openness. Last year, the trade between the two countries reached at almost 8 million ...
The Romanian government blocked Daewoo's sale of the shipyard to Damen in January this year, saying that it wanted to exercise its right to buy the Korean group's stake in the company. At that time, former prime minister Mihai Tudose said that the Romanian state was interested in building ships for the ...
The Romanian government has proposed a new royalty regime for offshore exploration in its sector of the Black Sea but will keep in place already-agreed contracts with oil and gas explorers in the area, writes Anamaria Deduleasa. A draft bill, which has been sent to Parliament for debate and approval, ...
Bessarabia is now part of the Republic of Moldova. The former president Traian Basescu is one of the most vocals supporters of the idea of a union between Romania and Moldova. For example, in mid-January this year, he said the Romanian government should establish a “country reunification ministry, ...
... the Romanian government to withdraw two emergency decrees limiting the scope of corruption investigations, but the underlying conflict over how to clean up the country's politics remains unresolved. Last month, the Justice Minister initiated proceedings to dismiss Laura Kovesi, the head of Romania's ...
Romania's prime minister Viorica Dancila sent a letter to European Commission president Jean Claude Juncker asking him for clarifications on an alleged ... The Romanian version of the letter resented by the Government included more categorical terms, suggesting that the PM actually requested the CVM ...
The Commission had asked for “a short description of the state of play” and the next procedural steps in the prosecution in these specific cases in a 2012 letter to the Romanian government. There have been other requests, the government said. The requests formed part of the corruption monitoring scheme ...
According to the study, the taxes imposed by the Romanian government are higher than the global average (28.2 percent). Camelia Dobre, managing partner at UHY Audit CD, said: “Economies such as Romania should research and identify more ways to reduce the fiscal burden for companies.
BUCHAREST (Romania), March 21 (SeeNews) - Romania's government will establish a national commission tasked with drafting a plan for the ... draft a timetable for Romania's accession to the mechanism for euro adoption and will take the necessary actions to prepare the Romanian economy and society ...
Also, the taxes imposed by the Romanian government are higher than the global average (28.2%), the same study showed, according to local “Economies like Romania need to research and identify more ways to reduce the tax burden on companies. Otherwise, they will be affected by the ...
The cabinet of technocrats headed by Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos avoided setting a new target and deferred the decision to be taken by a government with political support after the December 2016 elections. The new committee, formed by representatives of the Romanian Academy, the presidency, ...
They show that the Romanian diaspora is actively on the side of the demonstrators in Romania. #Rezist Zurich has set up a Facebook account where Romanian and German-language articles are posted about the scandalous attempts by Romania's Social Democratic (PSD) government to control the ...
The ratings are supported by Romania's moderate external and government debt, amid strong growth prospects. .... The Romanian government is in the process of setting up a so-called Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) with legislation expected to pass in 2018 and the fund potentially ...
Romania's government is looking to simplify the declaring and payment of the contributions for revenues from independent activities. It has launched a new version of the tax form for this type of revenues (Declaratia 600) into public debate and is looking to get suggestions on how to make it easier to use.
Around 1,000 people gathered near the government building, in Victoriei Square. In Cluj-Napoca, crowds were behind a larger banner that read “United we save Romania.” Smaller groups of protesters were recorded in Sibiu, Iasi, Timisoara, Brasov and Constanta. Romania's general prosecutor, Augustin ...
He also underlined the impact fire sale government has on European Union funding. “Councils run away from EU funds,” he said. “They come with too many checks and balances. Far better the soft Romanian funding, which while not always being a reliable source comes with very few control mechanisms.
Dăncilă was responding to a question about whether the Social Democrat government she leads — as the third prime minister from her party in a year — wants to push Romania away from the EU and the West. The Association of Parents with Autistic Children on Friday said the prime minister's statement ...
Romania's commitment to raise its defence budget to the NATO-stipulated target of 2% of GDP has led to the new Romanian government approving on 15 February the procurement of a number of previously requested US-sourced land systems – notably artillery rocket systems – as well as four new ...
Procedural problems prevented Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader from addressing the European Parliament's plenary session on Wednesday (7 February) and explaining the government's current judiciary reforms, which many MEPs see as a threat to the rule of law. Instead, MEPs grilled ...
In a report published on Wednesday (April 11) GRECO — the Council of Europe's anti-corruption body — says it is deeply concerned about Romania's recent reforms. It comes after more than a year of regular anti-government demonstrations in Bucharest and other Romanian cities. Protesters say moves ...
Romania's government has angered the country's leading academics after deciding to cut funds for top universities that criticised cabinet policies. ... explained on his Facebook account that he would not work with newly-appointed Minister of Education Popa because of “his poor use of Romanian grammar”.
FILE - In this Monday, Jan. 29, 2018 file photo, Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila reads the oath during the swearing in ceremony of her cabinet, in Bucharest, Romania. A government council cleared Romania's prime minister Monday Feb. 26, 2018 of wrongdoing for using the word "autistic" to ...


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