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updated Sat. September 28, 2024

MALAWI – Malawi's former president, Joyce Banda, arrived home on Saturday after four years of self-imposed exile, despite facing the threat of arrest over corruption ... =>Banda fled #Malawi in 2014 after being embroiled in the #Cashgate scandal, were govt official siphoned millions of taxpayers money
Government says it will engage concerned and relevant stakeholders in ensuring that health services and education in public institutions are accessible and available for all. Chief Director of Economic Planning and Development in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Peter ...

Thousands of Malawians on Friday took part in the country's first nationwide anti-government demonstrations since 2011, with peaceful protests held in six cities. The marches, organised by civil action groups, were against alleged corruption and poor governance under President Peter Mutharika, who has ...
Government has expressed great dismay that some councils are not cooperating with auditors sent to audit their books following revelation last year that 20 members of parliament in collaboration with some council officials abused constituency development fund. Spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance ...
Despite saying that government will not block next week's demonstrations organised by some civil society organisations, (CSOs), fear for the protests was seen in Lilongwe yesterday when two press conferences were organised in a space of three hours on the matter. At around 11 O'clock in the morning ...
Kasungu 18 April 2018: Minister of Health and Population, Atupele Muluzi says Government is committed to ensuring that maternal and infant mortality come to an end by the year 2030. Muluzi disclosed this at Kasungu community ground on Wednesday during a ceremony where InPATH project in ...

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Young people converging at the first ever national youth conference on climate change under way in the capital Lilongwe have one voice, calling Malawi government include them in climate change agenda if the country is to make head way. The young people are seeking a clear ...
When I was doing research for Human Rights Watch's report on the human rights impacts of mining in Karonga district in northern Malawi, I talked to many women like Lucia who grow cassava, maize and rice to feed their family. The government has never told them whether pollution from the mines is ...
If only people of Karonga were as vigilant when government awarded a 15-year license to Paladin of Australia to mine uranium. Paladin promised to build a school, a clinic, rehabilitate the airport in the district. The Government of Malawi was also supposed to get a cut from the deal. But little was known ...
“An official handover ceremony was conducted where government of Malawi officials (Mines Department officials as led by the Acting Director of Mines, Mr. Atileni Wona), Mwalawanga Company Limited officials (as led by Mr. Ishmael Wadi), Nyala Mine Company Limited, Hon Kamuyambeni,T/A Mpando, ...
In his remarks, the Malawian government official thanked China and the UNDP for the project, saying they will go a long way in building resilience in communities against disasters. He said tackling disasters was expensive and unsustainable without the support of the cooperating partners. He especially ...
Malawi Government has been urged to take full control of Early Childhood Development (ECD) in the country. The remarks were made by Chancellor College ECD Specialist Dr Khama Chibwana during a one day workshop for Northern Region ECD stakeholders from Chitipa and Rumphi districts ...
At first, the money was reportedly earmarked for only 86 constituencies belonging to legislators on the government side and those supporting the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), with each constituency being allocated about K40 million. CSOs leaders, who include Youth and Society (YAS), ...
Meanwhile, Civil Society organisations in Malawi have renewed their calls for President Peter Mutharika to fire Finance Minister Goodwell Gondwe and Local Government Minister Kondwani Nankhumwa for the role they played out in the scandal warning that if their calls continue to fall on deaf ears they will ...
In April last year, the Malawi Government held a high-profile conference on corruption where stakeholders discuss how to combat corruption in the country, among other issues. According to a report on the conference, to be presented to Cabinet, there is recommendation to change the law that guarantees ...
He said such assets are hard to acquire as they are expensive. He said in most cases, government normally receives such property as part of support from donors. “The Malawi Government has lost and it will be difficult to replace the motorcycle because most of the times, it relies on donors for such support.
Pearson has not released the books, neither returned the payments made for the books despite Malawi Government making it point blank that nothing will change in the contract, the letter says. Meanwhile, Mallory and Joint Ventures has started bullying another contract for the Supply of Textbooks for 21 ...

The minister aid government is aware that 70 per cent of the country' population live in rural areas and that the concrete deck bridge being upgraded would improve accessibility and mobility of the rural masses to social amenities such as hospitals, schools and markets. “The upgrading of Lirangwe Bridge ...
Carroll traveled to Liwonde to help local farmers improve their crop production as part of a project called “Precision Agriculture for Smallholder Systems in Africa,” which is part of Feed the Future, the U.S. government's global hunger, and food security initiative. Carroll was asked to join the team because of ...
Meanwhile, there is no official statement from the Malawi Government with regards to the damage that might have been caused by the earthquake. The tremor has been felt in different parts of Malawi, to as far as Blantyre and Zomba, which are located about 115km and 150km from the epicentre. Malawi ...
Malawi government may implement a new Executive order for the maize export ban to avoid creating a shortage of the staple grain, President Peter Mutharika has hinted. Mutharika said during the launch of the National Security Policy in Lilongwe on Tuesday that maize is a security commodity in Malawi ...
Malawi, in a bid to avoid such future embarrassments, is dramatically refocusing its education and training program and launching a series of community technical colleges across the country. But the efforts of President Arthur Peter Mutharika's government have sparked a wider debate over the future of ...
He expressed hope that government will be excited with the proposal since the clubs will remove the burden of managing the stadium from government which sometimes finds it difficult to maintain and look after the facility. The Bullets boss however declined that the move might derail Bullets in their juicy ...
Contrary to Chakwera's justification that the redistribution of the mysterious K4 billion was motivated by national interest, Munthaki pointed out that the picture one gets from the whole saga is that just like the DPP government the opposition MCP and others do not have the interest and plight of Malawians at ...
In response, Botomani said: “We were just discussing matters relating to our constituencies.” He went on to comment the DPP-led government for the various development initiatives that they have undertaken. “We believe, as a country, we shall overcome one day and that Malawi shall be better tomorrow ...
The Executive, through the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Kondwani Nankhumwa, announced in Parliament that each of the 193 constituencies in Malawi will receive K20.7 million for chitukuko (development projects). The total disbursement is K4 billion. The announcement ...
Main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has accused Ministers of Finance and Local Government of the act of criminalizing the government unbudgeted controversial K4 billion allocated to parliamentary constituencies, saying the opposition has saved the State from being criminalised by ...
Thanks to the benevolence of the World Bank, over the years the Malawi government had criticized the fact that expensive broad band and internet connectivity constituted a serious barrier to Malawi's doing business indicators in the agro- based economy which it said could rapidly grow and diversify from ...
Malawi Government through Ministry of Finance has warned against using foreign currencies in local transactions saying the practise is illegal. According to a statement signed by Secretary to Treasury Ben Botolo, the act is against the laws of the country that states that Malawi kwacha should be used in ...
Blantyre — Government says it has procured 27,450 single seat desks with chairs and 31,425 double seater desks to be distributed in the country's primary and secondary schools as one way of improving standards of education in the country. Education, Science and Technology Minister, Bright Msaka ...
The UN World Food Program (WFP) on 26 January officially handed over five bailey bridges to the Government of Malawi to ease access to the country's communities in four districts. The bridges (portable pre-fabricated steel) were installed in Zomba, Phalombe, Thyolo and Mangochi districts where WFP ...
Mzuzu — Government through the Ministry of Transport and Public works has assured people of Ekwendeni in Mzimba North East constituency that it will soon construct two bridges on Thukutu and Lunyangwa rivers to improve road network in the area. Speaking Sunday at a rally which he addressed at ...
Blantyre — Government has reiterated that only contact and dialogue could help to resolve some of the challenges the country was going through as opposed to the decision by Civil Society Organisatiions (CSOs) of staging demonstrations. Presidential Advisor on Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), ...
An economic expert has urged government to be strict with expenditure for the country to fully benefit from this year's tobacco marketing season. One of the country's Economic Expert Dr Collen Kalua said this as the country is destined to gain more profits from this year's tobacco sales due to better prices ...
It is widely seen as the Malawi presidency's sweetheart contractor. And a leaked official report lends weight to this perception, showing that Portuguese-based multinational engineering firm Mota-Engil has almost 10 times the value of government road-building contracts as its nearest rival. By GREGORY ...
According to the Roads Authority report, Mota Engil has been contracted to build the Thyolo-Makwasa-Thekerani-Makhanga road, funded to the tune of K27.3-million (R450-million) by the Malawi government, the Kuwait Fund, the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, the Saudi Fund and Opec.
The deaths and cases of the deadly disease come at a time when the Malawi government is tirelessly working with international organisations like United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to curb the disease. UNICEF recently used drones to map out Cholera prone areas in the capital so that targeted ...
The Malawi Government through the Attorney General (AG) has pleaded for patience from the families whose relatives were killed for protesting against British rule. Speaking at the commemoration of Martyr's day in Nkhatabay district, AG Charles Mhango, pleaded for patience from families of the victims ...
Government has hailed Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) and Village Hygiene Projects for their interventions that have seen three Traditional Authorities in Mangochi achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) status. Celebrations for the attainment of the ODF status for the three TAs Chowe, Namavi and STA ...


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