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updated Thu. August 8, 2024

A US government agency has released a report about an electromagnetic weapon which can force people to orgasm. The Washington State Fusion Centre (WSFC), which assists other government agencies from local to federal level in combatting terrorism, crime, cyber attacks and disasters, made the ...
SEATTLE (AP) — Al Swift, an eight-term Democratic congressman from Washington state who helped modernize Pacific Northwest energy, has died in Alexandria, Virginia. He was 82. Family members told Seattle Times that Swift had been diagnosed with a lung disease unrelated to smoking. He retired ...

This is a case that goes back many years — a case that has been a losing one for the State of Washington — but which is still being litigated because ... Here, courtesy of SCOTUSBlog, is a basic synopsis of the dispute, which pits Washington against the federal government and sovereign tribal nations:.
Unlike the federal government, Washington State came up with an ingenious solution. Late last month, it passed the first state laws banning firefighting foam and food packaging containing not just PFOA and PFOS, but the entire class of chemicals to which they belong. Though chemical manufacturers have ...
Washington state's solicitor general faced tough questioning Wednesday from Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, who said he was “struggling” to accept that other interests can ... “Do the dams that the federal government has built on the lower Snake River and lower Columbia River violate the treaty?
Jay Inslee today announced the appointment of Marcus Glasper as director of the Washington State Lottery. ... He has taken leadership development for government leaders through the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and completed an executive management program through the Evans ...

SEATTLE (AP) — The federal government intends to restore grizzly bears in the remote North Cascade Mountains of Washington state, a goal that represents “the American conservation ethic come to life,” Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Friday. Zinke made the announcement during a visit to North ...
“If the government wants to contend Mr. Kelley breached a contractual promise to pay refunds, the proper remedy would be a civil judgment—not prison,” the motion for acquittal said. Kelley's first trial in 2016 ended with the jury finding him not guilty of making a false statement to the IRS and deadlocking on ...
SEATTLE — With the number of endangered orcas that frequent the inland waters of Washington state at a 30-year low, Gov. Jay Inslee has ... The federal government listed the orcas as endangered in 2005, and more recently identified them as among the most at risk of extinction in the near future.
In retaliation to Trump's tariffs, the Chinese government said it could impose tariffs on U.S. exports including fruit, wine, and steel pipe. ... “We know who will lose... those whose jobs right here in the state of Washington that are dependent on how they can access those markets and sell those products around the world,” said ...
Marine aquaculture is promoted by the federal government and others as a sustainable solution to feed a growing demand worldwide for seafood. ... genetic and health laboratories for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, said he thinks "that Atlantic salmon aquaculture in the state of Washington ...
SEATTLE — Washington state will phase out marine farming of Atlantic salmon and other nonnative fish by 2022 under legislation signed Thursday by ... and health laboratories for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, said he thinks “that Atlantic salmon aquaculture in the state of Washington ...
... against preservation needs, especially at a time when the federal government has moved to ease or overturn land usage restrictions. It'll take a few months to a year for the building code commission to determine exactly how (and how tall) timber structures in the state of Washington should be designed.
The state of Washington's latest attempt to pass a carbon dioxide tax has failed, with its sponsors withdrawing the bill from consideration. Senate Bill 6023 would have imposed a tax of $12 per metric ton of carbon emissions on the sale or use of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas beginning in ...
Washington State election officials are trying some new ideas on an old problem: low voter turnout. ... Washington's Office of the Secretary of State oversees a number of areas within state government, including managing state election, registering corporations and charities and governing the use of the ...
SEATTLE (AP) — Washington state's sales tax exemption for electric vehicles is expected to end sometime this summer after efforts to extend it stalled during the recent legislative session. The current exemption expires in June 2019 or once 7,500 electric vehicles have been registered with the state ...
This historic legislation paves the way for communities across Washington state to find local solutions for an issue that has existed since the founding of our ... Because Yakima held at-large elections, this entire community was effectively shut out of council elections and having a voice in city government.

Washington state could legalize commercial surrogacy, where the surrogate mother is compensated beyond medical expenses. ... "What this bill actually does is establish that all it takes for [the state government] to decide that one gets full authority over a vulnerable baby is one's 'intent' to parent,” she said.
... El Paso falsely claimed to work for a government immigration office and collected thousands of dollars from immigrants across the U.S. after telling them he could provide the immigrants with legal status for a fee. Investigators identified more than 30 people in Washington state and Ohio who were cheated ...
With salmon abundance declining, the tribes and Justice Department sued Washington state in 1970. The litigation has never stopped. The federal government and tribes specifically targeted Washington culverts beginning in 2001. The state acknowledges that in previous rulings dating back more than a ...
SEATTLE (AP) — Another ambitious effort to pass a carbon tax in Washington state has faltered as both Gov. Jay Inslee and the bill's prime sponsor said Thursday that there weren't enough votes to pass the measure out of the state Senate. Washington would have been the first U.S. state to impose a ...
Al Tuwaijari, 43, tells these stories from the house in Tukwila where he, his wife and their four children settled after arriving in the United States last year through the Special Immigrant Visa program, designed for Iraqi and Afghan civilians who put their safety at risk by working for the U.S. government or a ...
The Washington state legislature approved a bill on Tuesday, which Gov. Jay Inslee is expected to sign, that would enact sweeping net neutrality regulations for all internet service providers (ISPs) operating in the state. It would be the first state to enact a law of this kind since the Federal Communications ...
Utah-based Lighthouse Resources, which operates coal mines in Montana and Wyoming, sued Washington state officials in federal court in Tacoma in November. The lawsuit alleges state officials violated federal laws in denying permits for its $680 million Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview project.
The Washington state legislature has approved a net neutrality law that applies to all wired and wireless Internet providers in the state and prohibits blocking, ... Of course, net neutrality was regulated by the federal government, but the FCC decided to repeal its rules at the urging of ISPs like CenturyLink.
... them for all governmental entities, and not just give themselves a special exception. As it stands, he says, the Legislature is "giving the finger" to other levels of government with the same concerns. Meanwhile, communication about incredibly private information is often already redacted under existing law.
When it comes to a potential trade war with China, no one wins — but Washington state in particular has a great deal to lose. A new analysis by the Brookings Institution, an independent ... This is data that should give the U.S. government pause. Clearly, the economic consequences of President Donald ...
Now to be clear, the presence of these records (which were not created by the fusion center, and are not government documents) should not be seen as evidence that DHS possesses these devices, or even that such devices actually exist. Which is kind of unfortunate because “microwave hearing” is a ...
The justices heard arguments Wednesday in a long-running dispute that pits the state against Indian tribes and the federal government. At issue is whether Washington state must fix or replace hundreds of culverts. Those are large pipes that allow streams to pass beneath roads but can block migrating ...
Journalist Curtis Waltman was writing to the Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC), a joint operation between Washington State law enforcement and the federal government to request information about Antifa and white supremacist groups. He got responses to the questions he asked, but also a file ...
"The Washington state legislature should not be allowed to get away with its sneak attack on transparency and accountability. By passing a bill that purported to improve public accountability but that actually constrains it, and by doing so under the guise of an 'emergency,' lawmakers have done a shameful ...


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