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updated Sat. June 22, 2024

Given effective Israeli deterrence against Iranian proxies in Lebanon for over a decade, there is already cause to believe that more aggressive Iranian ... Nonetheless, effective deterrence and pressure from outside powers are the two best ways to avoid wars, and in the case of Israel and Iran, both are at ...
BEIRUT (Lebanon): Human Rights Watch on Friday criticised Lebanese municipalities for what it called the unjustifiable expulsion of hundreds of Syrians ... The Mediterranean country's population stood at just four million before neighbouring Syria's civil war broke out in 2011, sending tens of thousands of ...

The declaration of war is very weak," he said, adding that peacebuilding is the ultimate in heroism. "Among the great powers, you will remember that we all know how to start wars, but we do not know how they end." Noting that Lebanon has hosted more than 1.1 million refugees, or nearly half of its ...
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranian Ministry of Intelligence officials to be ready to fight an "intelligence war" over public opinion and the integrity of the ... Leading Lebanese newspaper Al-Nahar, which is closer to the opposition March 14 bloc, reported Wednesday that Qassem Soleimani, head of the elite ...
In 'Beirut,' Jon Hamm is a beleaguered U.S. diplomat drawn into the Lebanese civil war ... “Beirut,” a tense, moodily stylish political thriller set in 1982 amid the chaos of Lebanon's civil war, stars Jon Hamm as a former U.S. diplomat who, 10 years after leaving the country in the wake of personal tragedy, ...
This one goes by the name of the Lebanese civil war, a 15-year affair with complex and multifaceted causes, ranging from egregious socioeconomic injustice and a disproportionate distribution of political power and resources to increasingly self-fulfilling efforts to channel public discontent into sectarian ...

One in five people in Lebanon is a refugee, according to the UN, and with the Syrian civil war, now in its eighth year, the hopes of a speedy return are far from ... [in Tripoli] — while the rest of Lebanon has a 30 per cent unemployment rate,” said Misbah Ahdab, a former member of the Lebanese Parliament.
But Proud Lebanon director Bertho Makso said that Beirut Pride - which kicked off in May with an exhibition on gender fluidity in fashion - would go ahead in spite of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Lebanon declaring "war on homosexuality". Before that, organisers had to cancel a seminar on ...
All signs point toward an upcoming large-scale Israeli/U.S. attack on Syria and Lebanon, with Russia and Iran as the ultimate objectives. As always, the corporate media play along as if they don't yet know what's coming. Everyone in the know knows what is, just not exactly when. And the media wait with ...
Hezbollah's election campaign for the upcoming Lebanese parliamentary elections in May heavily relies on fear-mongering about the possibility of a war with Israel. Hezbollah has played a major role in formulating a new electoral law that helps it infiltrate parliamentary representation allotted to other ...
Emily Nasrallah. Born: July 6th, 1931. Died: March 14th, 2018. Emily Nasrallah, a prizewinning Lebanese writer whose novels struggled with bigotry against women, the horrors of civil war and the vacuum left by fleeing refugees, died in Beirut on Tuesday. She was 86. “Lebanon and the Arab world lost an icon of literature ...
In a recent interview with the Lebanese publication Al Akhbar, Abdel Malek al Houthi, the leader of Yemen's Iranian-backed Houthi insurgent group, again promised his forces would fight alongside Hezbollah in a future conflict with Israel in Lebanon. “If there is a new war with Israel, we will not hesitate to ...
March 22, 2018 SEDDIQINE, Lebanon—Tensions have risen between Israel and the militant Lebanese organization Hezbollah and its patron Iran this past year, prompting many on both sides to wonder if a new war will soon shatter a calm that has lasted more than 11 years. Yet, ironically, despite the ...
I've wondered why and although the food speaks for itself, I'm pretty sure it's because Lebanon has been ravaged by so many wars since modern Lebanon was founded -most recently the civil war of the 70s and 80s- that at least twice as many Lebanese live outside of Lebanon than within. Long on my list ...
The leader of Yemen's Houthi rebels has warned that his fighters would unite with Hezbollah against Israel if a war erupted in Lebanon or Palestine. Abdul Malik al-Houthi told the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar on Friday that "our announcement that we are prepared to send fighters in any Israeli war ...
Lebanon is “a land that does not hold its people”, she recalled her grandmother saying of their war-torn country. Leaving is a theme that informed her 1962 novel Birds of September, considered a classic of Arabic literature, it tells the story of Muna, a village girl, who watches boys leave, girls stay and a boy ...
The war in Lebanon in 2006 between Israel and Hezbollah left thousands of American citizens stranded. As Hezbollah rockets landed in Israel and Israeli jets bombed Lebanese targets, the United States government overcame logistical challenges, a bombed out airport, dangerous roads and bureaucratic ...

Lebanese operatives have certainly been instrumental in training Arab militiamen outside of Lebanon at the IRGC's behest. ... Mughniyeh was indeed the architect of Hezbollah's war of attrition against Israel, and the group did believe that a collapse of the SLA would leave Israel in a very difficult position in ...
The exhibition aims to show the healing nature of art in post-war therapy and to provide a bridge between the Syrian refugee children in Lebanon and Lebanese and Syrian artists. Thirty-nine poems whose stanzas are displayed in the exhibition are written by Syrian children, and 47 artists have interpreted ...
MAROUN AL-RAS, Lebanon – An Israeli drone buzzes overhead, and the midday southern Lebanese sun shimmers on a mini replica Dome of the Rock, an Iranian-funded homage to the holy site in Jerusalem. At this border area, the Iranian garden is part theme park, part political message. Ostensibly, it's ...
Tensions have spiked recently over an Israeli border wall, Lebanese offshore energy exploration, and the growing arsenal of Lebanon's Iran-backed ... When you think of a war, you have to think of its consequences," said Taher, who says he has witnessed all of the wars to hit the area since 1978. (Writing ...
“We are present in Lebanon, in the region of south of the Litani, in order to strengthen security and prevent the outbreak of wars threatening the region and the world. Our main objective with the international community remains that the Lebanese government be able to gradually exercise its sovereignty ...
THE Lebanese taxi driver was both happy and upset. “You Saudis and Gulf visitors are always good news for us,” he started. “For years now we have fewer and fewer of you. Instead, we receive Iraqis, Afghanis and Iranians. Most of them come via Beirut on their way to Syria. Some are pilgrims visiting Shiite ...
While Israel and Lebanon have never had good relations, things have threatened to explode into armed conflict as spillover from the Syrian Civil War. One major player in the conflict is Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group that serves as a proxy for Iran, Israel's greatest enemy. Hezbollah is a paramilitary ...
(The operation against Hezbollah in 2006, today called the “second” Lebanon war, was in fact a protracted operation rather than a war – albeit a failed ... to prevent their falling into enemy hands; and, two, more importantly, that eight of the 19 batteries attacked were on Syrian rather than Lebanese territory.
Funded with an $18m (£12.9m) grant from Lebanese and French authorities, Beit Beirut was envisioned by its architects as the first memorial of its kind: a museum, archive and visitor centre to commemorate the country's civil war. The renovation has merged the building's skeleton into a light-filled glass one ...
During Lebanon's 15-year civil war, the building commanded a crossroads known then as the “intersection of death”. The Christian militia that occupied the house turned it into a sniper's nest. Funded with an $18m (£12.9m) grant from Lebanese and French authorities, Beit Beirut was envisioned by its ...
The last time Israel invaded Lebanon, during the so-called Lebanon War in 2006, at least 1,300 Lebanese people were killed and 1 million displaced. ... Although some would say, what peace, really, if both nations are still technically at war? .... He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries.
Lebanon and Israel have seen relations strain in recent years over Tel Aviv's plans to build a border wall and Beirut's decision to explore for offshore energy near disputed waters. General Aoun said: “I reiterate today our categorical rejection of the Israeli enemy's sovereignty of Lebanon and its sacred right ...
Instability is worsened by the presence of more than a million Syrian refugees seeking shelter from the civil and proxy wars taking place there. ... A military strike carried out by the U.S. in retaliation for the chemical weapons attacks in Syria would likely outrage most Lebanese, he adds, unless it is part of a ...
THE Lebanese taxi driver was both happy and upset. “You Saudis and Gulf visitors are always good news for us,” he started. “For years now we have fewer and fewer of you. Instead, we receive Iraqis, Afghanis and Iranians. Most of them come via Beirut on their way to Syria. Some are pilgrims visiting Shiite ...
Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Israel's northern borders with Lebanon and Syria have been fused into a single hostile realm in which it seems increasingly ... "From my point of view, the Lebanese army is not my enemy," said the Israeli officer, who was not authorized to be quoted by name.
The commander of the Lebanese military said Thursday that his troops are prepared to defend the country against any potential Israeli attack or incursion. Lebanese Commander General Joseph Aoun made the remarks during an inspection of Lebanon's Third Intervention Regiment in the Ras Beirut ...


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