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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

Business Council chief executive Jennifer Westacott says "populist" moves to link company tax and the banking royal commission are unwise. ... "The banks need to make sure they repair the circumstances people have gone through but taking a populist punishment action on a sector of the economy is not ...
Because populism is not an ideology in itself, it can easily appeal to mainstream political parties seeking to shore up flagging electoral support. There are always politicians willing to mimic populist slogans and methods to win over voters, even if doing so divides their own party. This has been proven by ...

Trump's trade policy is inherent to his brand of populism, driven by instinct and emotions rather than conscientious policy deliberation. Populists often tend to make random, poorly thought-out policy statements, leaving crucial details to the imagination of their helpless technocrats and senior officials.
Ekos Research and The Canadian Press teamed up earlier this year to gauge populist sentiment in Canada. Fewer than half of respondents — 46 per cent — expressed views that reflected an open-minded perspective of the world and each other, while 30 per cent landed in the "ordered" category, which ...
While nearly 40 per cent of tweets presented populist sentiments, these messages were concentrated in a small number of constituencies. Only 10 per cent of constituencies presented prevailing populist sentiments, compared with economic issues, and less than 5 per cent presented globalist, compared ...
“Don't get mad, get even.” That aphorism needs to become the new norm in democratic politics across Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Rather than complaining about populist successes, established political parties should take a page from the populist playbook. Three lessons, in particular, cry out ...

Left MEPs will be in Bulgaria this week to meet partners and representatives of progressive forces. The aim is to gain a greater understanding of the issues affecting Bulgarian people in a broader context of the struggles against the backsliding on fundamental rights taking place across Europe.
But there is also an internal challenge to liberal democracy—a challenge from populists who seek to drive a wedge between democracy and liberalism. Liberal norms and policies, they claim, weaken democracy and harm the people. Thus, liberal institutions that prevent the people from acting ...
Opinion | Thomas Walkom: Backward campaign now a referendum on Ford's vague platform. It doesn't matter that the Ontario government under Wynne launched the Ontario Basic Income Pilot and recently proposed free childcare. Ford invites people up to his cottage. For anyone attracted to the populism ...
Orban has vowed to continue fighting against the EU quota on refugees, a plan meant to relocate asylum seekers across Europe. Analysts say his policies could have a long-lasting impact on the European Union. Far-right and populist parties have made gains in other elections including in Italy and Austria.
I first discovered populism when I began teaching investigative journalism in the late 1990s at university. Investigative journalism (originally called muckraking) began in the US around 1900 during what Americans call the Progressive Era. One expression of this was the emergence of a new political party, ...
That will depend on the ability of Italy's untested populist political class to find leverage to effectively use against the rest of Europe. And Italian populists, if they are creative, have an opportunity to do just that. It's the economy, stupid. Before Italy's election, the prestigious German magazine Der Spiegel ...
Five Star is unashamedly populist and divisive, pitting the good, honest, ordinary citizen against the out-of-touch professional political class. Ever noticed how all populists, whether left or right, seem to love social media? Nigel Farage, Bernie Sanders, Marine Le Pen, Syriza and, of course, Donald Trump ...
At first, populist movements often present themselves as deeply, even radically, democratic. The 2016 Brexit referendum is a case in point. Inviting citizens to vote on such an enormous policy change was a simple enactment of direct democracy. Those who voted for Britain to leave the European Union ...
BERLIN — After both right- and left-wing populist parties won big in elections this month, Italy is probably headed for a long, tedious effort to form a government; odds are it will include one of them. In Berlin, the Alternative for Germany, known by its German abbreviation AfD, is already sitting in the ...
Exiled by his patrons in the United States, Steve Bannon has taken his grand populist vision abroad, traipsing across Europe in a furious bid to insert himself into the powder keg of continental politics. Europe, after all, has been ground zero for the sort of anti-establishment movement that Bannon helped to ...
Well, because populists gonna populist, whether they are on the Bernie Bro left or the "drain the swamp" right, although each side may be loathe to admit how much they have in common. But in reality, it's quite a bit. Both are deeply suspicious of capitalism as a positive force in bringing about a peaceful ...

U.S. officials are scrambling to assess how this past Sunday's Italian election results may impact future relations between Rome and Washington. The prospects of euro-skeptic populist parties that have strong ideological ties with the Kremlin forming Italy's next government or dominating a broader ...
Luigi Di Maio, leader of Italy's populist Five Star Movement party, goes to vote over the weekend. Photo: Salvatore Laporta / KONTROLAB / LightRocket via Getty Images ... Why it matters: The populists "generally aren't winning enough support to govern. But they are claiming such a substantial share of the electorate that it ...
Populist firebrand Steve Bannon, Trump's former White House strategist, has shifted his focus to Italy for the country's election, which took place Sunday and plunged national politics into deep uncertainty. Bannon began his tour of Europe supporting Italy's right-wing parties, the largest of which saw its ...
The outcome of Sunday's parliamentary elections in Italy was a stunning victory for populist and nationalist parties, and a clear warning to Italy's political establishment and the European Union. But some in Italy worry that the results may also have a negative impact on science. There were two big winners: ...
What do Donald Trump, Jeremy Corbyn, and Rodrigo Duterte have in common? Despite their differences, each man has been labelled a populist. Populism is on the rise - especially among Europe's right, and in the US, where it helped crown Mr Trump. Italy's populist Five Star Movement and ...
On the contrary - they won in spite of significant gains by the populists and they won because they mimicked some of the populists' policies. Close behind each centrist success was a populist runner-up. From Athens to Barcelona, Calais to Catania, Rome to Paris, it is so easy to find disenfranchised people ...
Two populist and stridently anti-European Union political groups, both fierce rivals, surged in Italy's parliamentary election at the expense of the country's traditional powers, but neither gained enough support to govern alone, preliminary results showed. With no faction winning a clear majority in Sunday's ...
Italy's ex-Premier Matteo Renzi says his center-left party will not join any government led by the anti-immigrant League party or the populist 5-Star Movement, the two victorious forces in Italy's election. Renzi said both those parties represent an anti-Europeanism that he would not support and said they had ...
The 5 Star Movement—one of Europe's largest populist parties—is set to emerge as the biggest party, with around one-third of the vote. The far-right Lega Nord was expected to come in third, just behind the ruling Democratic Party. The result suggests a coalition will be needed for a government to formed, ...
Two populists are claiming they won the right to govern Italy in Sunday's parliamentary elections, which marked a crushing defeat for the governing center-left and a humbling result for Silvio Berlusconi's center-right Forza Italia party. Breaking it down: Luigi Di Maio, 31, heads the anti-establishment Five Star movement, ...
While Sunday's election handed no party a clear mandate to govern, it drove home a message with sobering implications for the rest of Europe and beyond: the issue of immigrants and refugees, weaponized politically by populist firebrands promising to seal off borders and “reclaim” their countries' true ...
After the latest wave of protests erupted in December and January, the populist former president has once again transformed himself into a critic of the country's ruling elite. In a letter addressed to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Ahmadinejad on Monday called for a new round of presidential and ...
(ROME) — A rival pair of populist and stridently anti-European Union political forces surged in Italy's parliamentary election, but neither gained enough support to govern the country alone, preliminary results showed Monday. With no faction winning a clear majority, the results confirmed that negotiations to ...
The Italian political world has been struck by a populist tsunami — 50 percent of voters in Sunday's parliamentary elections chose candidates from anti-establishment, anti-immigrant and euroskeptic parties. However, no party amassed enough votes to form a government on its own, and this makes weeks ...
Italy's political earthquake sends shockwaves all the way to Brussels. If eurocrats had bothered to look, they would have seen it coming. Since Emmanuel Macron won France's presidential election, the insistent, persistent, wisdom in Brussels has been that populist politicians were on their way out.
More than half the ballots cast Sunday went to two populist forces that knew how to read the angry mood in a country where the brightest youths must go abroad to find decent careers and where hundreds of thousands of migrants were essentially marooned when many European Union partners slammed ...
BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Citizens of Belgrade are voting in a municipal election seen as a test of the ruling populists' firm grip on power in this Balkan country. The election Sunday in the Serbian capital is for the local city authorities only but is considered important because of Belgrade's key role in the ...
Italians went to the polls on Sunday in one of the country's most uncertain elections ever, with far-right and populist parties expected to make major gains and ... the PD and Forza Italia -- a prospect that would reassure investors but risks spreading more cynicism and emboldening populists and the far-right.
Serbia's ruling populists of President Aleksandar Vucic swept the municipal election in the capital of Belgrade Sunday, further cementing an already tight grip on power in the country. Preliminary results by the Ipsos polling agency and carried by Serbian state TV, projected that Vucic's Serbian Progressive ...
Italy's upstart Five Star Movement emerged the comfortable winner in the country's general election on Sunday, with preliminary exit polls suggesting the populist party winning by 10 points over their nearest rivals. Exit polls indicated that Five Star had won between 29-32 per cent of the vote – falling well ...
Populism has become something of a dirty word in the most recent era of our country's electoral politics, tied as it is with a commander-in-chief who rode our worst impulses into office. Don't hold that association against The Populist, the quiet RiNo restaurant that's held out on a once-deserted block for the ...
In a populist political moment, the image had everything wrong with it. Mnuchin is a former Goldman Sachs banker, son of another Goldman banker, with a house in the Hamptons and a second career as a Hollywood producer. Linton literally grew up in a castle. “Only way this could be worse would be if ...
Why aren't children called Roger any more? I wondered this when reading about the sad death of Sir Roger Bannister. Coincidentally, the evening before, my young daughter had been watching The Great Escape and most of the Englishmen in it seemed to be called Roger. The only time you hear the ...
Their one hour meeting touched on all the hot-button issues that have fuelled a wave of populist and anti-immigrant sentiment across Europe: uncontrolled migration, how to stop Islamization and border defense. Meloni also took the opportunity to signal her desire for Italy to join Hungary in the Visegrad ...


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