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updated Thu. September 19, 2024

Chairman of the Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan Gulshat Mammadova has accepted credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka Mohamed Sharif Anis, the Turkmen government said in a statement. The diplomat was familiarized with the main directions of the state policy ...
The unbidden declaration looks very much like a oblique government riposte to reports that, on the contrary, many Turkmen citizens are actually being prevented from leaving the country. One day earlier, RFE/RL had reported that hundreds of travelers bound for destinations like Dubai and Turkey were ...

Today, the aftershock of the closure is still being felt in the country, but the government doesn't seem in a rush to fix the national education system. A Turkmen school teacher and movement member (who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity) says that the closure of the Turkmen-Turkish schools dealt ...
President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov's appointment of his only son, Serdar, as deputy foreign minister was announced in a one-sentence statement published on March 30 by the government's official news site. Serdar Berdymukhammedov, 36, has headed the parliament's Legal Affairs Committee ...
... won a whopping 91.4 percent of the vote to retain his seat in last Sunday's poll, leading to suggestions he could be getting ready for a more prominent political role. He was appointed deputy foreign minister "by decree of the head of state", said the Neutral Turkmenistan government newspaper.
As important, if not more important for Tehran, Turkmenistan's policy of "positive neutrality" has meant that the Turkmen government has never been part of international criticism or sanctions against Iran. Relations bottomed out at the start of 2017, when Turkmenistan shut off gas supplies that Iran used to ...

Following the success of the parliamentary elections on 25 March 2018 in Turkmenistan, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) expressed deep congratulations and satisfaction to the government and people of Turkmenistan for the smooth running of the parliamentary elections and the organization ...
To increase their revenue and earn hard currency, Turkmenistan's producers look to foreign markets to export their products. ... The government of Turkmenistan now pays special attention to increasing exports, as the country is experiencing a shortage of foreign currency largely caused by decreasing ...
Under the Turkmen constitution, the parliament, Mejilis, is a representative legislative body. Together with the president, government and the Supreme Court, Mejilis exercises the supreme authority. It consists ща 125 members who are elected for five-year terms in constituencies with relatively same ...
The agenda of bilateral high-level talks will include a wide spectrum of issues of Turkmen–Iranian partnership in priority directions. A number of important documents are planned to be signed by the outcomes of the negotiations, Turkmen Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov said at the Government meeting on ...
... fate – are a crime under international law. In Turkmenistan, victims are often tortured and ill-treated and almost never released. For years, international organizations have been calling on the Turkmen government to reveal information about the disappeared. But authorities deny they disappeared anyone.
She describes the Turkmen press releases as clumsy, crammed with jargon and severely lacking in communications know-how. “I know from business events organised together with the German side that there's a high level of control [in the Turkmen government,” she says. “Everything is decided within ...
An agreement was signed between Dubai's Economic Development Centre and the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan, an agreement between Abu Dhabi Fund for Development and the Government of Turkmenistan, and a Memorandum of Understanding between Mubadala ...
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov discussed topical issues of cooperation with his Afghan counterpart Mohammad Ashraf Ghani in a phone conversation, the Turkmen government said in a message March 12. The two presidents noted the high dynamics of expanding cooperation in ...
Government experts from Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan, as well as international experts — IOI scientific consultants in the field of maritime economy, politics, management, ecology, law of the sea and other disciplines, are taking part in the event, which will last until March 16, the ...
The mission assessed Turkmenistan's macroeconomic and financial developments and discussed economic challenges and policy priorities with senior government officials, representatives of real and financial sectors, and the diplomatic community. “Officially-reported inflation increased to 8 percent on ...
World famous Turkmen rugs and Akhal-Teke horses, whose numbers are limited to a few thousand, have been protected for centuries as an important parts of the country's cultural heritage. Turkmenistan has been heavily influenced by Central Asian cultures making it a unique destination for people ...

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Mr. Martin Sommer visited Ashgabat during February 19–March 6, 2018 to assess macroeconomic and financial developments and discuss economic challenges and policy priorities with senior government officials, representatives of real and financial ...
“In addition to supplying electricity to infrastructure along TAPI's route, [the transmission line] will create opportunities to export power through Afghanistan to Pakistan and to countries in southeast Asia,” a Turkmen government statement read. While Turkmenistan sits on the world's fourth-largest reserves of ...
The government of Turkmenistan has regularly stated it expects the trans-Afghan TAPI natural gas pipeline to be completed by 2019, but a recent statement from Afghanistan's government suggests that target has been pushed back to around 2022. The revised timeframe emerged in February as the ...
“In addition to supplying electricity to infrastructure along TAPI's route, [the transmission line] will create opportunities to export power through Afghanistan to Pakistan and to countries in southeast Asia,” a Turkmen government statement read. While Turkmenistan sits on the world's fourth-largest reserves of ...
While antigovernment protests are extremely rare in the authoritarian state, sources tell RFE/RL's Turkmen Service that people are gathering near local government offices to complain to authorities about the flour shortage. Amid people's growing discontent, authorities -- along with religious leaders and ...
Analysts note that the Turkmen government's seemingly arbitrary refusals to allow citizens to leave the country violate an international convention on freedom of movement that was ratified by Turkmenistan in 1997. In addition, Turkmen law also guarantees its citizens free exit and return to the country.
Don't blame the sunbathers in Turkmenistan if their bikinis seem out of style at the country's forlorn Caspian Sea beach resorts this summer. The Turkmen government has banned the import of new bikinis and other traditional swimwear, forcing swimmers and other beachgoers to use their old suits or come ...
“Following President Hassan Rouhani's visit to Turkmenistan, 283 Iranian prisoners will be released by the government of Turkmenistan in accoredence with the bilateral detainees exchange agreement signed by the presidents of Iran and Turkmenistan in the latest visit of Iranian President Hassan ...
Qassemi said, "Immediately after the incident and the circulation of this unfortunate news, the Foreign Ministry and Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Turkmenistan contacted Turkmen authorities and seriously followed up the issue." They filed an official note, asking Turkmenistan's government for ...
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's semi-official ILNA news agency has reported that Turkmenistan border guards opened fire, killing two Iranian fishermen and detaining another two for trespassing. Wednesday's report says the incident happened on Tuesday night when the four young fishermen were sailing ...
Turning to the mutual friendly relationship between Iran and Turkmenistan, Ghasemi said, “Iranian government lodges its protest to the unplanned and illogical move taken by Turkmen's border guards in shooting an Iranian fishing boat strongly.” In conclusion, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ghasemi ...


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