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updated Fri. June 28, 2024

Hailemariam's predecessor Meles Zenawi, a former guerrilla commander who took power after leading the overthrow of a military government, was halfway ... Seizing power for a lifetime has come to a dead end in Ethiopia,” Abiy was quoted on the state-run Ethiopian News Agency as telling a meeting of ...
"While domestic legislations in countries like UK hinder return of looted treasures to their original homeland, momentum is on Ethiopia and other countries who want their looted treasures return," Abate said. Abate also said the Ethiopian government intends to make the return of its looted artifacts an ...

The project is a major part of a massive energy infrastructure project the Ethiopian government is undertaking which aims to see the country's power ... The hydro dam, which is being built on Blue Nile river 40 km from Sudanese border, has been billed as a landmark project signaling Ethiopia's renaissance.
On Wednesday, the UN Human Rights Office for East Africa and the Ethiopian Government signed an agreement to strengthen the Office's ability to do human rights work in the country and the region. The Office has already offered its assistance in revising the charities and societies proclamation, the ...
On the surface, Ethiopia's government appears to be representative. The ruling coalition — the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) — consists of four political parties. Each represents a different region and ethnic base, with its own factions in the federal legislature and regional state ...
Original story with headline: Ethiopia revokes right of top journalist Eskinder Nega to leave the country. Eskinder Nega, an award winning Ethiopian journalist who was jailed for being critical of government has been barred from leaving the country, a writers' body, PEN America and a famed blogger, ...

ADDIS ABABA, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The recent appointment of ministers and heads of federal government organizations will serve as a positive imputes in providing concrete solutions to the preoccupations of the public, according to the newly appointed Ethiopian Minister of Government Communications ...
Ethiopia's government plans to hire foreign companies to help develop the country's sugar industry, after cancelling a military-industrial conglomerate's contract on a key project, according to Bloomberg. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, in office since Ap.
Yeshoda Karuturi, executive director of KGL, on her part, told The Reporter that with the involvement of Indian and Ethiopian Ambassador's, court cases between the company and the government withdrawn in favor of reaching at an amicable solution. “This has produced some sort of remarkable outcomes.
ADDIS ABABA, April 20 (Xinhua) -- The Ethiopian government on Friday revealed that Ethiopia's access to electric power grid system has now reached more than 57 percent. The Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, in its latest report presented to the Ethiopian House of Peoples and ...
Ahmed was sworn in as Ethiopian Prime Minister on April 2, replacing Hailemariam Desalegn amid anti-government protests and strikes in various parts of Ethiopia including Amhara regional state. Ahmed said the Ethiopian government would work to make Gonder city which is close to the Sudanese ...
The Ethiopian government appears to be hardening its position, and is now pressing for full restitution of artefacts seized by the British at the battle of Maqdala in 1868—not long-term loans. At the opening of the Victoria and Albert Museum's (V&A) display on 5 April its director, Tristram Hunt, made a clear ...
The Ethiopian government has officially responded to the United States Congress' decision on Tuesday to issue a resolution against the government over human ... The resolution calls on the Government of Ethiopia to lift the state of emergency, end the use of excessive force, release wrongfully imprisoned ...
Kuwait will begin re-hiring Ethiopian domestic workers after a hiatus that lasted for years, its interior ministry announced on Tuesday. The decision has been made after a series of meetings with representatives from the Ethiopian government, the Kuwaiti interior ministry's assistant undersecretary for the ...
They've been harassed, arrested and prosecuted, but Ethiopia's dissidents say they feel quietly hopeful after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed extended an olive branch to them in his inaugural speech. Referring to opposition politicians as "brothers," and apologising to people hurt in recent anti-government ...
Though it may come with risks, it would be in the government's own interests to encourage open dialogue and constructive criticism. ... The young leader, still in his early 40s, is the head of the Oromo party in the ruling coalition, the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). This grouping ...
While continuing to respond to three concurrent emergencies, and mindful of the fluid socio-political context within the country, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) has advocated for stable humanitarian financing, while promoting wider investments in refugees' selfreliance through an improved and ...

The chairperson further commended the former premier "for his commitment and contribution to the advancement of Ethiopia and the continent as a whole." The AU Commission Chair Mr Mahamat Mahamat further reiterated AU's full support to the Ethiopian government and people as they strive to achieve ...
Since Ethiopia's government declared the new state of emergency this year, the security forces have killed dozens of people and have been criticized for ... government system, the individual states are powerless and the parties which represent each state and ethnic group in the ruling coalition, Ethiopian ...
"Even if we are poor, it's better to be with our society". The sprawling compound of the Kechene Children's Home is up in the hills of Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa. The orphanage, which is funded and run by the Ethiopian government, is a collection of brick buildings nestled between towering pine trees.
The Ethiopian government has already made progress in implementing the comprehensive framework. First, civil registration of refugees, including birth, marriage, divorce and death, started in October 2017. This has provided retroactive registration rights to the approximately 70 000 refugee children born ...
But rather than pursue a reform agenda, the Ethiopian government followed his announcement by declaring a state of emergency. This not only jeopardises the regime's apparent intent to institute democratic reforms, it also pits citizens against the security forces. And it's already led to more violence, not ...
Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi, Ethiopia's largest private employer and the most prominent backer of its authoritarian government, is among those ... Amoudi, the gregarious 71-year-old son of a Yemeni businessman and his Ethiopian wife, were swept up with hundreds of billionaires, princes and ...
But rather than pursue a reform agenda, the Ethiopian government followed his announcement by declaring a state of emergency. This not only jeopardises the regime's apparent intent to institute democratic reforms, it also pits citizens against the security forces. And it's already led to more violence, not ...
“While in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Secretary Tillerson should have talks with Ethiopian government about their internal political crisis, and should encourage the regime in power not to fear an opening to transparent democracy,” he tweeted on March 3, 2018. “Ethiopia regime should withdraw SOE ...
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.-- Some Hoosier families are fighting to bring their children home from Ethiopia after the country banned foreign adoptions. ... "We're gonna continue to emphasize to the Ethiopian government that if they want to have strong and positive relations with the United States of America, which ...
According to him, the government has never been united than at this time. The country is without a substantive Prime Minister after the resignation of Hailemariam Desalegn. The current state of emergency was announced a day after Desalegn's resignation. The ruling EPRDF accepted the resignation but ...
In a word of advice to the citizenry, he said: “We encourage the Ethiopian people as well to maintain patience, maintain support for your government through this change or this transition but also through this journey of pursuing democracy which takes time and effort. Democracy is not easy, it takes a lot of ...
Ethiopia's defense minister announced the arrests of the "main instigators" linked to anti-government protests roiling the country, insisting that armed federal ... On Wednesday, the country's ruling coalition Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) announced that its executive committee ...
The social shutdown prompted by Ethiopian activists against a recently imposed state of emergency has entered day two with full compliance. ... The Oromia region has been the heartbeat of anti-government protests that started in 2015 through 2016 till a state or emergency was declared in October that ...
Speaking to state-owned Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation on Saturday, Abadula said 395 was the correct number of votes in favour of the legislation. Ethiopia government imposed a state of emergency on February 16 with the view to curb rising insecurity. The measure was imposed by the Council of ...
The state of emergency prohibits, among other things, the distribution of potentially sensitive material and unauthorized demonstrations or meetings. Hailemariam remains in office until a new prime minister is appointed. Ethiopia is, in essence, a one party state led by the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary ...
The establishment of the Energy Authority as new entity also showcased government's commitment to harness geothermal energy resources in the Second Growth and Transformation Plan period, Tesfaye elaborated. Ethiopia has an immense potential of geothermal energy related to other East African Rift ...
Tweeting the AP report on the re-arrest, Rubio's PressShop wrote on Friday: “Ethiopian journalist Eskinder Nega, who was recently released after 7 years in prison on false charges, was just re-arrested. “I urge the Ethiopian government to release him and other political prisoners. #expressionNOToppresion ...
Abiy Ahmed, who is expected to become the country's next prime minister, would be the first member of the Oromo ethnic group, which makes up a third of Ethiopia's population, to lead the government. The group, which has suffered political and economic repression, has been at the center of protests ...
But, despite the criticism it received from the Ethiopian establishment, HR-128 is likely a blessing in disguise for Ethiopia's new prime minister and his ... Therefore, besides condemning killings, detentions, and abuse of the Anti-Terror Proclamation, the resolution also calls on the Ethiopian government to ...


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