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updated Fri. August 16, 2024

Twitter has been criticised by the UK government in wake of an expose into how Russian accounts run by 'bots' may have influenced the 2017 general election. According to an investigation by The Times, in conjunction with Swansea University, over 6,500 Russian Twitter accounts (many of which were ...
THERESA May's Government has announced a crackdown on Scottish-based shell companies that have been used to launder dirty money by foreign criminals. The UK Government is to consult on closing a series of “loopholes” in Scottish Limited Partnerships (SLP), which are widely believed to have ...

Soccer star Sol Campbell has urged the Government to keep its eye on the ball over Windrush victims – and make sure it delivers on its promises to help them. The ex-England captain branded the scandal that has seen Commonwealth citizens from the Caribbean threatened with deportation after decades ...
The UK government is investing £300m in artificial intelligence research, in a bid to accelerate the sector's growth and position the UK as a leader in the field. The funding, a part of the UK's latest industrial strategy, is in addition to £300m already earmarked for finding innovative solutions to an ageing ...
UK Government to run more than 140 campaigns in 2018/19. Added 13 hours ago by Ian Griggs. The annual Government Communications plan was launched last night, with an ambitious commitment to deliver more than 140 campaigns during the coming financial year, an increase of 20 on this year. News. Share0 Tweet0 ...
LONDON — The U.K. government paid private sector consultants hundreds of thousands of pounds to help design a Brexit customs arrangement — only for the EU to dismiss it almost as soon as it landed in Brussels. Government records show the U.K. tax authority, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs ...

The theme of this year's National Apprenticeships Week (NAW) was 'Apprenticeships work', and employers, apprentices and providers across the country gathered to showcase the success of the system. This anecdotal evidence is also supported by more systematic evidence collected and analysed by ...
The government is joining forces with the European, US and Japanese tech sector, together pledging £1 billion to drive AI research in the UK. The AI Sector Deal comes against building international competition over the future direction of AI technology, particularly in regards to China's vast investment in ...
The government has vowed to invest £300m in artificial intelligence research, in an effort to accelerate the sector's growth and position the UK as a leader in the field. The funding, a part of the UK's latest industrial strategy, is in addition to £300m already earmarked for finding innovative solutions to an ...
“Worried about the potential threat to the monster, members of the British government such as Inverness MP Murdoch McDonald requested that the government pass a special act of parliament to protect the monster from harm.” “Why did the British government put legislations in place to protect the monster ...
LONDON — The UK government's business department is "operating in a parallel universe" where it does not have the priorities, staff, or IT systems to deliver Brexit, according to a damning report published by MPs on Wednesday. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) says the Department for Business, ...
This week's Commonwealth leaders meeting is a chance for the UK government to demonstrate in practice leadership on the rights of LGBTQI+ people. As well as promoting the rights of LGBTQI+ people globally, the government should ensure that when the same people are on our shores seeking ...
UK government squirms over Windrush Generation scandal during CHOGM meeting in London. THE red carpet is out and the flags are up, but UK leaders have been mortified by a scandal that paints them in the worst light. Victoria Craw@Victoria_Craw · 19, 201811:41pm. Video; Image ...
The U.K. government has unveiled plans to ban the sale of plastic straws and drink stirrers and plastic-stemmed cotton buds. ... The U.K. government's action on straws, cotton buds and stirrers reflects a wider shift in society, with many organizations looking to take action on plastic waste. Leading U.K. ...
Green MSP calls for UK Government to revisit onshore wind subsidy ... The UK Government has been urged to revisit its decision to remove onshore wind projects from a key renewables scheme. UK Business Secretary Greg Clark was pressed to allow onshore wind projects to compete in future Contracts ...
Online lending platform LendInvest announced on Thursday it is putting the UK government “on notice” to improve access to finance for property SMEs by forging better partnerships with the alternative finance industry. LendInvest reported that in a new report entitled Putting Finance First: the alternative ...
The U.K. government has launched a public consultation on plans to tackle tax avoidance arrangements that designate earnings of U.K. residents to trusts and companies in low or no tax jurisdictions. While Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs said it had succeeded in challenging some of the so-called ...

Warlike noises are emanating from the British cabinet, echoing those from Washington and Paris, and not everyone is happy about it. Last weekend four Royal Air Force fighter jets joined American and French forces in a strike against chemical weapons facilities controlled by Syrian President Bashar ...
UK companies are highly active in the world of surveillance technology. They export their products to countries across the globe, including democracies and authoritarian regimes. But, surveillance firms don't do this on their own. Instead, various parts of the government, including the Department for ...
Speaking following a meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May in London today, Prime Minister Andrew Holness said the British Government must address the matter. Mr. Holness said he is particularly encouraged by the Home Secretary's statement which not only recognized the invaluable ...
The UK Government has announced it is challenging flagship Brexit legislation passed by the Assembly. Bills passed by both the Assembly and the Scottish Parliament last month have been referred to the Supreme Court in London, raising the prospect of a legal showdown between the UK Government ...
UK government authorities have taken a leaf out of the US rulebook and warned the country's telcos off using equipment and services from Chinese vendor ZTE. Following a report in the UK's Financial Times newspaper on Monday, the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) published a brief ...
London (CNN) The UK Government has lost a key Brexit vote, with the upper House of Parliament backing calls to remain in the EU customs union after Brexit. The House of Lords voted 348 to 225 to amend the government's EU Withdrawal Bill, which will now return to the House of Commons where the ...
The AI Committee is proposing a path for both the British government and UK-based businesses to move forward as AI increasingly expands in power and scope. The report is particularly timely given the recent scandal surrounding Cambridge Analytica's use of Facebook data and growing concerns that ...
A Government guide given to Jamaican deportees advises them to fake a “local accent” to help them stay safe. “Try to be Jamaican,” it says. “Use local accents and dialects (overseas accents can attract unwanted attention).” The advice emerged after the Government admitted some people who had lived in ...
Mr Ewing has asked Matt Hancock – the UK government's secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport – for confirmation the USO would tie in with Scotland's own 'Reaching 100 per cent' broadband programme and allow the Scottish Government to access some benefits. Speaking ahead of his ...
The British government has admitted that it “likely” had contacts with two Islamist groups, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and the 17 February Martyrs Brigade, for which the 2017 Manchester Arena bomber, Salman Abedi, and his father reportedly fought during the 2011 war in Libya. Abedi killed ...
Contingency plans have been put in place to deal with the potential failure of the Scottish Government to deliver key welfare powers under devolution. Work and pensions secretary Esther McVey told members of the Scottish Parliament that more information was needed on how the Scottish Government ...
The UK Government is at risk of "stumbling into dangerous territory" over the use of "killer robots", according to a new House of Lords report. The report by the House of Lords Artificial Intelligence Committee says autonomous weapons with the power to "hurt, destroy or deceive" human beings could be ...
The UK Government has earmarked a £61.4 million warchest to fight the rising tide of plastic pollution in the world's oceans. Theresa May announced the fund ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in London this week. She is due to call on all of the 52 leaders present to sign up to the ...
The government's failure to take action on insulating draughty homes has been criticised by the statutory body for energy consumers. Smart systems key to future of cheaper and cleaner energy supply. Read more. As millions of households brace for another round of energy bill rises after British Gas and ...
Britain had no alternative but to take military action to degrade Syria's chemical weapons capability, Prime Minister Theresa May says, after ordering air-launched cruise missile strikes along with the US and France. Four Royal Air Force Tornado jets from the Akrotiri base in Cyprus fired Storm Shadow ...
Exclusive The UK Home Office will sign a deal with Accenture to replace its clunky 1990s-era immigration and asylum applications system – having previously written off £347m in its last attempted overhaul. The department confirmed procurements have been awarded to Accenture and PA Consulting as ...
... the UK government is conducting with regard to Russia.” The Russian embassy has published a list of 27 questions about the Skripals which it claimed had gone “unanswered” by the British government. Many of the questions addressed the medical treatment the Skripals received following the attack.
The British government is considering Russia's request for access to the poisoned daughter of a former Russian intelligence officer who was convicted of spying for Britain. The Foreign Office said in a statement it was reviewing the Russian request "in line with our obligations under international and ...
York is the sort of city that could benefit from a 5G network thanks to its high concentration of tourist attactions. Photo: Jack Schofield. The British government plans to create a "5G city" as a testbed for the future rollout of 5G phone networks across the UK. But which city? That's up for grabs. The Department ...
THE UK GOVERNMENT has published a white paper that outlines its plans to work towards tighter anti-piracy legislation in Britain. The new Industrial Strategy white paper seeks to aid the British creative industries against piracy, making it harder for people to download illegal content online, such as ...
The UK government announced the terms of reference for an official review into airline industry failures. It will include looking at ways of allowing an airline facing terminal financial problems to wind down its flight operations gradually, rather than collapsing suddenly. The review was triggered following the ...
The UK Government today revealed plans to jointly invest $212M (£150M) with industry into the creative sectors, a move hailed by Warner Bros. UK, Ireland and Spain President Josh Berger. With continued investment in the creative industries, the Government is hoping that inward investment in UK film ...
On March 22, the UK government held its second annual International Fintech Conference. The Conference forms part of the UK's plans to maintain its world leading position in technology-enabled innovation in financial services (FinTech). The Conference follows the launch of the European Commission's ...
Fresh from the announcement that the UK government was setting up a “crypto task force” to look into the risks and benefits of cryptocurrency and all things blockchain, British minister John Glen MP has revealed to reporters that provided the government gets regulation right, they would welcome a ...
The UK has decided to stop plans for a new opencast coal mine because it would “adversely impact upon measures to limit climate change”. The application for the new mine had initially been approved by the local council in Northumberland, but was 'called-in' for review by the Minister for Local ...
Former child migrants sent to Australia say they are concerned a report recommending compensation be paid to them by the British government will go unheeded if action is not taken soon. The UK inquiry recommended surviving child migrants each be paid the same amount of compensation without delay ...
As Brexit approaches, concern remains about the lack of clarity on key issues relating to science and innovation, such as access to funding, regulation and immigration policies. The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee is calling on the government to remove science from the wider ...
EU officials said earlier this year that, unless an agreement is reached on transitional arrangements in the interim, businesses will no longer be able to automatically transfer personal data to the UK from 30 March 2019 and be sure that those arrangements comply with EU data protection laws. One way in ...
At the UK Treasury's second annual fintech conference, part of the UK's ongoing fintech week, chancellor Philip Hammond unveiled the UK government's first Fintech Sector Strategy, a comprehensive plan to ensure the UK builds on its existing strengths as a global fintech hub, and that the industry retains its competitive ...
But James Eadie QC, for the British government, told the Supreme Court that the Justice and Security Act was relevant to the case since it was passed to protect “national security” and that is what the government was trying to do. Allen's role in the 2004 rendition was first exposed in documents that emerged ...
The UK Government is set to welcome a group of insurance-linked securities (ILS) investors to Number 11 Downing Street next week, the home of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as it looks to set out its support for the sector and encourage investors to consider allocating to UK ILS opportunities. UK flag ...
The UK's main financial watchdogs are to team up and investigate the risks and rewards of digital money and its technology. It comes less than a month after Bank of England governor Mark Carney warned that cryptocurrencies like bitcoin were "failing". Plans for a cryptoasset taskforce form part of the ...
A transgender woman in Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre who says she entered the UK when she was sex trafficked by a gang will be deported back to Thailand in a matter of days to a “situation of great danger.” Tanya*, who has been detained in Yarl's Wood since December 30 2017, has been ...



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