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updated Thu. August 8, 2024

As Brazil expects an increase in Haitian migrants, it will need to address the current lack of public policies, which have already come under criticism since the 2010 earthquake. Brazil is still pulling itself out of recession, and Haitian migrants living in Brazil have previously expressed concern about access to ...
Goods brought illegally across the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic cost the Haitian government about $400 million a year in uncollected revenues — money that could be used for sorely needed healthcare and other basic services at a time when the U.S., Venezuela and other foreign ...

Goods brought illegally across the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic cost the Haitian government about $400 million a year in ... the U.S. do to ... crack down on illicit contraband trade between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and bring sorely needed revenues to the government of Haiti?
This week, the Government and the United Nations System in Haiti convened the 2017-2021 Sustainable Development Framework (CSD) progress review meeting, which guides Haiti's partnership with the United Nations in support of the country's national development priorities. This initiative is part of ...
At least once a week, Reynald Justance visits a small, fairly inconspicuous office building on Orlando's west side. The building, located across from a shopping plaza, is unmarked, except for a yellow sign by its door that reads in French: Authorized CAM Agent Serving the Community. CAM, short for ...
He acknowledged “a misunderstanding between MINUJUSTH and the government of Haiti” but said he “was encouraged” by a better alignment recently of priorities between the two. Lacroix said the U.N. mission “can only be effective if it has a sound relationship with the Haitian government and people ...

Briefing the Council, he reviewed the progress the Mission had made so far in fulfilling its mandate to assist the Government of Haiti to strengthen rule of law institutions, to support and develop the Haitian National Police, and to carry out human rights monitoring, reporting and analysis. “While achieving ...
Agritrans SA, led by Moise, received $27 million in investments beginning in 2013, $6 million coming directly from the Haitian government's Industrial Development Fund (IDF). Agritrans and the IDF are both phantom organizations used to carry out central plans for the Haitian government. Agritrans' sole ...
... to overplay his hand in his contretemps with the government over the legal status of some Bahamas-born, Haitian descendants of illegal immigrants, ... to undermine the lawful policy of our government by calling on the government of Haiti to abandon international law and refuse to accept the repatriation ...
The ladder truck, formerly part of Sleepy Hollow's five- truck fleet, will be driven or towed to the Brooklyn docks and transported to Port Au Prince on a ship owned by the Haitian government. Sleepy Hollow will incur no transportation costs. “We are really pleased that a truck that served us well over the years ...

It is this deepening engagement between CDB and the Government of Haiti that has led us to conclude that there is a need for a country office. We expect that this will lead to the development of closer relationships with the Government and the people of this country, enabling CDB to be a more proactive, ...
A day after recalling its United Nations ambassador for consultations in protest over a UN official's remarks about oil-loan corruption allegations, the Haitian government has canceled its participation in a high-level UN retreat on cholera in New York. Continue reading ...
“Last year, CDB, in collaboration with the Government of Haiti, developed a country strategy plan for the period 2017 to 2021, with an indicative resource envelope of USD100 million to help Haiti meet its development priorities. The strategy focuses on three main themes: agriculture and community ...
SANTIAGO, CHILE — This is how Rodrigo Delgado earned the nickname the “Haitian mayor” even though he presides over a small slice of a South American capital 3,500 miles from Haiti: He hired Haitians with teaching qualifications as school aides, translated his local government website and public ...
He made no mention of the Haitian government's decision not to attend the retreat, which he called “an opening of a new relationship between the government of Haiti and the United Nations.” “Defeating cholera in Haiti is not only a matter of saving lives but of justice,” Dujarric said. “The dream here is that ...
The mayor of Jacmel, Marky Kessa, on Friday accused Haiti's central government of punishing the city for its decision to ban Sweet Micky — the on-stage ... But it will take more than a bad Haitian government check, he said, to derail Sunday's street party — or Jacmel's fight against immorality, which was ...
Joint press release of the MPCE and the United Nations system in Haiti: The Government of Haiti and the UN reinforce their partnership during the review of the ... This partnership between the UN and Haiti, founder member of the United Nations, recognizes the leadership and responsibility of the Haitian ...
... and motivate the Haitian diaspora to visit. This way, diaspora Haitians have a way to establish an emotional connection with Haiti. Among the many ways and means of capitalizing on the previously mentioned opportunity, I suggest the following to the Haitian government to develop diaspora tourism:.
AVALON -- The Borough of Avalon donated 200 metal folding chairs that are being replaced at Avalon Community Hall to the International Christian Development Mission. The organization provides substantial relief efforts to the residents of Haiti and includes a local ICDM Family Homes chapter based in ...
Saying it was “shocked at the highest level,” the government of Haiti has suspended the aid group Oxfam Great Britain for two months while it investigates ... On Thursday, the Haitian minister of planning and external cooperation, Aviol Fleurant, said officials were looking into the incidents and trying to ...


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Haiti government