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updated Sun. July 7, 2024

Clerk Jacqueline Felser noted the town was among only 15 percent to get a passing grade when the Empire Center evaluated the websites of 500 governments and school districts in New York in 2014. Of 53 analyzed in Western New York, only four passed. Dunkirk got a C, while West Seneca, the Buffalo ...
The hearing in New York Thursday was set to learn where the government is in its process of handing over copies of documents and electronics seized in the raid. She also asked attorneys for Cohen, the Trump Organization and the President to explain how quickly they could review the materials and ...

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo asked Simcha Felder, the lone senator blocking Democratic control of Albany, to reconsider his G.O.P. allegiance. [New York Times]. • He intended to announce $125 million for schools, but instead Mayor Bill de Blasio ended up stumbling over a reporter's questions about sexual ...
Representative Paul Tonko, Democrat of New York, asked Mr. Pruitt in the morning session to say “yes or no” to whether he had approved pay raises for two E.P.A. employees he brought with him ... “You have a solid record of violating ethics rules from the state level to the federal government,” she told him.
Even before he was accused of chronic alcoholism, handing out opioids like they were candy, verbally abusing his subordinates, and crashing a government vehicle while driving under the influence, Ronny Jackson's nomination for secretary of Veterans Affairs was in peril. The White House doctor had no ...
... Congress on Thursday that the agency lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children the agency placed with sponsors in the United States, according to prepared testimony obtained by The New York Times. ... The children were taken into government care after they showed up alone at the Southwest border.

It's unclear whether Mr. Ortega is now experiencing a terminal crisis as Anastasio Somoza Debayle did, or whether these protests are the beginning of the end. But he is certainly facing a new reality. Government repression of popular protests has killed more than 30 to date, including one journalist, Angel ...
In Spain, the chief of the Madrid regional government, Cristina Cifuentes, above, resigned after a website posted video that appeared to show her being detained for shoplifting. [The New York Times]. • Street protests resumed in Armenia amid political deadlock and growing popular anger against the ...
Democrats won two special elections for the New York State Senate on Tuesday, theoretically giving them a one-vote advantage in that chamber, and full control of state government, for the first time in years. However, in reality their dream of turning the state into a progressive haven was crushed by Simcha ...
Enter Mr. de Blasio into a job where tensions between Albany and New York City have been longstanding, even among members of the same party. In the 1980s, it was Mayor Edward I. Koch and Gov. Mario M. Cuomo, two Democrats. In the 1960s, it was Mayor John V. Lindsay and Gov. Nelson A.
NEW ORLEANS — As he navigates a seamy swirl of scandals, Gov. Eric Greitens of Missouri finds himself the newest member of a small, unenviable club: governors so embattled they risked being expelled from office. But political crackups have given rise to another similarly select group: the handful of ...
ALBANY – For more than four months, 1.8 million New Yorkers have gone without full representation in the State Legislature. They've had only a partial voice in Albany during the most important period in the session, when lawmakers and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo made spending decisions affecting ...
The Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity released its annual New York City Government Poverty Measure report last Friday. The report said that both the poverty rate and the near-poverty rate, which applies to people living below 150 percent of the city's poverty threshold, have decreased since last ...
But it is unlikely to sway protesters who still have other grievances against his government — including Mr. Ortega's interference with the National Assembly, the law and the Constitution, like eliminating term limits. He is also widely criticized for having manipulated the Supreme Court, the elections council ...
LONDON — Before the royal wedding, there's the royal baby: Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, gave birth on Monday to a boy, the third child for her and Prince William. “Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101 hrs,” Kensington Palace said in a statement ...
Nearly one in five government job ads in 2018 called for “men only” or “men preferred.” Some job posts require women to have “beautiful physical features” or a “fine temperament.” Some even demand a certain height and weight. Prominent New York Stock Exchange-listed companies like Alibaba have ...
For generations of Americans, working for a state or local government — as a teacher, firefighter, bus driver or nurse — provided a comfortable nook in the middle class. No less than automobile assembly lines and steel plants, the public sector ensured that even workers without a college education could ...

The murders of two Binghamton University students in the last two months have rattled the upstate New York school. [New York Times]. • Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced a series of initiatives aimed at addressing the high rate of maternal mortality among black women, including the use of doulas.
Most of the possible outcomes will lead to a government in Rome that is willing to oppose its Western partners on Russia policy, including sanctions. Above, ballots were prepared at a polling site in Rome. Misinformation has thrived on social media ahead of the vote. We looked at recent instances during ...
Scott Lloyd and Mike Pence, two of the Trump administration's warriors against women's reproductive rights. Photo: Drew Angerer; Woohae Cho/Getty Images. When the Vice President of the United States told a Right-to-Life group this week that he could envision the day when abortion would become ...
Late in that decade, Mr. Nader convinced the Clinton administration that he had valuable contacts in the Syrian government and took on a secretive role ... In 2009, he agreed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge for providing $1 million in illegal gifts to New York State pension authorities, including trips ...
The deaths, reported in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Virginia, included two children. An 11-year-old boy in Putnam Valley, N.Y., died after a large tree fell and crashed into a home, trapping the boy, the Putnam County Sheriff's Department said.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday that he would begin deploying 100 New York National Guard members and 30 vehicles out of Camp Smith in Westchester to assist with storm recovery in the four hardest hit counties — Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester and Sullivan. Crews in New York City began clearing ...
ISTANBUL — Having already brought Turkey's mainstream media to heel, and made considerable headway in rolling back Turkish democracy, the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has set its sights on a seemingly innocuous target: a satellite television preacher named Adnan Oktar.
Todd Kaminsky announced legislation that would change New York penal law to explicitly prohibit teachers from carrying guns in schools. The announcement adds to the debate in the state Legislature over what gun-control measure may be needed in the wake of the Parkland, Fla., school shootings Feb.
ALBANY, N.Y. — New York state has moved its fall 2018 primary election date back two days so it doesn't interfere with the anniversary of 9/11 or the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday that he has signed into law a measure moving the date of the primary ...
BERLIN — Germany's Social Democrats voted in favor of forming another government with Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives, ending nearly six months of political limbo and setting Europe's economic powerhouse on a path to the political stability it craves — at least for now. The center-left Social ...
There will be heavy rain — an estimated two to three inches — and some snow mixed in, but the biggest concern for New York City and Long Island will be the damaging winds, according to Jay ... In an emergency statement issued on Thursday, Gov. ... By water: Seastreak, NY Waterway and NYC Ferry.
JOSEPH A. HIRSCH, NEW YORK. To the Editor: As a former career civil servant of the federal government and a holder of a “top secret” security clearance, I find it stomach-churning to read of the machinations of the president's son-in-law, the president himself and the various ... CENTERPORT, N.Y..
“Brussels and the European capitals are worried because this election could bring the least pro-Europe government Italy has ever had,” said Stefano Stefanini, a former Italian ambassador to NATO who is a Brussels-based consultant for Project Associates. Youth employment, widespread economic ...
Recruited to New York City government in the late 1960s by the administration of Mayor John V. Lindsay, Mr. Weinstein joined several like-minded young colleagues in a new Urban Design Group within the Department of City Planning. Their goal was to tailor zoning regulations to a neighborhood's unique ...
President Donald Trump is pushing congressional Republicans not to fund a crucial infrastructure project - a long-delayed plan to build a new rail tunnel between Manhattan and New Jersey - setting up a confrontation that could complicate passage of a massive government spending bill this month.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says more than 363,000 utility customers without are without power in the state as winds and snow down tree limbs and power lines. Cuomo ... Authorities say multiple barges have broken loose in the Hudson River as a nor'easter pounds the New York metropolitan area.
The United States is the most important export country for German rolled steel products and the second-most important destination for the European Union, after Turkey, according to official government statistics. Mr. Gabriel said, “Such a sweeping blow from the U.S. would reverberate around the world, but ...
German news outlets, citing security sources, have widely blamed a Russian hacking group backed by the Russian government — either one called Snake, or another known as APT28, or Fancy Bear. But Berlin has not publicly said who was behind the attack. The attack was narrowly targeted, apparently ...


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