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updated Tue. May 21, 2024

In the center of the Karakum desert in Turkmenistan, lies the Darvaza gas crater with a diameter of 60 meters, and a depth of 20 meters, deemed the "Gates of Hell" for its continuous burning. This crater appeared in 1971 during a survey of the local area by geologists. When they started to drill the ...
The Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment of Romania have signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the economic sphere, the Turkmen media reported April 17, informs. The document was ...

Young men under the age of 30 in Turkmenistan have been barred from traveling abroad, especially to Turkey, for security reasons, BBC Monitoring reported April 18, citing RFE/RL. Authorities are reportedly attempting to bring back Turkmen nationals abroad, including migrant workers and students ...
ASHGABAT (TCA) — The Presidents of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are expected to meet on 24 April. However, it is not clear yet where the meeting is scheduled to be held, independent foreign-based news website Chronicles of Turkmenistan reports citing its sources. Serious preparatory work for the ...
In what's become an almost daily scene at the super-modern, sumptuous Ashgabat International Airport, dozens of ticketed passengers with visas in hand are being told without explanation that they cannot board their planes, often bound for Istanbul or Dubai. Some of them who anticipated the rejection ...
Don't blame the sunbathers in Turkmenistan if their bikinis seem out of style at the country's forlorn Caspian Sea beach resorts this summer. The Turkmen government has banned the import of new bikinis and other traditional swimwear, forcing swimmers and other beachgoers to use their old suits or come ...

Turkmenistan and Iran, it seems, are intent on not letting an ongoing gas dispute completely derail relations. On March 27, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani paid a visit to Ashgabat, shaking hands with Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Beyond the bilateral relationship, the visit reflects ...
ASHGABAT (TCA) — Starting from March, women employed by state agencies and organizations in the Turkmen capital Ashgabat have been “recommended” not to use nail polish, not to have nail and lash extensions, not to dye hair and wear gold jewelry items, independent foreign-based news website ...
Most were sentenced to outrageously long prison terms, often in closed trials, and then disappeared from sight or contact, presumably to languish – facing potential death – in Turkmenistan's jails. Several months after his arrest, Otuzov was sentenced to 25 years in prison on corruption and abuse of power ...
Turkmenistan: Iranians Shot at on Border Were Drug Smugglers. Turkmenistan says that the Iranians who were shot by border guards in the Caspian Sea were trying to smuggle narcotics. March 23, 2018, at 1:51 p.m.. March 23, 2018, at 1:51 p.m.. U.S. News & World Report. Turkmenistan: Iranians Shot at on Border Were ...
Iran has asked for “immediate” explanation from Turkmenistan after the Central Asian country's border guards opened fire on four Iranian fishermen in the Caspian Sea and killed two of them. "We are strongly protesting the indiscreet action of Turkmenistan's border guards in shooting at a fishing and civilian ...
According to the CIS observers, the nomination and registration of candidates to the Parliament of Turkmenistan "were held freely and openly, on an equal footing, in compliance with the requirements of the national legislation.” Voters have access to the reliable and objective information about candidates ...
But it's not just readers who find it difficult to get a full picture of Turkmenistan. Even experienced journalists are left struggling to tell fact from fiction away from the glare of the president's stage-managed presence. To begin with reporters rarely find a way into the country at all, instead being refused visas, ...
ASHGABAT (TCA) — Citizens of Turkmenistan staying abroad have failed to obtain cash, pay for purchases or transfer funds from their bank cards, the independent foreign-based news website Chronicles of Turkmenistan reported on March 7. The website cited a card holder as saying that the bank card ...
Kuwaiti DM meets Turkmenistan team ... During the meeting, they discussed major issues and matters that concern Kuwait and Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. Kuwaiti Ambassador to Turkmenistan Majdi Al-Dhfairi was present at the meeting. Meanwhile, Sheikh Nasser Sabah ...
The cooperation of Turkmenistan with the regions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan, St. Petersburg, the Astrakhan and Sverdlovsk regions and other subjects, sees notable contribution from the leading companies of the Russian Federation - Vozrozhdenie, KAMAZ, Zarubezhneft, Siberia ...
Turkmenistan is creating the most important information and communications bridge not only in the Central Asian region, but also between East and West, says a message of the country's President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of the March 7 holiday of local employees of communication ...

The Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) gas pipeline project is an important and effective step towards the implementation of Turkmenistan's energy strategy, Consul of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Azerbaijan Batyr Rejepov said. Rejepov made the remarks at the round table entitled ...
But this time the decision is particularly strange, since Turkmenistan could use the support of its neighbors to help get through difficult economic times. Consulting the archives, we can find only five times that all five Central Asian presidents gathered with no other leaders in attendance: December 1991, ...
Berlin hosted the 7th Turkmen-German Health Care Forum, where prospects for cooperation in the field of practical medicine were discussed, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reported March 7. Particular attention was paid to orthopedics and physiotherapy. The program of the working trip of the ...
Discussions about the OSCE's support for Turkmenistan's ongoing efforts to promote gender equality were the focus of meetings held during the visit of the OSCE's Senior Gender Adviser, Amarsanaa Darisuren, to Ashgabat, says a message of the organization's Ashgabat office. During her first working visit ...
Turkmenistan is completing construction of a new international sea port in Turkmenbashi city designed to provide a higher level of trade and economic cooperation among the countries of Asia and Europe, according to the appeal of the Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of ...
Turkmenistan's President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the leadership of the regional administration, where the progress of agricultural work was considered, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reported March 6. In the second half of March, cotton sowing will start in ...
A high-level group on trade and investment support operating under the auspices of the Turkmen-Russian intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation has started its work in Ashgabat, the Turkmenistan State News Agency reported. The delegation from the Russian Federation included heads ...
Communicating with a construction site via satellite feed from a train station in southeast Turkmenistan on February 23, the leaders of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, Pakistan's prime minister and India's foreign minister watched as construction of a 500-kilovolt power transmission line was formally declared ...
Most people have never heard of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan and cannot point it out on a map. People often say it is like a mix of Las Vegas and Pyongyang. The city looks like a cartoon fairyland, with huge structures of marble and gold everywhere you look, and each skyscraper is more luxurious than the last.
A two-member delegation from India, led by Minister of State for External Affairs M.J. Akbar, attended the ceremonies in Turkmenistan and Afghanistan on Friday for the launch of a pivotal trans-border gas pipeline. The $22.5-billion project will transport natural gas from the resource-rich Turkmenistan to ...
Turning to the mutual friendly relationship between Iran and Turkmenistan, Ghasemi said, “Iranian government lodges its protest to the unplanned and illogical move taken by Turkmen's border guards in shooting an Iranian fishing boat strongly.” In conclusion, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ghasemi ...
With all the fanfare that accompanied the recent start to work on the Afghanistan section of TAPI – the pipeline that Turkmenistan hopes will one day pump its natural gas to markets in South Asia – another equally speculative but potentially momentous development was largely overlooked. Communicating ...


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