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updated Wed. June 26, 2024

The funds involved from the regional council do not only come from the taxpayers living within the territory of the council. Regional councils, including those in the West Bank, receive hundreds of millions of shekels in funding directly from the government. For example, the Mateh Binyamin council received a ...

As a region in the northern West Bank, many in international community call upon Israel to relinquish all of it, if not most of it as part of a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. “I am astounded as to why such a great, meaningful organization as AIPAC, whose raison d'etre is ...
Lawmaker Haim Jelin of Yesh Atid, a former head of the Eshkol Regional Council near the border with Gaza and a member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said the question of how the terrorists managed to penetrate so deep into Israel from Gaza needs to be quickly investigated by ...


news and opinion



    west bank
       region councils

Israeli settlements in the West Bank:
       adi ad
       alon shvut
       bat ayin
       beit el
       beit hadasa
       beit hagai
       beitar illit
       elon moreh
       geva binyamin
       gush etzion
       gush katif
       har gilo
       karnei shomron
       kfar adumim
       kfar etzion
       kfar tapuach
       maale shomron
       maaleh efraim
       maali adumim
       mabo dotan
       mitzpeh yericho
       modin illit
       n'veh daniel
       n'veh tzuf
       nofei zufim
       region councils
       rosh tzurim
       shadmot mecholah
       shavei shomron
       vered yericho
       yesha council