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updated Fri. July 12, 2024

Har Gilo residents were even informed that the road would be intermittently closed Thursday night so the work could proceed. Thursday evening, therefore, Nassir asked the court to declare the municipality in contempt. “This constitutes serious contempt for the honorable court's order, and the undersigned ...

Israel has told residents of the Palestinian village of al-Walaja south of Jerusalem that they are to be cut off from their farmland and farming terraces because of the relocation of a checkpoint, shifting a large segment of land from the Palestinian side to the Israeli one. A Jerusalem district planning panel said ...
The march started at the entrance to the nearby city of Beit Jala and proceeded along the road to Har Gilo settlement, with activists chanting against the occupation and in favor of a two-state solution. As the march got underway, Jews and Palestinians stood together forming a bridge with their hands for ...
There are 3,455 residential and public buildings built on private Palestinian lands in the West Bank, according to Civil Administration data. These illegal structures could be legalized under the expropriation law, whose validity is now being determined by the High Court of Justice in response to Palestinian ...
Al-Walaja, occupied West Bank - The illegal Israeli settlement of Har Gilo towers over the only remaining entrance to al-Walaja, a Palestinian village in the ... As parts of both the Har Gilo and Gilo settlements are built on Walaja's land, residents believe that their further expansion solidifies the confiscation of ...
Israel has already expropriated half of al-Walajah's land, confiscating some for the original construction of Gilo and seizing other parts by military order to establish the settlement of Har Gilo. In addition, the Separation Barrier cuts off al-Walajah residents from their farmed land - some of which was declared ...


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    west bank
       har gilo

Israeli settlements in the West Bank:
       adi ad
       alon shvut
       bat ayin
       beit el
       beit hadasa
       beit hagai
       beitar illit
       elon moreh
       geva binyamin
       gush etzion
       gush katif
       har gilo
       karnei shomron
       kfar adumim
       kfar etzion
       kfar tapuach
       maale shomron
       maaleh efraim
       maali adumim
       mabo dotan
       mitzpeh yericho
       modin illit
       n'veh daniel
       n'veh tzuf
       nofei zufim
       region councils
       rosh tzurim
       shadmot mecholah
       shavei shomron
       vered yericho
       yesha council