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updated Wed. September 25, 2024

These have been used to establish the large settlements of Pisgat Ze'ev and Neve Ya'akov to the west, as well as the Separation Barrier, which cuts off the village from East Jerusalem. To the north of Hizma, Israel established the settlement of Geva Binyamin, and the settlement of Almon east of the village.

A Palestinian man from Nablus confessed to killing his pregnant lover, a 29-year-old married woman from the settlement of Geva Binyamin (also known as Adam) in the West Bank. The court lifted a gag order on the alleged murder on Wednesday morning. The victim, Michal Halimi, disappeared on May 28.
The Israeli construction and housing ministry is planning a major housing project that includes 1,100 settlement units, cutting off Ramallah from Jerusalem. The plan will extend through the city's built-up areas, eastward, filling in the gap between the illegal settlement of Adam (also known as Geva Binyamin) ...
The Construction and Housing Ministry is planning a major housing project that includes 1,100 units with far-reaching consequences for northeast Jerusalem. The plan extends the citys built-up areas eastward, filling in the gap between the settlement of Adam (also known as Geva Binyamin) and the Neveh ...
The settlement of Adam, also known as Geva Binyamin, is only a 10-minute drive from Jerusalem and has attracted numerous families who work in the capital but cant afford to live there. Maman is setting up his new outpost only a few meters from Adams gate. One of the mobile homes, larger than the rest, ...


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    west bank
       geva binyamin

Israeli settlements in the West Bank:
       adi ad
       alon shvut
       bat ayin
       beit el
       beit hadasa
       beit hagai
       beitar illit
       elon moreh
       geva binyamin
       gush etzion
       gush katif
       har gilo
       karnei shomron
       kfar adumim
       kfar etzion
       kfar tapuach
       maale shomron
       maaleh efraim
       maali adumim
       mabo dotan
       mitzpeh yericho
       modin illit
       n'veh daniel
       n'veh tzuf
       nofei zufim
       region councils
       rosh tzurim
       shadmot mecholah
       shavei shomron
       vered yericho
       yesha council