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updated Sat. July 27, 2024

To be heard above the din of the water tanker, Migdalim Director Yael Hashash had to raise her voice considerably. “The year is 2017, and we ...

Qusra is well known for olive cultivation. It is flanked by three Israeli settlements: Migdalim, built in 1981, Esh Kodesh, 2000, and Ahiya, 2001.
The officials targeted villages in the area of Migdalim, east of Ariel in Samaria, which had been experiencing severe water shortages due to ...
To be heard above the din of the water tanker, Migdalim Director Yael Hashash had to raise her voice considerably. “The year is 2017, and we ...
To be heard above the din of the water tanker, Migdalim Director Yael Hashash had to raise her voice considerably. “The year is 2017, and we ...
Qusra is well known for olive cultivation. It is flanked by three Israeli settlements: Migdalim, built in 1981, Esh Kodesh, 2000, and Ahiya, 2001.
NABLUS, September 5, 2016 (WAFA) - Tareq Abu Rida, 50, a farmer from Qusra, a village south of Nablus, goes with his wife every day to work on his land surrounded by the Israeli settlement of Migdalim, located at the main entrance to his village, and ...
Qusra village is placed between Migdalim settlement and the Israeli Esh Kodesh outpost which makes it an easy target for settler violence.


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    west bank

Israeli settlements in the West Bank:
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