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updated Thu. August 15, 2024

Douma was the last rebel-held city in eastern Ghouta and an alleged chemical attack here led to the US, UK and France carrying out missile strikes in Syria. Now under the control of the Assad regime, Seth Doane, CBS, was the only American network correspondent to view the site, visiting the building ...
The North Korean leader was reported to have said: "I am pleased over the fact that the friendly Syrian government and people have recently made big achievements in the struggle to defend the country's sovereignty and security under the correct leadership of the president." Following the joint attack on ...

Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has been waging a brutally effective "siege and starve" campaign for years, military analysts say, a practice his regime will likely continue as it advances to capture two key rebel-held provinces — Idlib in the north and Daraa in the south. "Siege and starve" is as grim as it ...
The U.S. and its British and French allies defied Russian warnings Friday in a trilateral attack against Syrian government facilities allegedly associated with the production of chemical weapons. However, experts said the move was unlikely to end the war unless the U.S. could establish a follow-up strategy ...
The Syrian government and its partners have issued a string of contradictory reports regarding yet another reported Israeli strike against Iranian interests in the country. Though the exact details of the event remain unclear, Syria's dictator Bashar Al Assad and his Russian benefactors seem eager to dismiss ...
Theresa May ordered British forces to target chemical weapons facilities belonging to the Syrian regime in the early hours of Saturday morning in ... During a meeting of European foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday, EU nations agreed to work towards planning a new peace initiate for Syria.

Bob Corker, R-Tennessee, committee member Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Virginia, and other senators who are anxious for Congress play a bigger decision-making role about the course of the ongoing war on terror. RELATED: Chemical weapons experts get UN clearance to reach Syrian attack site. "There have ...
The U.S. continues to push for domestic political reform and military cooperation, relying on Lebanon to maintain its border with Syria, and late Friday President Trump announced that the U.S. has "launched precision strikes" on targets associated with Syrian chemical weapons program as part of a ...
Trump did not seek to change the course of the war (neither did his predecessor, really), and he has not. However ghastly and inhumane the current phase of the war, it is all about consolidation -- by the regime, and by Syrian-Kurdish and Turkish-backed rebels -- over various parts of the country.
The predicament of this young Syrian woman is not unusual, given the thousands of Syrian men and women who have fled the country or sought refuge in another part of Syria and lost contact with their spouses. A woman's right to divorce — whether because her husband has deserted her or because of ...
Turkish-backed forces have taken full control of the centre of the Syrian-Kurdish city of Afrin. Fighters waved flags and tore down the statue of a legendary Kurdish figure after claiming the city centre on Sunday. The two-month Turkish-led operation aimed to rid the border region of a Kurdish militia that ...
A number of civilians have been killed by Turkish shelling and air strikes while trying to flee the embattled Syrian city of Afrin, reports say. Kurdish media spoke of dozens killed and wounded on Friday night alone while a UK-based monitoring group reported further deaths on Saturday. A resident told the BBC that shells on ...
AINISSA, Syria — On a recent reporting trip the photographer Mauricio Lima and I, along with our driver and a Syrian fixer, came to this town in the middle of nowhere in northern Syria because it is the location of the media office and headquarters of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the coalition of militias ...
Turkish-backed forces have taken full control of the centre of the Syrian-Kurdish city of Afrin. Fighters waved flags and tore down the statue of a legendary Kurdish figure after claiming the city centre on Sunday. The two-month Turkish-led operation aimed to rid the border region of a Kurdish militia that ...
This comes after a Russian air raid on the besieged Syrian enclave killed 70 people. Bombs hit a market in the town of Kafar Batna, within rebel-held Eastern Ghouta. The Syrian government and its allies launched an offensive to capture the area months ago. Further north, Turkish-led forces are preparing ...
Now both he and the war that has forced him to flee his country are seven years old. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, estimates that there are now more than a million Syrian refugee children like Mohammad who have never known their country at peace, their earliest memories shaped by war and exile.
“The Syrian opposition enclave of Ghouta is on the brink of falling to regime forces, three weeks into a relentless air blitz and seven years to the day since the ... The Syrian war has been marked by 'two distinct and irrefutable crimes against humanity: the use of chemical weapons and the direct targeting of ...

This month marks the seven-year anniversary of the war in Syria, by far the world's deadliest ongoing conflict. It is also the six-year anniversary of United Nations-led peace talks. Over the last four months, three Syrian peace initiatives have moved ahead. Indeed, the apparent military defeat of the Islamic ...
What began seven years ago as an uprising against the Assad regime has become a regional proxy war. Now there is talk of another war in the offing, one between Hezbollah and Israel. What would that look like, and how would it differ from the 2006 conflict? Special correspondent Jane Ferguson joins ...
Jonathan Alpeyrie was on his third trip to war-torn Syria in April 2013, when he became one of the first Western journalists to be abducted while covering ... The French-born war photographer was on his way to cover clashes between Syrian army troops and the rebels when he was pulled out of his Jeep, ...
The Syrian war crossed a wretched threshold Thursday, marking seven years since the start of the protests against President Bashar Assad's regime. ... By Thursday those barrages appeared to yield a major advance, as Syria's state-run media reported the country's military had "regained full control" of the ...
As many as 50,000 people have fled two separate offensives in Syria in recent days, activists say. At least 20,000 have fled Eastern Ghouta, near Damascus, where Russian air strikes are supporting Syrian government attempts to retake the area. The rest fled the northern town of Afrin, where Turkey is ...
They say “'it was the greatest moment of my life,' 'it was the first time I breathed,' 'it was the first time I felt like a Syrian citizen,'” she said. But, she added, as the war has continued to escalate, people have become more reluctant to recall those memories. “For a lot of people now, it's really painful to recall ...
The number of people killed in Syria is rising, despite the approval of "de-escalation" zones that were meant to reduce the violence. 12 hours ago ... This week, March 15, marks seven years since the start of Syria's war. ... Those who are still in Syria, are dealing with a rise in violence and civilian deaths.
Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - Mahmoud fled Syria when he was nine, Najat when she was 11. Like many other Syrian teenagers, both of them grew up far away from home. "7 Stories for 7 Years" is an immersive 360 documentary by Contrast VR - Al Jazeera's immersive media studio - and World Vision.
It was a moment when the repercussions of Syria's war extended beyond the country's borders, hardening public opinion on migration and leading to a tectonic ... Syrian refugees as a Trojan Horse, warning supporters at a rally in Rhode Island to "lock their doors" to protect themselves from Syrian refugees.
In a separate development, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent said a convoy of 25 lorries would deliver food and medical aid to Douma on Thursday. The convoy would be the second to get into Douma in a week but only the fourth to reach the Eastern Ghouta since November. "This would be potentially a fairly ...
This photo released February 21, 2018 by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows a convoy of militiamen loyal to the Syrian government on their way to aid the Kurds against Turkish forces, in the northern city of Afrin, Syria. Turkey's shattering war on a Syrian Kurdish militia that is closely aligned with ...
A UN convoy has successfully delivered aid to the rebel-held area of Eastern Ghouta in Syria which has been under intense bombardment, officials say. For the first time since Monday, food supplies got into the town of Douma, the Red Cross said. It follows a pause in Syrian government air strikes overnight, with the ...
Syrian rebel group Jaish al-Islam has agreed to evacuate jihadist fighters being held in its prisons in besieged Eastern Ghouta, a statement says. The group says the decision was made in consultation with a delegation that entered with a UN aid convoy. The Syrian government has stepped up efforts in retake the rebel-held ...
UN News spoke to Marwa Awad, communications officer for the World Food Programme (WFP), based in the Syrian capital, who said the escalation and fighting in besieged and hard-to-reach areas has paralysed the UN's response and WFP's ability to reach those who desperately need help. “A case in ...
YouTube hosts 4 million videos related to Syria that have been uploaded since the outbreak of the war in 2011, according to Keith Hiatt, vice president of the human rights ... For now, the history of the Syrian civil war is still at YouTube's mercy, and it's unknown how much of it has already disappeared.
Medics in the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta area of Syria say an attack on Sunday initially suspected to have involved chlorine did not use toxic gas. ... The attack targeted the town of Hammoria and led to the evacuation of dozens of civilians, according to the Syrian Civil Defence, whose volunteer rescue ...
None of the warring factions seem to care about the devastation of the seven-year civil war. Almost the entire country is rubble — more than 400,000 people have died, there are 5 million Syrian refugees and more than 6 million displaced. Unfortunately, the peace option seems highly unlikely. There had ...
Each day, patients and their families cross the border, seeking treatment from the volunteer staff at Al-Amal, many of whom are refugees themselves. The Syrian civil war, which began with a crackdown of pro-democracy demonstrators by President Bashar al-Assad's government forces in 2011, has resulted ...
An aid convoy carrying urgently needed supplies has entered the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta area of Syria, for the first time in weeks. ... A World Health Organization official told Reuters that Syrian government officials had removed 70% of the supplies, which included surgical materials and trauma kits, from ...
He said the series had been discussed on Syrian state TV as well as Orient, a pro-opposition network station: "They've never agreed on anything except on this show. Part of its success is that Syrians feel it talks about human stories. It leaves it to the audience to choose their point of view, and not call this ...
Pro-government forces in Syria have reportedly recaptured about 10% of the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta enclave. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, says fighting on the ground intensified there on Saturday. Rebels responded by shelling nearby Damascus.
Like all seemingly endless conflicts, the fighting in Syria long ago splintered into a number of mini wars. The original confrontation between the Syrian government and those trying to bring it down is now almost an irrelevance, with President Assad's position radically diminished but essentially unchallenged ...
At least 36 pro-Syrian government troops have been killed by a Turkish air strike in the region of Afrin, a monitoring group says. The strike targeted a camp at Kafr Jina in the northern Syrian region, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said. The pro-government troops entered Afrin two weeks ...
Indiscriminate shellfire by Turkish troops - and to a lesser extent Kurdish forces - has killed scores of civilians in Syria, a human rights group alleges. ... The YPG has denied shelling civilians in Syrian areas neighbouring Afrin and Turkish border towns, and accused Turkish security forces of carrying out ...
Jennifer Cafarella, a Syria expert at the Institute for the Study of War, says that Assad is trying to “recapture every square inch of Syrian territory.” He's done so by leading a brutal campaign across the country — one that Eastern Ghouta now faces. “The regime has been leading a 'siege, starve, and ...
Dr Mohamad Katoub, a Turkey-based doctor with the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), which supports hospitals in the Eastern Ghouta and other rebel-held areas, told the BBC: "We don't believe that this truce will bring any benefits for the civilians inside Eastern Ghouta. Five hours is not enough to ...


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