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updated Sat. July 13, 2024

Knit for Peace was founded by the Charities Advisory Trust originally as an income generating projected for Hutu and Tutsi widows who had been the victims of the Rwandan genocide and civil war. Through the Good Gifts catalogue people could pay for the women to knit jumpers for orphans. The scheme ...
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa last week took his election campaign begging bowl to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President Joseph Kabila, where the two leaders also discussed the political and security situation in their countries and Zimbabwe's long-standing demand for US$1 billion ...

The final phase of Chess Olympiad qualifiers for selecting Rwanda's teams – open and women – for this year's 43rd Chess Olympiad started last weekend with the first four rounds played at IPRC-Kigali ... And, as they say, pushing a wounded tiger into a corner means one thing: prepare for war, it is coming.
But, Sudan's new Ambassador to Rwanda, Abdalla Hassan Eisa Bushara says that lifting the restrictions that were “blocking the Sudanese economy”, means more cooperation ... And we expect to see more Sudanese investors in the coming days to explore investment opportunities in the Rwandan market.
Though for many, Rwanda evokes images of genocide and civil war between Hutu and Tutsi, I see stories of healing and reconciliation, like that of Eliya and Gaston. They should be bitter enemies, since Eliya murdered friends, neighbors and relatives of Gaston, including the father of the woman Gaston ...
The last major conflict in Congo, which killed some six million people, was sparked by a joint invasion by Uganda and Rwanda; both countries are playing a ... Claude Gatebuke, Rwandan genocide and civil war survivor, executive director of the African Great Lakes Action Network (AGLAN) states: “Paul ...

“Post-Cold War” didn't last long. The horrors of Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Somalia in the 1990s were a grim reminder that the confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States wasn't the only source of instability and violence in the world. Instead of disappearing, NATO not only discovered new ...
South Sudan has been racked by an ethnically charged civil war since late 2013, pitting forces loyal to President Salva Kiir, a member of the Dinka group, ... The war has forced more than 4 million South Sudanese to flee their homes, creating Africa's largest refugee crisis since the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
By Anthony Wesaka. Kampala — Sacked Inspector General of Police, Gen. Kale Kayihura, has been taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over crimes against humanity that he allegedly committed along with his men when they forcefully deported a group of Rwandan nationals back to Rwanda.
Officials offered them a choice: indefinite detention in Israel or a one-way ticket to an unnamed third country — most likely Rwanda or Uganda. ... deals with African governments that agree to take in the asylum-seekers, only to discard them illegally in third countries, including war zones like South Sudan.
They ask, "why is there a war over there?" I tell them sometimes people try to inflict suffering on other people and I just try to see if I can make things a little bit better. Whenever I look at my kids, I have that feeling that I really need to go back. We keep repeating the same mistake: Srebrenica, Rwanda, Darfur, ...
Kigali, with its coffee shops, boutique hotels and flower-filled parks, is a world away from the Rwanda of 1994, when almost a million people were slaughtered in the space of a few weeks. But reminders are plentiful. Many of the country's churches now memorials with many Rwandans seeing them as safety ...
With the highest percentage of female legislators in the world (today 64%), Parliament granted women the right to inherit property, giving them not only financial stability but also collateral to start businesses. Rape has been made a war crime. And Rwanda is the gold standard of national rebirth and growth.
THE MDC-T National Organising Secretary Abednico Bhebhe has warned that Zimbabwe risks plunging into civil war if minority groups continue to be “denied” the opportunity to ... He explained; “Rwanda is one of the fastest developing countries in Africa and yet is led by Paul Kigali from the minority tribe.
The geopolitical situations in the Great Lakes region, currently characterised by damaged relations between neighbouring countries and a political impasse inside the Democratic Republic of Congo could plunge the region into another conflict. Last week, at least 72 people were killed in renewed fighting ...
War crimes are being committed in eastern Ghouta, a suburb of Syria's capital Damascus, and the United Nations is compiling dossiers to prosecute war ... conditions in Syria resemble those of some of the most notorious conflicts of the 1990s, namely the atrocities in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda.
Israel's support for the Rwandan government's proposal to rewrite its history has far-reaching implications for Rwanda itself. ... Indeed, the Israeli defense industry has reached nearly every corner of the globe where genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and severe violations of human rights have ...

It is a proxy war where Russia, Iran, Turkey, the United States and others draw battle lines to pursue their interests and compete for influence. ... countries' borders or draw in combatants from outside, as happened in Liberia and Rwanda in the 1990s as well as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria more recently?".
“There are always excuses that stimulate wars that the youth today must detect and avoid. The Nazis blamed the jews for the loss of World War I and the economic crisis of 1929 and the Rwandan government accused the Tutsi in Rwanda for being part of the invading RPF forces in 1990. We all know what ...
The country's long war, sparked by pro-democracy protests in 2011 against a dictator, has created millions of refugees. ... concept, known as “responsibility to protect,” was endorsed by the UN out of a collective guilt over the world's failure to stop the mass atrocities in Rwanda and Bosnia in the mid-1990s.
In the West we really liked Rwanda, because Rwanda got back to business right away. They were a known business haven – Paul Kagame came in wanting to restore the economy, parallel with trying to resolve a million court cases which had to use the international tribunals and then Gacaca courts.
African migrants also went out into the streets, protesting in front of embassies like that of Rwanda, and hoping to pressure officials to end their expulsion. ... The United Nations refugee agency estimates there are 27,000 Eritreans and 7,700 Sudanese in Israel, who say they fled war, persecution, and ...
Rwanda and Cape Verde are the leading African countries in the war on corruption. They tied at position 48 out of 180 nations, with 55 points, in Transparency International's report of 2017 rankings. Rwanda was the leader in East Africa while Kenya jumped improved by two places but was still in trouble as ...
Israel's support for the Rwandan government's proposal to rewrite its history has far-reaching implications for Rwanda itself. ... Indeed, the Israeli defense industry has reached nearly every corner of the globe where genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and severe violations of human rights have ...
Goma - Six soldiers died in fighting to repel an incursion by Rwandan troops in eastern Democratic of Republic of Congo this week, the army announced on Friday. ... He said the Rwandans "had taken up three positions in Congolese territory and dug foxholes, which means they had come to wage war.".
Goma - Heavy fighting broke out between the Rwandan and Congolese military in troubled eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after an incursion by Rwandan troops, according to a Congolese army spokesman. Investigations are under way to see if the clashes occurred because of a problem with ...
The external shock was the Rwandan genocide of 1994. In its aftermath 2m refugees fled into eastern Congo. They were not the victims, but the perpetrators, along with their families and weapons. The forces of Paul Kagame, Rwanda's Tutsi strongman, had chased them into the rainforests of what was then ...
Harvard Kennedy School's Swanee Hunt discusses the lessons learned from the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide — key among them, ... Rwanda has more women parliamentarians than any other nation in the world, and almost half of its judges and presidential cabinet members are female. In the ...
The two corpses are among the 800,000 victims of the genocide that threaded through Rwanda's civil war in the 1990s. ... Early chapters detail the context behind Grenier's psychological affliction; they offer a superb look at both the tragic events of the Rwandan genocide and the inner landscape of psychological trauma.


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