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updated Fri. August 9, 2024

In fact, it has a long and well-documented history of human rights violations and war crimes in Lebanon. Here, too, the United Nations has watched largely in silence as Israel has targeted civilian communities and UN facilities, made use of prohibited weapons of war and participated in massacres against ...
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, told President Moon Jae-in of South Korea when they met that he would abandon his nuclear weapons if the United States would agree to formally end the Korean War and promise that it would not invade his country, a South Korean government ...

The United Nations sits on First Avenue, just off of 41st Street, overlooking the East River in New York City. It opened to .... South African Jurist Richard Goldstone, a former international war crimes prosecutor and member of the UN team that issued the report, described the Israeli conduct as "a deliberately ...
I have to admit that seeing the leaders of North and South Korea shaking hands and deciding that the Korean War should end was not something I was expecting to see. ... I'm no diplomat, but I think even a strange little fella like Kim Jong-un might suspend his nuclear program if an entire mountain fell on it.
UNITED NATIONS, April 26 (Xinhua) -- UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov on Thursday warned of the danger of another war in the Gaza Strip after weeks of violence on the border with Israel. "This combination of the security, development and humanitarian ...
In a meeting heavy with history and symbolism, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will hold talks with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the Peace .... One topic unlikely to be raised during the discussions is North Korea's atrocious human rights record, which a United Nations report in March said left ...

The pledge to end the Korean war faces major hurdles -- any final peace deal must also involve China and the US, both of whom were participants in the .... "Seeing Kim Jong Un live, chatting easily with their president, will no doubt have been jolt to South Koreans and remind them that the North Koreans ...
JUBA, South Sudan — Ten aid workers have gone missing in civil war-torn South Sudan just days after another group of humanitarians was abducted by gunmen, the United Nations said Thursday. The statement said three U.N. staffers and seven aid workers, all of them South Sudanese, went missing ...
“We see confrontations and proxy wars involving several national armies, a number of armed opposition groups, many national and international militia, terrorist groups, foreign fighters from everywhere in the world – all these creating a bleak panorama of Syria today where there is no military solution to the ...
Higgins addresses UN, speaks of 'so much war' ... President Michael D. Higgins has spoken today to the United Nations General Assembly ... live in a world that is home to so much war: wars the preparations for which absorb the finest minds in science and technology; wars in which civilians are more at ...
Battlefield gains made by the regime forces of Bashar Al Assad have worsened prospects for a political settlement, the United Nation's Syria envoy said on Tuesday in a bleak assessment of the state of the country after seven years of war. Staffan de Mistura called on major foreign powers involved in the ...
The United Nations Security Council has major responsibility in its job description: to maintain international peace and security. ... At the same moment diplomats in New York were acting undiplomatic, the war in Syria was continuing apace – a war that will only end in Assad's mind until every inch of Syrian ...
A United Nations war crimes court has sentenced a Serbian ultranationalist to 10 years in prison, partially overturning his acquittal over crimes against humanity and other charges dating to the Balkan wars in the 1990s. Vojislav Seselj, who leads the Serbian Radical Party and is a politician in the Serbian ...
A United Nations court has partially overturned Serbian nationalist politician Vojislav Seselj's acquittal on charges of war crimes and crimes against ... Seselj is accused of committing the crimes against non-Serbs in Croatia, Serbia's Vojvodina region, and Bosnia-Herzegovina during the Balkan wars that ...
Mr. Egeland, who had earlier attended a scheduled meeting of the UN-supported humanitarian task force on Syria, said that more than half a million men, women and children had been displaced in the last three months in and around Idlib, from Eastern Ghouta, and from the district of Afrin in northern ...
The Yemen war began in early 2015, when Houthi rebels -- a minority Shia group from the north of the country -- drove out the US-backed government, led by President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, and took over the capital, Sanaa. The crisis quickly escalated into a multi-sided war, which allowed al-Qaeda ...
Such persons believe that a new era of law-based global security had been launched when the UN was established in 1945, that the organisation would be ready and able to prevent the recurrence of major war as even governments had become scared of future warfare in light of the atomic attacks on ...

(March 11, 2018 / JNS) According to a report issued by U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein, the growth of Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem constitutes a war crime. “The establishment and expansion of settlements in the occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel, ...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein has described Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem as “war crimes”, Quds Press reported yesterday. According to local media, Al-Hussein's warnings would be part of a report he is to introduce to the UN Security ...
President Trump's snap decision last week to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong Un shocked the world. No American president has sat down with a leader of North Korea since the Korean War ended in 1953. The president's move gives the North Korean dictator several things on his wish list, but one in ...
NEW DELHI | KABUL (IDN) – The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has documented that, in 2017, 359 women were killed – five per cent more than in the previous year – and 865 injured. Altogether about 10,000 civilians lost their lives or suffered injuries in 2017. It is against this backdrop ...
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte fuelled an extraordinary war of words with the United Nations by saying that their human rights team should be fed to crocodiles if they came to investigate his controversial war on drugs. It followed a week in which he had called Agnes Callamard, UN Rapporteur on ...
BEIRUT: The living conditions of civilians inside Syria are worse than ever, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said on Friday (Mar 9), with the conflict set to enter its eighth year. "The conditions faced by civilians inside Syria are worse than ever, with 69 per cent languishing in extreme ...
The UN human rights chief on Wednesday called for a new body tasked with preparing criminal indictments over atrocities committed in Myanmar, after a similar panel was created for the Syrian conflict. The Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council has set up multiple investigations and fact-finding ...
South Korean National Security Advisor Chung Eui-yong, center, briefs reporters at the White House on March 8, 2018 in Washington, D.C. Intelligence chief Suh Hoon is at left. President Donald Trump has accepted an offer of a summit from the North Korean leader and will meet with Kim Jong Un by May, ...
The Commission says that while there is no evidence to indicate that the Russian attack deliberately targeted civilians, "the use of unguided bombs, including blast weapons, in a densely civilian populated area may amount to the war crime of launching indiscriminate attacks resulting in death and injury to ...
MANILA, Philippines – The United Nations human rights chief slammed President Rodrigo Duterte for ordering the Philippine National Police to ignore possible probes over the alleged human rights violations under the war on drugs. “I deplore President Duterte's statement last week to elite police units that ...
North Korea residents celebrated New Year's Eve with a chilling fireworks display while despot leader Kim Jong-un used his message to threaten nuclear war on Donald Trump ...
Reports emerged on Saturday that over 55 people have been killed in Yemen following fighting just outside the capital, and another 25 killed along the country's west coast.[1] Several others are reported to be injured as well, with casualities on both sides. The ongoing war in Yemen has left over 22 million ...
GENEVA — United Nations investigators have linked Russian forces to a possible war crime in Syria for the first time, reporting on Tuesday that a Russian plane was responsible for airstrikes on a market last year that killed scores of civilians. The plane carried out a series of attacks in November on the ...
The PNP's contradictory statements: Dela Rosa's latest statement, however, contradicts what PNP spokesperson Chief Superintendent John Bulalacao said earlier when he clarified Duterte's statement that police should "ignore" drug war investigators from the United Nations. "The PNP follows a protocol on ...
Syria's military appears to be advancing on several fronts as it tries to retake the enclave just to the east of the capital, Damascus. Government forces have now taken 25% of the area, UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitors say. A UN aid convoy planned for Sunday has not been able to ...
The UN's human rights chief has warned that attacks on Syria's Eastern Ghouta probably amount to "war crimes" and that those behind the targeting of civilians will be held to account. "I must emphasise that what we are seeing, in Eastern Ghouta and elsewhere in Syria, are likely war crimes, and potentially ...
Impact of Afghanistan's fourth consecutive year of war on civilians 'far too high' – UN report ... their lives or suffered injuries during 2017, according to the latest report by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) documenting the impact of the armed conflict on civilians in Afghanistan.
The UN Security Council is struggling to agree a resolution seeking a ceasefire in Syria and has put back a vote until Saturday. The vote has already been delayed several ... "The Syrian tragedy must not also become a graveyard for the United Nations," he added. The draft resolution also calls for all parties ...
Their findings are a sharp departure from previous UN reports that documented crimes but not perpetrators. Oil-rich South Sudan gained independence from neighbouring Sudan in 2011, but slid into civil war in December 2013. More than 4 million people, a third of the population, have been displaced by ...
Battlefield gains made by the regime forces of Bashar Al Assad have worsened prospects for a political settlement, the UN's Syria envoy said on Tuesday in a bleak assessment of the state of the country after seven years of war. Staffan de Mistura called on major foreign powers involved in the conflict to ...
REUTERS/Siegfried Modola Investigators have been documenting the horrors committed during South Sudan's civil war since its outbreak, but a new UN report offers a detailed account of some of the most emblematic crimes committed there during 2016 and 2017, underscoring the necessity of holding the ...
(CNN) North Korea has been sending supplies to Syria that could be used to produce chemical weapons, a United Nations Security Council diplomat has ... Medical aid organizations, however, say they have routinely treated victims of chemical attacks and blame government forces, as the country's war ...
The UN has renewed its appeal for an immediate truce in the besieged Syrian rebel-held Eastern Ghouta area, amid reports of more deaths in air strikes. The UN Security Council demanded on Saturday that all parties cease fighting for 30 days "without delay". But the Syrian government's ally Russia said ...


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United Nations:
      general assembly
      group of 77
      security council

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