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updated Tue. July 9, 2024

The RadPiper robot was developed at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh for the U.S. Department of Energy, which envisions using similar technology at other nuclear ... “As the nation addresses the next 50 years of this important cleanup, robots are going to have an increasingly important role in that.
The Federal Trade Commission warned this week that mobile spam calls are now targeting the Chinese community in the US, with the robocaller pretending to be from the Chinese Embassy. The messages range from asking the recipient to pick up a package or document from a Chinese Consulate office ...

Suppose we had robots perfectly identical to men, women and children and we were permitted by law to interact with them in any way we pleased. .... Machines are created to improve the lives of human beings, and one of the attractions of advanced AI is the prospect of robot maids, butlers and chauffeurs ...
This isn't the first time animals have inspired robots. In 2016, Harvard researchers build a tentacled soft robot called Octobot made entirely of flexible parts and inspired by real-life octopi. The tiny robot's squishy-looking tentacles move via a specific chemical reaction that turns hydrogen peroxide into gas ...
This story contains spoilers for season 1 of Westworld, and episode 1 of season 2. Westworld is back, and I'm more confused than ever. Watching HBO's robot drama is a little different from reporting on artificial intelligence, my job here at Quartz. Usually I'm trying to figure out whether some new AI ...
I'm very much an early adopter of our faceless robot overlords, but I'm certain that everyone else will come around in time. If they don't have their heads turned by the Ikeabot, a few more genuinely useful everyday robots will be sure to win them over. Boffins, if you're reading, here are all the tasks I want you ...

But it's entirely possible that humans will eventually become robots, rather than living at loggerheads with them. In February, Dr Pearson told The Sun that humans are close to achieving "immortality" – the ability to never die – thanks to robot tech. "There are quite a lot of people interested in living forever," ...
But officials have made developing robots for other uses a national priority. Toyota also is working on robots that might be used for construction, such as the human-looking T-HR3 and a scooting human-support robot. In the U.S., Construction Robotics has developed a bricklaying robot. Shimizu, which is ...
A robot greets customers at the entrance and answers questions using voice recognition software. Clients can swipe their national identification cards to enter the bank - or scan their faces using the bank's facial recognition device. Machines inside allow visitors to buy gold, change currency, or scout real ...
... Robot from War and Peace — is that technology (no matter what it is) must play a pivotal role in the development of the plot. Read: It ain't enough just to have spaceships, the spaceships have to matter, get it? And Donut? Donut matters. There's no story without Donut. No book. No robots tearing each ...
Sophia, who is the first artificially intelligent (AI) robot to be granted a citizenship, also took time off to praise the skills of Egyptian football sensation, Mohamed Salah's and wished the Egyptian football team the best of luck for the World Cup in Russia. According to Egyptian TV Presenter Osama Kamal who ...
RightHand Robotics, which makes software and intelligent grippers for piece-picking robots used in the supply chain industry, just helped set a world record that probably didn't have you on the edge of your seat. Robot workstations equipped with the company's technology successfully picked up and ...
Wherever the Robinsons end up in the finale, Will oh-so-wisely points out that it looks like a galaxy the robot knew well. Those two overlapping orbs could signify we're in for more robots in Season 2 or even — dare we dream? — a robot origin story. Either way, the second season is set up even better than ...
One not have to be a believer that we are bound for a future of technologically driven unemployment to enjoy Robot-Proof. I'm actually quite skeptical that robots will take all the jobs. Mostly, I think that robots will take many of the not so great jobs -- leaving better employment available for humans.
For years now, professionals have voiced concerns that robots and automation would steal jobs away from hardworking individuals. The bulk of workers, though, are actually pretty laid back about the idea of robots in the workforce and aren't concerned that their jobs are at stake.
The proposal may be guided in some part by concerns about “black box” thinking: the idea that robots might someday decide to do things with motivations that are opaque and incomprehensible to us—who else to blame but the robot? But the critics argue that we are far from the point of needing this kind of ...
The robot is campaigning under the slogan "Artificial Intelligence will change Tama city”. The election in the west of the Japanese capital features high-ranking local politicians, as well as the robotic candidate competing against its human counterparts. The campaign process is no different either: the district ...

There's ample office space, robot-themed meeting rooms and a large, mock warehouse, where Fetch's army of autonomous fulfillment 'bots cruise around, largely undisturbed. Fetch was founded in 2014 by alumni from Willow Garage, a Menlo Park-based robotics hardware company that closed its doors ...
But US military researchers apparently believe that any robot with a rigid skeleton can't achieve the maneuverability and agility necessary for effective combat. ... The US Army Research Laboratory announced a joint research project today with the University of Minnesota to design soft, spineless robots for ...
But with the rise of artificial intelligence, sophisticated trash-sorting robots are now turning up at recycling plants across the nation. ... Matanya Horowitz, CEO of AMP Robotics, told MACH in an email that his company trains each Cortex robot by showing it thousands of examples of bottles, cans, packages, ...
There's a new robotic exoskeleton aimed at a niche audience: skiers and snowboarders. According to a spokesperson, the wearable robot "promises to extend your ski day, [allow you to] access longer challenging terrain, make stronger turns, or simply enjoy the sport without the pain. All the while keeping ...
“I thought I could just read the literature on how kids do it, and that would give me a blueprint for building my language and learning robots,” Roy told me. Over dinner one night, he boasted to Patel, who was then completing her PhD in human speech pathology, that he had already created a robot that was ...
The oil and gas company Total aims to soon be using robots to inspect its North Sea platforms in a bid to improve safety and reduce costs. The French company ran a design competition - won by a team from Austria and Germany - which came up with the robot. A project over 18 months will see tests done on Total's Alwyn ...
Computer scientists at MIT have unveiled a new, soft robot fish that can independently swim alongside real fish in the ocean. They call their robot fish SoFi and described the work in an article published March 21, 2018, in the peer-reviewed journal Science Robotics. The article is online here. A statement ...
It will see a mobile robot developed and trialled for autonomous operational inspection of facilities on Total's onshore Shetland Gas Plant and offshore Alwyn platform. The trial marks the first use of an autonomous ground robot on an operational oil and gas installation, with a view to boosting productivity ...
Guinness World Records adjudicator Lorenzo Veltri attended the shoot to make the record official, by ensuring all the machines were dancing at the same time and discounting any that fell during the attempt. The Alpha 1S robot is extraordinarily flexible, which allows it to perform many different dance ...
US military scientists have previously developed robot-bees for Earth-bound espionage, while a Japanese team is working on a version that could pollinate crops if real bee numbers decline. The Marsbees would give NASA an entirely new perspective, as the wheeled rovers already exploring Mars are ...
Public acceptance is an important factor. Robots seem to be catching on in mall and customer service settings more readily in the United States and Japan, than in Europe, according to experts. Customers at a grocery store in Scotland got one robot, a Softbank Pepper unit named Fabio, fired because they ...
Every product here is independently selected by Mashable journalists. If you buy something featured, we may earn an affiliate commission which helps support our work. The SunFounder Nano DIY 4-DOF, otherwise known as 'Sloth,' is a STEM education toy that helps build an understanding of robotics, ...
Rebecca Allison, asset integrity solution centre manager at the publicly-funded Oil and Gas Technology Centre, insisted autonomous robots would not be used to cut the wage burden of offshore workers who are paid a premium for working in tough, remote conditions. “It's not taking their jobs. It's giving ...
A group of researchers at Georgia Tech created a novel tool to delay and potentially expose would-be hackers of industrial automation. Called the HoneyBot, the small robot is designed to fool perpetrators of cyberattacks into thinking it's a vulnerable robot performing important industrial automation tasks.
If robots and AI are the dominant drivers of production in the coming century, perhaps having too large a population to care for —especially one that needs to be controlled through limits on internet and information access —will turn out to be more of a hindrance for China. The rapid aging of China's ...
That's where flying robots like the Marsbee could come in. NASA is already considering the idea of a drone-like robotic flying machine for studying Saturn's moon Titan. The Marsbees idea is still in the very early stages, but it's intriguing. The robotic bees could potentially explore parts of Mars a land-based ...
When considering the potential benefits of robots, start by thinking through your daily routine. Is there anything you would gladly let a robot take over? Though they're relatively small in size, there are robots making a big impact in areas of everyday life. Gardening: If you enjoy watching your Roomba trundle ...
Industrial automation company Festo churned out another nature-inspired robot with the Bionic Flying Fox. In a video, the robotic fox—or, just a bat, if you want to be less fancy about it—drops from the ceiling and maneuvers around a room with half-gliding, half-flapping motions that propel it forward.
Fewer Japanese workers want to enter the country's food service industry because of the long hours, repetitive tasks and insufficient holidays, according to an entrepreneur. Tetsuya Sawanobori is president at Connected Robotics, a start-up that plans to sell a robot in that can help restaurants prepare a ...
When we ask robots to do things, should they do what we say, or what we mean? By Evan Ackerman. How Not to Order Water from a Robot Waiter Image: IEEE Spectrum; Robot: TurtleBot; Glass: Jan/Flickr Researchers used a mobile robot similar to the one above as.
The use of such robots is growing in services sectors like tourism, where the scale of business can overwhelm staff with menial tasks. Most of the automatons serve mainly as novelties — humanoid versions of an Alexa or Siri meant to marvel customers. They represent an expansion in automation, but one ...
Huggins is a former Google Tester who's become something of a full-time tinkerer, building robots from LEGO kits and self-modeled 3D printed parts. He's shows me a prototype of the company's latest robot, which stands of a pair of Ronald McDonald feet. “I couldn't find clown shoes on Thingiverse,” he ...
One new, tiny robot is on a mission -- to keep fellow robots safe from hackers. Created by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the HoneyBot could fit inside of an average shoebox but it's meant to handle the safety of robots significantly larger than itself. Engineers designed the HoneyBot to ...
In many ways, this quote, which is found at the beginning of “Mr. Robot and Philosophy: Beyond Good and Evil Corp.,” the new book co-edited by Richard Greene and Rachel Robison-Greene, perfectly encapsulates both the appeal and the significance of the critically acclaimed drama on USA Network.
The robot has a camera, speaker and microphone, adjustable height, and uses segway technology to travel the hallways. Dr McClain says the biggest limitation of the robots is the fact he can't shake a patient's hand - as well as the wi-fi outages. He says making his way through hospital wards comes with ...
One robot has the capacity of milking 60 cows, providing 180 milkings per day. Brett Beavers, who has been involved with the dairy business 17 years, said the robots cost between $150,000 to $200,000 apiece and that they have a dual purpose. Not only do they milk the cows, but they also manage the ...
In this interview, Audrow speaks with Andrea Bajcsy and Dylan P. Losey about a method that allows robots to infer a human's objective through physical interaction. They discuss their approach, the challenges of learning complex tasks, and their experience collaborating between different universities.
... can be seen crashing and burning on a date in the Cayman Islands with none other than Sophia the Robot. After attempting to flirt with Hanson Robotics' state of the art artificial intelligence creation by cracking a joke about the type of music robots like and not-so-subtly bringing up his '80s hip-hop career, ...
A start-up called Cobalt Robotics is making roving security robots for use in commercial buildings -- whether that's an office, data center or a hospital. The robot could help companies save money on human security guards: businesses spent almost $68 billion on physical security in 2016, according to ...
She is just one of the four team members who helped design the tele-presence robot. "We help students who can't be at school be present with this robot," Shotts explained. "You can call in on Facetime and see the room that you are in," freshman Camron Burks explained. It's part of HOSA, which stands for ...
Built Robotics CEO Noah Ready-Campbell poses for a picture in front of the company's autonomous track loader Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018, in San Francisco. Backed by Silicon Valley money, tech startups are developing self-driving bulldozers, drones to inspect work sites and robot bricklayers that can lay ...
Following years of testing, Walmart expanded the use of robots to 50 of its locations this week, including four Southern California stores, with the Santa Clarita location joining Burbank, Lancaster and Palmdale. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, the rolling retail robots are built to identify ...
Goldberg demonstrated the latest version of it at EmTech Digital, an event in San Francisco organized by MIT Technology Review and dedicated to artificial intelligence. Goldberg's robot is a lot closer to matching the adroitness of a human than anything developed previously. Industrial robots with better ...


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