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updated Wed. June 26, 2024

“The superrich and international corporations have simply exited from the messy world of paying tax, leaving the rest of us, the fools and idiots, to pay our taxes dutifully.” As one ... As does the revolving door between people inside HMRC [Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs] and these accountancy firms.”.
So why invest in an entity that blithely announces its aversion to a long-term commitment to you or even to a relationship with mutual benefits? In an essay on ... Or, alternatively, is the institution committed — both economically and ideologically — to maintaining a revolving door for its contingent work force?

They cited "the appearance of selective investigation and retaliation" against the lottery's corporation's security director, Alfred DuPuis, for his "forthright ... An alleged "revolving door of cronyism" dating back to September late 2016, when former lottery CEO Anne Noble stepped down and entered a lucrative ...
HARTFORD — The Department of Consumer Protection is opening a top-to-bottom investigation into the Connecticut Lottery Corporation for its handling of ... But the Department of Consumer Protection, which over sees the Lottery, still sees ongoing issues, including the Lottery's relationship with DCP, ...
They also further expose the intimate relationship between the giant internet and telecommunications companies and the repressive apparatus of the state. A revolving door has been established between the workforces of the technology monopolies and military and intelligence agencies. At a hearing in ...

A new generation of Virginia lawmakers won office last year in part on promises to reduce the influence of the state's most powerful corporation, Dominion Energy. Now the legislature is poised to recalibrate the relationship between consumers and the electric utility by subjecting Dominion to new state ...
The revolving door between Big Law and government agencies has long been a target of criticism, but a new report by watchdog organization Public Citizen argues that the number of former corporate attorneys working in the Trump administration should be even more cause for concern. Seventy-six of 127 ...

An exclusive new report details the revolving door between big corporate law firms and the administration. ... This cozy relationship knows no one party; Covington & Burling famously held open a corner office for Eric Holder while he negotiated settlements with many of their banking clients. But the Trump ...
Playwright Sarah Burgess explains why this view prevails in Kings, her new play about the cozy relationship between corporate lobbyists and our elected ... Set designer Anna Louizos visualizes Washington's revolving door by literally putting a revolving door on the traverse stage, which is buttressed by the ...
Jeremy Appel: When we hear about the deep state it's usually a reference to the power elite running the show in Washington, DC, despite Trump's alleged goal to “drain the swamp” of corporate influence. What do you mean by the term in your book? Kevin Taft: When I finished the manuscript, the term ...
It is testament to the prolific connections between the resources lobby and government, the “revolving doors” between industry, the major political parties ... this revolving-door activity in an attempt to determine just how extensive the influence of the fossil fuel industry has been on the nation's policy-makers.
Wake Up Call: Law Firms Eye “Financial Bonanza” From Relationship With Trump: Report ... Revolving doors between government and Big Law firms are nothing new, but the Trump administration is taking the cozy arrangement to new extremes, according to a new report by watchdog organization Public ...
Two examples from 2016 and 2017 clearly illustrate the extent to which such relationships can have a toxic effect on democracy. During last year's ... The phenomenon we seek to highlight has previously been referred to as the “revolving door” between the political and corporate realms. But although there ...
Addleshaw Goddard finance and projects division managing partner Amanda Gray said Fordham was a highly-respected finance partner who was an exciting addition to the business: 'We are seeing a consistently high volume of mid-market deals through our close relationship with each of the UK clearing ...


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