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"Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty."
George Washington

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updated Thu. June 27, 2024

... International-Korea is expected to help efforts to raise the nation's anti-corruption index in the defense industry to those of advanced nations.
ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of Jordan Maj Gen (Retd) Ibrahim Yali Mohammad (Osta Amadani) and High Commissioner of Nigeria Major ...

One of the U.S. military-industrial complex's longest-running foreign-war charades may soon come to an end despite objections from the White ...
MINSK, 17 December (BelTA) – Belarus is fully determined to fulfill the agreement to hit $1 billion in trade with Pakistan, Belarus President ...
BEIRUT — Four years after Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi took charge of managing the country's affairs, dozens of military-owned ...
MDA, a Maxar Technologies company, signed a contract worth around $8 million to provide the Department of National Defence with what is being called a Maritime Miniature Unmanned Aircraft Systems (MMUAS). The contract also includes services to support training, resource and equipment ...

"Given the current orthodoxy in the way in which CASG procures for the ADF, an orthodoxy which does not prioritise the development of Australian defence industry, and an orthodoxy which has not been altered by this government despite its rhetoric, this decision is wholly to be expected," Marles told the ...
But the Polish government is also looking to shift more work to its own defense industry. “We expect the Phase II would provide us more technology transfer than Phase I,” Wiśniewski said, “we're looking for more technology transfer for our industry.” One key element of the current negotiations is Raytheon's ...
SINGAPORE: British aerospace and defence trade group ADS today said it sees India as a priority market with which it has a long-term commitment, noting the Indian defence industry's strong potential for exports to emerging markets. The ADS Group Ltd has more than 1,000 members from aerospace, ...
But where major growth for the defense industry could come from is unclear to analysts. According to numbers from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, America accounted for 34 percent of total arms exports from 2013–17, with 98 countries buying American goods. The second-largest ...
Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne released a defence industrial capability plan yesterday, ahead of the May budget, to map out how to capitalise on government investment. “I encourage companies to read the plan and to make use of the support available,” Mr Pyne said. “The plan makes clear ...
Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne said the government had a number of other measures in place to shore up jobs, including a targeted retention ... Mr Pyne released the government's defence industrial capability plan, which sets out 10 priority areas for military requirements it is relying on local ...
... of the Defence Industrial Capability Plan continues the production of industry policy information and initiatives under the Turnbull government. Given the material already released, it is a pretty dense field—including the 2016 Defence White Paper, the 2016 Defence Industry Policy Statement and the 2016 ...
... new Defence Industrial Capability Plan on 23 April, with a focus on developing sovereign capabilities that aims to bolster the nation's domestic industry over the next 10 years. The government said the plan brings together the different elements available to the defence industry including financial support, ...
There is real uncertainty whether such things as robotic tanks and high-speed scout helicopters are possible on the Army's timeline. But if there's one area where a high-speed approach can work, it's training simulations, where the Army can piggyback on the rapid development in commercial gaming.
Iran and Iraq are to collaborate on reviving Iraq's military industrial capabilities, Iraqi news media reported on 19 April. The National Iraqi News Agency stated that Iraq's Acting Minister of Industry and Minerals, Mohammad Shiaa al-Sudani had signed a co-operation agreement with Iran's Defence Minister, ...
From: Bill Kendall. Seymour. And the insanity continues. The military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about his his 1961 farewell address is taking the U.S. one step closer to World War III with this Syrian issue. Question: Why would Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, chemically ...

After years of subsidizing the Israeli defense industry, the US is now insisting Tel Aviv spend all the military aid it gets from America on American companies. The Israeli government and hundreds of Israeli companies are scrambling to adjust, with one estimate predicting 20,000 layoffs. In the past, when the ...
The Pentagon stands to receive $94 billion more in the 2018 budget than in 2017. This landfall of $700 billion is more than the defense spending of China and Russia combined. Even so, many military commanders have complained that we have fewer ready combat troops. So some adjustments seem ...
What mission does the Army really need armed robots for -- expendable scouts, perhaps, or supplementary fire support? And does buying robots for that role really offer more tactical value than spending the same money on mundane upgrades to, say, self-propelled artillery? By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. on ...
if you can deliver new technology really fast, the US Army is now willing to pay your company much higher profits. And it's working hard to make sure that new tech actually gets to new weapons. By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. on March 28, 2018 at 5:01 PM. 11 comments. Shares20. screencap of Army video. Bruce Jette ...
The contracts will ensure that the Polish defense industry is involved in the building of the Patriot systems. Poland's defense ministry said Friday that the offset agreements will be worth about 950 million zloty, or around $280 million. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Wednesday that the deal had ...
General Dynamics now records around $3 billion each year in profits. They also happen to be in an industry that has no oversight and total congressional support to increase its money supply, led by a White House in chaos and requesting even-greater defense spending. The defense industry is booming, ...
A strong defence industry in Australia gives us greater self-reliance. It allows us to do more in the region, and for our people to feel safer and more secure. Australia will never be completely self-reliant in terms of defence materiel, but that shouldn't and won't stop us from striving to be as self-sufficient as ...
Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin has reopened a manufacturing plant within the PPT Namenska military production complex as part of a broader scheme to modernise the national defence industrial base with national and international investment. The plant at Trstenik was formerly reopened on ...
There have already been a series of meetings with representatives of the defense industry to “solicit their thoughts on how to minimize the self-inflicted bureaucratic and administrative hurdles to U.S. competitiveness,” the administration official told me, while pushing the America First policy of “better ...
Writing for the New York Review Daily, Tamsin Shaw reports on frightening developments in big data and behavioral science that have led to the emergence of companies like Cambridge Analytica, in the spotlight recently for its shady mining personal information on Facebook. Shaw shows how the US ...
The Company IAG (International Armored Group), a world leader in the manufacturing of military and security vehicle based in United Arab Emirates, has developed the largest security vehicle nicknamed Rhino that can be used as Riot Control Vehicle or an Armored Personnel Carrier for police and ...
With the Pentagon and White House increasingly worries about ballistic missile threats from "rogue" states and peer competitors, the Polish site is increasingly critical. By Paul McLeary on March 23, 2018 at 8:32 AM. 43 comments. Shares185. A critical, U.S.-made missile defense system slated to come online in Poland later ...
“Hypersonic” appears to become a major motto in the armament world. Beside missiles, we are about to also see shells fired at such speeds. The US Army has the lead, apparently. US Army howitzers to fire hypersonic precision strike shells soon · M777A2 howitzer units will be the first to benefit from the ...
The draft policy said it aims to build on a raft of existing initiatives – such as the government's 'Make in India' drive, efforts to promote research and development, and the country's strong growth in commercial IT domains – in positioning India as one of the top five aerospace and defence industrial hubs in ...
U.S. aerospace and defense stocks have been rallying exceptionally in recent times, courtesy of an improving outlook for both the defense and commercial aerospace businesses. While increasing budget allocations in America -- in view of escalating geopolitical tensions worldwide -- have been boosting ...
Apparently, the age of the old-fashioned spook is in decline. What is emerging instead is an obscure world of mysterious boutique companies specializing in data analysis and online influence that contract with government agencies. As they say about hedge funds, if the general public has heard their ...
As the Boeing tanker continues to see delays and cost overruns, the Air Force is airing its complaints. By Paul McLeary on March 20, 2018 at 3:49 PM. 6 comments. Shares3. CAPITOL HILL: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson lit into Boeing today over delays in the long-troubled KC-46 refueling tanker, complaining the ...
The long-term solution may take "big, leap-ahead technology," said Maj. Gen. Pete Gallagher, head of the Cross Functional Team leading the network overhaul. But short-term solutions can be as simple as replacing bulky metal antennas with inflatable ones or loading new software on an off-the-shelf ...
This has set the stage for more upsides in the aerospace-defense industry, since a strong economy can better support defense funding. But a decline in skilled workforce and increasing competition with emerging nations vigorously engaged in expanding their own defense production remain a challenge for ...
The Future of the Danish Defense Industry-Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2022, published by Strategic Defence Intelligence, provides readers with detailed analysis of both historic and forecast defense industry values, factors influencing demand, the challenges faced by ...
The Russian laser weapons are one of the most classified issues even after President Vladimir Putin publicly demonstrated a film about the engagement of a combat laser. The head of state limited his announcement to a general statement, expert Pavel Ivanov writes in the Military-Industrial Courier.
"To get a quantum increase in the quality of close combat forces, we can do it in the next two years, (and) the cost compared to the rest of the DoD budget is very small," said retired Maj. Gen. Robert Scales, who chairs the advisory board for Secretary Mattis's Close Combat Lethality Task Foce. By Sydney J.
"Today our military industrial complex made our army look in a way we can be proud of," Vladimir Shamanov, a former commander of Russia's airborne troops who now serves as head of the Russian Duma's defence committee, told journalists last month. "As we helped the brotherly Syrian people, we ...
Like the internet, GPS was simply too awesome of a technology to leave in the hands of the military-industrial complex. And soon enough, the technology was in everyone's phones—where it's used for every piece of technology imaginable. The network of satellites that make up the modern GPS system ...
In the spring of 2016, a bipartisan group of prominent national security figures called on U.S. policymakers to address the unsustainable and rapidly increasing national debt. These national security experts said in a statement: “As individuals who have served the nation in both international and domestic ...
The Indian government is preparing to launch initial public offerings (IPOs) in two of the country's biggest state-owned defence companies. The IPOs of Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will launch on 13 and 16 March respectively. The value of the two IPOs could ...
His words reflect a plan within the Chinese leadership that envisions the establishment of a U.S.-style "military-industrial complex," an informal alliance between that country's military and the arms industry. Zhu hinted of building a military-industry complex in Chongqing and exporting high-tech arms across ...
The Turkish defense industry will feature a strong participation in the Doha International Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX 2018), which will be held in Qatar's capital Doha, with land, air and naval platforms, which have recently stood out with their achievements on the field. The sixth ...
But Predator's larger legacy is that it ignited a revolution that gave a good name within the Pentagon and the military to innovation, which today is all the rage in the military-industrial complex – as it has been for years in business circles. The Defense Department, whose normal acquisition system moves ...
President Trump's executive order imposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum will have huge repercussions on the Connecticut defense industry. Trump's chief economic adviser Gary Cohn, who tendered his resignation last week, says the tariffs would increase the cost of raw materials with a 25 ...
Japan and Australia are looking to expand defence industrial collaboration through a new forum, which held its first meeting in early March in Tokyo, officials have confirmed to Jane's . The forum is intended to broaden the scope of defence equipment and related technology co-operation between the two ...
Last week, Indonesian officials once again reiterated the significance of strengthening the country's defense industry as a national priority during a press conference on the subject. The move was just the latest in a series of ongoing initiatives designed to promote awareness about the government's efforts in ...
"Australia is gearing up to support defence industry players to establish Australian bases specialised to deliver military services and goods to international markets. Target regions include close military allies such as New Zealand, the UK, Canada and the US, in addition to countries in the Indo-Pacific ...


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