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updated Thu. July 25, 2024

Hadi al-Amiri, another Hashd al-Shaabi spokesperson and Head of the al-Badr Organization, said the US was aware the PMF used the Abrams tanks in the fight against the Islamic State (IS). “The US has made every attempt to weaken the Hashd al-Shaabi, but it has failed in all of them,” Amiri said during a speech in Dhi ...
Hadi al-Amiri, the leader of the Badr Brigade, one of the most prominent Shiite militias, vowed “revenge.” Speaking at a military airfield in Baghdad where the bodies were being flown in, he called on security forces to be vigilant, saying “the war against terrorism is not over yet.” At least 11 of the slain troops ...

The Badr Organization, another Iranian-backed Shiite militia, has also publicized photos showing its forces in possession of an Abrams tanks. Photographs released by the militia with the tank, and at least one US AT-4 anti-tank rocket, near Saqlawiyah in Anbar also in 2015. [See Badr Organization fighters ...
He in turn facilitated the placement of Iranian-backed Badr Brigades into Iraqi security forces and police forces (Congressional Research Service, June 4, 2009). Additionally, the Badr Brigades was renamed the Badr Organization and, while it maintained a paramilitary wing, transformed itself into a political ...
The Badr Organization, and Kataib Hizbollah, which are part of the Hashd al-Shaabi and maintain strong links to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps ... had initially signed an alliance agreement with Badr Organization head Hadi al-Amiri to run for the elections on a joint list, but the latter soon decided to ...
US report confirms nine Abrams tanks ended up with Iranian-backed militias in Iraq. Fighters of the Al-Badr Brigade militias, a faction within the Iranian-backed Hashd al-Shaabi, using a US-supplied Abrams tank provided to the Iraqi army. (Photo: Al-Badr Organization media). Iraq Iran US Hashd al-Shaabi Abrams. A+ A A-.

The Badr Brigade, however, issued a statement saying any remaining troops would be a cause of instability, noting that they view US forces as “a magnet for terrorists.” Badr Brigade has multiple Iraqi MPs, and the Interior Ministry. Kataib Hezbollah, a more militant militia, said they are serious about seeing ...
This month, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced an unexpected political alliance with the leader of an Iranian-aligned militia. Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the Badr Organization, was set to join Abadi's grand coalition of political parties slated to run for election in May. The alliance provoked a swift ...
“Badr Organization forces and another force that has named itself 'The Martyr of Sadr,' which is not associated with Sadr Movement, had gone to Kirkuk forcing five Arab members of Tuz Khurmatu council to take part in today's council meeting,” Abdul claimed. Abadin is a Shiite Turkmen and member of the ...
Members of Nasir initially include the Fatih Coalition established by Badr Organization leader Hadi al-Amiri. Fatih is comprised of a number of Hashd al-Shaabi groups, and the National Wisdom Movement (Al-Hikmah) led by Ammar al-Hakim. There are currently 22 parties in the coalition led by Abadi.
Eight Hashd groups formed the Fatih coalition earlier this week, including Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq and the Badr Organization. Nuri did not name the people the Fatih coalition objected to working with, but said that they are known. Some pundits believe he may be referring to Amar al-Hakim's Wisdom Movement.
BAGHDAD, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Sunday allied with a powerful Shiite group close to Iran in his stand for re-election in the coming national elections tentatively slated for May 12. Abadi's "al-Naser Alliance," or Victory, and "al-Fatah Alliance," or Conquest, headed by ...
The delegation also met with the Head of the al-Badr Organization militia, Hadi al-Amri, in Baghdad as well as Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki, Iraqi President Fuad Masum, and Deputy Parliament Speaker Aram Sheikh Mohammed. The Kurdish cleric said he hoped all these meetings would “produce good results for the ...
SULAIMANI – Iraqi Parliament's Deputy Speaker, Aram Sheikh Mohammed said Hashid al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) officials promise to withdraw their forces from Tuz Khurmatu in the near future. The deputy speaker along with a number of Tuz Khurmatu figures met with the head of the Shia Badr Organization, ...
A Kurdish delegation headed by Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed in a meeting with Hadi al-Amiri, leader of the Badr Organization. Photos: Courtesy of Mohamemd. ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – An influential Shiite leader has promised to withdraw Hashd al-Shaabi forces from Tuz Khurmatu ...
The Badr Organization has officially vowed that “any violation of Babylon means a violation to Badr.” The Nineveh Plains is the ancient homeland of Christians, but it is also vital to Iran as an important part of their Crescent to link the country with Syria where Tehran has proxies. “The land bridge enables Iranian trucks and ...
Al-Kildani has also photographed himself with the pro-Iranian politician Hadi al-Ameri of the Badr Brigade and U.S.-designated terrorists Abu Mehdi ... Shi'a Shabak (around 70 percent) remain aligned with the central government and PMU leadership, including the powerful Iran-backed Badr Organization.

Hadi al-Amiri, head of the Badr Organization and a commander of the Hashd al-Shaabi [L] and Qasem al-Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Quds Force. File photo: ... Nuri, from the Badr Organization that was formed in Iran in 1980s, said that they do not want to form an alliance with Maliki. “We will in no ...
This branding is common among many Iranian-backed militias in the Middle East, including Lebanese Hezbollah, the Badr Organization, and Kata'ib Hezbollah in Iraq. The logo is meant to show the facets of the resistance, or the Islamic revolution, as outlined by Iran's driving ideology. The militant group ...
Another prominent example is the Badr Brigade, an organization established by Iran during the 1980s Iran-Iraq war. While it began as a militia, since 2003 it has controlled Iraq's interior ministry, and today commands a 37,000-strong federal police force. The Iraqi interior ministry answers not to the prime ...
Razaq Muheibis, an Iraqi MP from the al-Badr Organization, told al-Hurra TV that “Abadi had finalized his electoral list for the elections,” adding it would “include the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, some political figures, and small Sunni parties.” Additionally, the majority of Shia militia factions, part of the Iranian-backed ...
The secretary general of Badr Organization also said the PMUs are not allowed to fight against the enemies outside Iraq. “Our presence in such wars depends on the agreement of the chief-commander of armed forces.” He also referred to the fall of the ISIS in Iraq and said the end of military operations ...
Jordanian media and a Facebook page linked with Imran show photos of him in Iraqi, closely coordinating with Iranian proxy Badr Organization leader Hadi al Ameri in 2015. The Dijla Operations Command (DOC), of which the 5th IA Division is a component, is responsible for security in Iraq's Diyala ...
The ruling Islamic Dawa Party is traditionally pro-Iranian, while the Badr Organization controls the powerful interior ministry, which has allowed it to blur the boundaries between the official armed forces and its militias — thus allowing rebranded militiamen to benefit from U.S. training and equipment. Saudi ...
Commanders in the Badr Organization and Kataib Hezbollah, two of the largest Iranian-backed militias in the PMF, confirmed al-Kalabi's ...
On Wednesday the UN envoy met with Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the Badr organization. They discussed security, “post-referendum ...
A fighter from the Shia Badr Brigade militia wears a religious flag on Friday as he guards a checkpoint that was recently taken from militants of the Islamic State ...
Even some controversial groups such as Badr Organization, Kataib Hezbollah and Asaib ahl al-Haq were among those granted permission to ...
The Badr Organization has ties to the Badr political party in Iraq, but is led by Iranian officers. The group is spearheaded by Hadi Al Amri, who ...
Speaking to reporters in Nineveh on Friday, Hadi al-Ameri, secretary-general of Badr Organization said, “Iraqi security services have no ...
The news outlet reported that controversial groups such as Badr Organization, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, and Kata'ib Hezbollah are among the political ...
Siham al-Moussawi, an MP of the Badr Bloc which is affiliated with the Iranian-backed Shiite militia force Badr Organization, told Arabic media ...
The KRSC statement said that the PMU forces involved in the operations included the Badr Organization, Kata'ib Imam Ali, and Harakat al ...
Shia militia include those who ideologically align with the Islamic Republic of Iran such as the Badr Organization, who worked with U.S. troops ...
The growth of the Badr Organization, Kata'ib Hezbollah and Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, and the rise in influence and prominence of individuals such as ...
“Peshmerga will walk out without much confrontation,” he said. Kamaal is a commander in the Iran-sponsored Badr Organization, an Iraqi Shiite ...
Perhaps the most prominent of these was the Badr Organization, whose leader, Hadi al-Amiri, was photographed in Dibis, also on the edge of ...
In Iraq, pro-Iranian militias such as the Badr Brigade came to the rescue when the Iraqi army collapsed in 2014 and they led the fight against ...
Squads of Berlin police goose-step past the reviewing stand as a high military official gives them the Nazi salute during a parade in the ...
This Iraqi Shiite Militia consists of between 30,000 and 50,000 men. It is trained by the Iranian Guards of the Revolution. Its slogan is: “The ...
It is not fair to punish the politicians who fought Daesh,” Kareem Al-Nuri, a PMF commander and a senior leader of the Badr Organization, one ...
The media bureau of Iraq's Badr Organization announced in a statement that the pro-government forces, commonly known by their Arabic ...
The organization claims witnesses saw militiamen from the Badr Organization torture civilians; some men were detained and taken to unknown ...
Units of the Popular Mobilization Forces (known as the PMF or Hashd al-Sha'abi) affiliated with the Badr Organization detained and beat male ...
Karim al-Nuri, a head of the Badr Brigade which forms part of the powerful Hashed al-Shaabi paramilitary units, suggested the group was ready ...
Karim al-Nuri, a leader with the Badr Brigade which forms part of the powerful Hashed al-Shaabi paramilitary units, suggested the group was ...
“We will not let them approach the Turkmen areas,” said Mohammed Mahdi al-Bayati, a senior leader in the Badr Organization, the preeminent ...
Asked whether his forces would move to prevent such a crisis, said Mohammed Mahdi al-Bayati, a senior leader in the Badr Organization made ...
Secretary General of Iraq's Badr Organization Hadi al-Ameri speaks to PressTV in an exclusive interview in the northern Iraqi town of Shirqat on ...
Hadi al-Ameri, the head of the influential Badr organization, one of several Iran-backed militias, warned Thursday that a Kurdish independence ...


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       badr brigade

Iraqi militias:
       al‑qaida in iraq
       al‑sadr loyalists
       al nujaba'a
       badr brigade
       conquering army
       death squads
       falluja squadron
       imam mahdi army
       jaish al‑mahdi
       jaysh al‑muslimin
       muhammad army
       omar brigade
       revenge brigades
       saddam loyalists
       soldiers of heaven
       sunni tribalists