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updated Tue. August 27, 2024

Jurors deliberated over four days before delivering the verdict against Ahmed Alahmedalabdaloklah (AL-ah-med-AL-ab-dahl-OK'-lah), who is accused of making circuit boards used to remotely detonate roadside bombs for the 1920 Revolution Brigades. The group claimed responsibility for 230 attacks ...

Prosecutors have said in court papers that 1920 Revolution Brigades claimed responsibility for 230 attacks in Iraq against American soldiers from 2005 to ... The 1920 Revolution Brigades was active against U.S. forces in Sunni-dominated parts of Iraq until it switched sides in 2007 to fight against al-Qaida.
Alahmedalabdaloklah is accused of making circuit boards used to remotely detonate IEDs for the 1920 Revolution Brigades. The jihadist group has claimed responsibility for 230 attacks in Iraq against American soldiers from 2005 to 2010. Alahmedalabdaloklah has pleaded not guilty to federal conspiracy ...
Ahmed Alahmedalabdaloklah (AL-ah-med-AL-ab-dahl-OK'-lah) is accused of making circuit boards used to remotely detonate IEDs for the 1920 Revolution Brigades, which has claimed responsibility for 230 attacks in Iraq against American soldiers from 2005 to 2010. Authorities have described ...
Al-Ahmad, who is accused of supplying IED components that were used against U.S. soldiers in Iraq from 2005 until July 2010, is reportedly associated with the 1920 Revolution Brigades. A statement issued by the U.S. Department of Justice read that al-Ahmad supplied IED components to the insurgent ...
One of the Sunni extremist groups wreaking such havoc in Iraq, alongside the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, is called the 1920 Revolution Brigades. On its seal, the motto “God shall torture them by your hands” arcs across an AK-47. Rabid invoking of the Holy One in the thick of slaughter is a mark, once ...
As the fighting creeps closer to Baghdad, the offensive is being led not just by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria but by fighters drawn from other Sunni militant groups — the 1920 Revolution Brigades and the Islamic Army, according to an Iraqi intelligence source. Both of those groups have long had a ...
The escalation of al-Qaeda-led violence in Iraq comes amid reports that high-ranking U.S. officials negotiated directly with insurgent groups such as the Islamic Army of Iraq and the 1920 Revolution Brigades, both closely aligned with al-Qaeda. There are also indicators that by targeting Sunni civilians, ...


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       1920 revolution brigades

Iraqi militias:
       1920 revolution brigades
       al‑qaida in iraq
       al‑sadr loyalists
       al nujaba'a
       badr brigade
       conquering army
       death squads
       falluja squadron
       imam mahdi army
       jaish al‑mahdi
       jaysh al‑muslimin
       muhammad army
       omar brigade
       revenge brigades
       saddam loyalists
       soldiers of heaven
       sunni tribalists