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updated Mon. May 20, 2024

Unlike Gul Agha and his friend, Hossein hails from Bamiyan, considered to be one of the “safest” Afghan provinces, but the roads leading from Kabul to the central province — which cut through the provinces of Maidan Wardak and Parwan — are among two of the most dangerous in the country. “I guess I ...
Barkatullah, who like many Afghans goes only by one name, was out with his two brothers grazing their family sheep in Wardak province ten months ago when an improvised explosive device (IED) exploded close to them. His brothers, ages 8 and 10, died. In addition to losing two of his limbs, Barkatullah ...

Our intelligence and reconnaissance are at best weak, and the enemies are using that weakness to achieve their objectives,” retired Afghan army Gen. Zalmai Wardak told VOA. Afghanistan parliamentary and district elections are set to be held October 20, 2018, after more than three years of delay.
Another tent was erected in Maidan Wardak province on 19 April in support of the movement. One of the ... Muhammad Sabir Fahim, a civil activist who spoke on behalf of the protestors, called on the Afghan government, armed groups and the United Statesto end the conflict in the country. “The people are ...
In one attack, six militants were killed and four others wounded on Saturday, after Afghan air force struck a militants' hideout in Maywand district of Kandahar province, the ministry said in a statement. A militants' weapons cache was also destroyed in the province, 450 km south of Kabul. In eastern Wardak ...
Central, Capital & South-Eastern Region: According to government sources, nearly 1,100 people have been displaced to Puli Alam and Mohammad Agha Districts in Logar Province due to armed conflict. This displacement originated from Barakibarak District within Logar, and Syedabad District in Maidan ...

Central Region: Nearly 1,500 people arrived in Ghazni centre from within Ghazni Province, and from Uruzgan and Wardak provinces, according to authorities, due to ongoing armed clashes. Since mid-March, more than 1,200 displaced people arrived in Kabul City from Logar, Nangarhar, Jawzjan and ...
Some residents of Sayed Abad district in Wardak province on Friday claimed that four civilians have been killed in a night raid carried out by Afghan security forces on Wednesday. The residents said the operation was conducted in Qala-e-Amir village in Tangi Dara area in which three other civilians were wounded.
A group of farmers from Maidan Wardak province, 123 km west of Kabul, have complained about low market prices, the lack of cold storage facilities and ... Government this year said it would make sure that Afghan fruit was purchased for government departments but farmers and traders have said this has ...
About the launch of her movement, she wrote: “I noticed poets of our province attended poet sessions elsewhere because they had no platform. There are ... Shabir Ahmad, a local poet, said poetry gathering “Apple Flower” was annually held in Maidan Wardak where poets recited their verses. He said ...

Towards the end of last year, for the first time, three women won seats at the Maidan Wardak provincial council, in what was trumpeted as an important gain for women in local elections. At the beginning of the year, the national legislature had thrilled many civic campaigners by passing an anti-harassment ...
The night before, over dinner, one of the students discussed news from his home town in Afghanistan's Wardak province about U.S. aerial attacks. “The blasts have become so frequent,” he said, “that people can't find spaces to bury their dead.” During breaks in the class, I tell some of the Afghan Peace ...
Abdol is charged with being an accomplice to murder and attempted murder in a 2014 attack on a U.S. convoy near the border of eastern Logar and Wardak provinces. The prosecutors allege that Abdol joined a local Taliban group in 2013 in the Baraki Barak district of Logar province. They say he was ...
Wardak police said that Faridullah, a Taliban sniper who was part of Mawlawi Habibullrahman's group, and was involved in anti- government activities in Dar-e-Tangi area of Sayed Abad district, has joined the peace process. “Faridullah, son of Amruddin, a resident of Sayed Abad district, one of Taliban's ...
... were killed in separate Afghan security forces operations in Zabul and Wardak province in the past 24 hours, according to Ministry of Defense (MoD). In a statement issued by the MoD, the ministry said two other insurgents were also wounded in these operations. The first operation was launched in Jalriz district of Wardak ...
The other girls teams are spread across the country in places like Kandahar, Jalalabad, and Mazar-e Sharif, and in the provinces of Logar and Khost. But Wardak's team has never played against any of them. In fact, it has never played a formal game. WATCH Radio Free Afghanistan report on a self-funded ...
activists in this capital city of central Maidan Wardak province to call for peace in the country. Najiullah Samon, one of the tent organizers, told Pajhwok Afghan News that they erected the peace tent in support of the movement initiated by residents of southern Helmand province. He said the time had come ...
In February more than half of the attacks happened in Faryab, Helmand, Uruzgan, Farah, Kandahar and Nangarhar provinces and the remaining attacks took place in 21 provinces. Pajhwok did not receive security report from Bamyan, Ghor, Heart, Maidan Wardak, Nuristan, Paktia and Panjshir province.
It was a warm October afternoon and I was in Noorzia and her father's temporary house in Nangarhar Province, in eastern Afghanistan. Just three .... He lost his right arm and leg in the Wardak province when an I.E.D. detonated while he and his brothers were herding sheep in the hills above their home.
The provinces sheltering the highest number of displaced families are Kunduz with 10,815 IDPs, followed by Farah with more than 2,000 displaced people. Central Region: Some 4,500 people have been displaced within Wardak Province and to the provincial capital Maydan Shahr according to initial ...


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