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updated Mon. August 26, 2024

Shaping Operation 4 sustains progress made in Bamian, Parwan, and Panjshir and to expand the gains in security and governance and development. These efforts will continue to prepare these provinces for Transition. These provinces are relatively secure, and the Afghan National Police are the primary means of ...
Emergency, the Italian NGO supported financially by WHO, who runs one hospital in Kabul and two other hospitals in Panjshir and Hilmand, have seen many large scale attacks, but this was one of their biggest challenges so far. The hospital has 118-120 ward places, but on that single day, 27. January ...

With U.S. help, which included deploying American Special Forces teams (under CIA leadership) coupled with American airpower, the Northern Alliance (more properly, the United Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan) would start from its Panjshir Valley enclave in Afghanistan's far northeast and, ...
In March, more than half of all the attacks happened in Nangarhar, Helmand, Faryab, Ghazni, Jawzjan, Kabul and the remaining attacks took place in25 other provinces. There were no reports of violence from Nuristan, Panjshir and Bamyan provinces. Pajhwok reports showed of the total 135 attacks during ...
In the winter of 2016 /17, the NGO Free to Run started a very unique project in Bamyan, a town located in the foothills of the Hindu Kush Mountains, in Afghanistan. In partnership with the Canadian Embassy in Afghanistan and the Conservation Organization for Afghan Mountain Areas (COAM), they ...
“They just look to see what's loaded in the truck, then if you pay them a little bit they allow you to pass,” Shir Mohammed Ahmadi, a truck driver from Panjshir province who delivers furniture to offices and houses in the Green Zone, told Arab News. Having bribed the same police several times, he now ...

One of them, 11-year-old Pari, was a beggar who lived on the western hillside, inhabited mainly by people from the northern province of Panjshir. She led the way, hopping over rocks on a slick and dusty path up the steep hill. Pari's father, Abdul Saboor, 48, brought his family of eight here three years ago ...
Circumstances and serendipity bring the two together in the Panjshir Valley of northern Afghanistan just as Osama Bin Laden strikes New York and Washington. Their unanticipated connection offers each an opportunity to discover renewed hope. From black despair, each finds a path toward achieving ...
A camera bomb. In 2001, Afghan warlord Gen Ahmed Shah was assassinated by two men posing as journalists who entered his Panjshir Valley headquarters. The 'reporter' detonated bomb strapped to his while the 'cameraman' set off a bomb hidden in the camera. 3/7. AFP ...
They entered his headquarters in the Panjshir Valley in northern Afghanistan, where General Massoud sat on a couch. The “reporter” detonated a bomb strapped to his waist. The “cameraman” set off a bomb hidden in the camera and ran from the room, jumping into the River Oxus, but the general 's ...
The men, believed to be al-Qaida operatives, entered his headquarters in the Panjshir Valley in northern Afghanistan, where Massoud sat on a couch. The “reporter” detonated a bomb strapped to his waist and blew himself to bits. The “cameraman” set off a bomb hidden in the camera and ran from the ...
Shukour's home province of Panjshir – deep in the Hindu Kush mountains – bore the brunt of vicious fighting between the mujahideen and the Soviet army in the 1980s. More than six million Afghans fled the war; Sukhour's family was among the 1.5 million who ended up in neighbouring Pakistan, many of ...
The Japanese embassy in Kabul on Monday signed agreements with two Afghan companies to start demining areas in Panjshir and Parwan provinces. The embassy will provide over $1 million USD to the companies to fund the project and to establish a veterinary center in Paktia. Officials said the ...
The Japanese embassy in Kabul on Monday signed agreements with two Afghan companies to start demining areas in Panjshir and Parwan provinces. The embassy will provide over $1 million USD to the companies to fund the project and to establish a veterinary center in Paktia. Officials said the demining project aims to ...
The Japanese embassy in Kabul on Monday signed agreements with two Afghan companies to start demining areas in Panjshir and Parwan provinces. The embassy will provide over $1 million USD to the companies to fund the project and to establish a veterinary center in Paktia. Officials said the ...
Marshal Qasim Fahim was born in Omarz, a small village in Afghanistan's Panjshir province. He finished his studies in Islamic Sharia law at an Arabic institute in Kabul in 1977. He was a prominent leader during the jihad against the Soviet forces. He also undertook many high-ranking positions during ...
Marshal Fahim was born in 1957 in Omraz, a small village in Panjshir province. He started his primary education in his birthplace and completed his studies in Islamic Sharia at Arabic Institute of Kabul. He fled Afghanistan to Pakistan after the Sawr Revolution in 1978 and returned to Shegal area in Kunar ...

Marshal Fahim was born in 1957 in Omraz, a small village in Panjshir province. He started his primary education in his birthplace and completed his studies in Islamic Sharia at Arabic Institute of Kabul. He fled Afghanistan to Pakistan after the Sawr Revolution in 1978 and returned to Shegal area in Kunar ...
While in Afghanistan, Weidman served in the Panjshir Provincial reconstruction team, working with Afghan civilians and soldiers on humanitarian missions. His service continued at Penn State University with his involvement in the Blue and White Warriors Veterans Society. After college, Weidman interned ...
It is a tributary of the Indus, Ghorband, Panjshir and Kabul rivers. “There was two, three or less than one and a half meters in previous years, but this year, it is just 50 centimeters,” a resident said. “Everywhere is dry. The snowfall was not enough this year. We witnessed it once, and we did not see it again,” ...
It is a tributary of the Indus, Ghorband, Panjshir and Kabul rivers. “There was two, three or less than one and a half meters in previous years, but this year, it is just 50 centimeters,” a resident said. “Everywhere is dry. The snowfall was not enough this year. We witnessed it once, and we did not see it again,” ...
The IEC has already announced 14 positions for the heads of provincial offices, which are being run by acting chiefs, sources said. The provinces include Kabul, Logar, Wardak, Baghlan, Sar-e-Pul, Jawzjan, Faryab, Herat, Kapisa, Panjshir, Zabul, Nimroz, Khost and Kunar. Referring to these claims, the IEC ...
BAZARAK, Panjshir Province – The pupils look on intently as the teacher writes on the blackboard. No chattering or fidgeting can be heard as the teacher breaks down the lesson, explaining each part thoroughly. In the final minutes of the class, the teacher asks the students to explain the main idea of the ...
"The Doab district of Nurestan province is the nearest neighbor to Panjshir province. Recently, 13 families have arrived there. Two families are from Iraq, the rest are probably from the Central Asian states," the general said. According to the analyst, the terrorists are being redeployed from Syria and Iraq: ...
Rokha DH is a 40-bed hospital in the Rokha district of Panjshir Province. It is one of the 20 health centers across the province covered by the System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition (SEHAT) Program. Under SEHAT, health centers work closely with CHWs and Health Community Councils ...
BAZARAK - The participation of women in political processes is essential to achieving peace and countering violent extremism, stressed participants at a UN-backed event in Bazarak, the capital of the central province of Panjshir. Attended by government officials, representatives from the department of ...
Consider Afghanistan and a few things are likely to spring to mind. Terrorism. Kidnappings. Tanks. The Taliban. Turn the clock back a few decades, however, and you'll find a long forgotten side to the country, one that involves budget hostels filled with stoned hippies. As inconceivable as it is today, war-torn ...
“For the implementation of the new projects, we will appoint a few teams in Parwan and Panjshir and will clear over 850,000 square meters of land from mines and we will provide awareness programs to thousands of people about the dangers of mines,” Fazel Karim Fazel, head of Organization for Mine ...
Pajhwok did not receive security report from Bamyan, Ghor, Heart, Maidan Wardak, Nuristan, Paktia and Panjshir province. According to Pajhwok report Nangarhar, Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan, Faryab and Farah provinces among ten provinces where more casualties happened due to armed attacks ...
Panjshir and Kapisa, the MOPH contracts in managers to help strengthen services delivered by MOPH staff. This model involves the competitive recruitment of managers who are paid market–based salaries; a procedure for selectively increasing the salaries of MOPH health workers and field managers; ...
The ministry of health in Afghanistan has been delivering services in three provinces near Kabul — Parwan, Panjshir and Kapisa — but didn't really have presence in the rest of the country, Chopra said. Instead of trying to cover all, the ministry, with support from its biggest donors which are the World Bank, ...


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