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 George W. Bush administration

"In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend -- but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality- based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'

Ron Suskind, Without a Doubt, New York Times Magazine, October 17, 2004) logo
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updated Fri. July 26, 2024

The French President's visit was the first state visit for the Trump administration. ... This photo featuring four former presidents -- Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush -- along with first lady Melania Trump and former first ladies Michelle Obama, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, ...
He worked briefly in the White House during the George H.W. Bush administration before entering the U.S. House of Representatives; Recent interview : “Jane and I were blessed to get to know Barbara Bush when I worked for President George H.W. Bush in the White House and she has been a friend ever ...

Yet Mrs. Bush's legacy extends far beyond her role as the matriarch of one of America's most consequential political families. She served as a close and trusted adviser to her husband during the first Bush Administration, and she tirelessly championed the cause of literacy throughout her life. The New York ...
Tanenblatt served in the Bush administration, later became Gov. Sonny Perdue's chief of staff and now chairs the U.S. Public Policy practice at the global law firm Dentons. He recalled Barbara Bush, who has died at 92 after a a period of failing health, as sincere and welcoming. “She brought the best to the ...
Her failing health drew statements of concern and affection from many, especially in the extended world of Bush friends, allies and former aides. Andrew H. Card Jr., who was transportation secretary in the first Bush administration and White House chief of staff in the second, had lunch with Barbara and ...
But it also fashions an unbreakable link between the malfeasance and misfeasance of the Bush administration and the malfeasance and misfeasance of the Trump administration*. Primary among Libby's partisans are veteran Republican legal hacks Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing. They've been ...

The tradition of the costumed Easter Bunny began with a Pat Nixon staff member in 1969, per the White House Historical Association. Former Trump administration press secretary Sean Spicer has a history with the Egg Roll himself: as a staffer in the George W. Bush administration, he was the man inside ...
Many Republicans came to equate compassionate conservatism with more government spending: Compassionate conservatism equals big government; compassionate conservatism is a left-wing thing; phooey on compassionate conservatism.” On this point, Olasky partially blames the Bush administration ...
So why resurrect the ancient history of George W. Bush in the brave new age of Donald Trump? The answer is simple enough: because the Trump administration is already happily recycling some of those Bush-era war crimes along with some of the criminals who committed them. And its top officials, ...
“We're going to have people going to the slammer over this, the question is who, and how high up this is going to reach...the notion there's no collusion is just ridiculous” - Richard Painter, former White House Ethics Lawyer for President George W. Bush
The Bolton appointment makes me think, again, that the fact that we never reckoned with the Bush years and the Iraq war properly has in many ways warped our democracy. Do you agree? Trump is sui generis, but it feels like, in all sorts of different ways, the Bush administration laid some groundwork, and ...
In the George W. Bush administration, Bolton did a lot more than talk. He twisted arms at the UN trying to oust arms control diplomats like Jose Bustani and Mohamed elBaradei, who (correctly) cast doubt on the administration's false claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Bolton also persuaded ...
As David correctly recalls, Bolton (with whom I worked in the Bush administration from 2001–2006) spearheaded the Bush administration's efforts in its first term to strangle the fledgling ICC, including by “unsigning” the Rome Statute and strong-arming U.S. allies into signing over one hundred so-called ...
In the George W. Bush administration, Bolton did a lot more than talk. He twisted arms at the UN trying to oust arms control diplomats like Jose Bustani and Mohamed elBaradei, who (correctly) cast doubt on the administration's false claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Bolton also persuaded ...
James Mitchell, a psychologist who helped the CIA develop the enhanced interrogation program, told BuzzFeed News that Rodriguez “did the right thing.” But in Congress and upper levels of the CIA and the Bush administration, officials were outraged, according to interviews and declassified CIA records.
But Paul Bremer, who also goes by Jerry, is best remembered for the 14 months he spent in Iraq following the 2003 invasion, when he served as the administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority. Before he ran moguls, he ran Mosul. And Ramadi, Tikrit and Baghdad. And on a recent morning in ...
Well, Mr. Bolton was a major proponent of the invasion of Iraq for — because, you know — supporting the Bush administration's contention that the late dictator Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. That case was based on bogus and exaggerated intelligence, something I did extensive ...

George W. Bush later appeared to regret his choice of Bolton, reportedly saying he didn't “consider Bolton credible.” Those remarks, made in the final days of his administration, came after Bolton wrote a column in the Journal, criticizing the Bush administration: “Nothing can erase the ineffable sadness of ...
Among the policy moves Bolton counted as victories, he worked to ensure that the United States would not participate in the International Criminal Court - something he later called "my happiest moment at State" - and the Bush administration's withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia.
Bolton, who takes over his new job next month, pushed for the initial invasion during his time, post-9/11, as President George W. Bush's under secretary of state for arms control and international security. After leaving the administration, he advocated for expanding the war into Iran and, in a 2015 interview, ...
Bolton was one of the staunchest advocates for the war within the George W. Bush administration, and, as under secretary of state for Arms Control and International Security, one of the most prominent voices making the case that Saddam Hussein's government possessed weapons of mass destruction.
Bolton was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security in the Bush administration from 2002-2004, during which time he promoted the weapons of mass destruction myth to bring about the Iraq invasion, and later said he had “no regrets,” about doing so. Bolton pushed the weapons ...
President Donald Trump has just ousted his national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, and replaced him with former George W. Bush administration official John Bolton. People who've been intently watching the comings and goings of people from the White House might have expected the change.
Trump Hires Bush Administration Demon John Bolton as New National Security Advisor · Paul Blest ... The New York Times reports that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is resigning, and his replacement is going to be one of the very worst people from the administration of George W. Bush. The Iran ...
President Donald Trump has appointed John Bolton, the former US envoy to the UN, as his national security adviser, politically reanimating a strident Bush administration neo-conservative. The decision comes as a surprise, not least because Mr Trump was reported to have decided against naming Mr ...
A longtime veteran of the CIA, Haspel is the former chief of a secret detention facility, or “black site,” in Thailand that played a prominent role in the Bush administration's torture program. Before Haspel's arrival in 2002, one prisoner at the facility, Zayn al-Abidin Muhammed Hussein, better known as Abu ...
Soon enough, the Bush administration became obsessed with promoting the idea that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, despite the absence of any conclusive evidence. In September 2002, Rumsfeld received a now-declassified intelligence report stating that, “We don't know with any precision how ...
In major respects, Trump's presidency is following outlines chalked out by Bush, the cowboy-in-chief whose populist appeal was enhanced by his belligerent foreign policy. On issues ranging from torture to immigration to abortion, Trump is reviving the bad old days of the Bush administration. (Bush even ...
In 2002, the George W. Bush Administration placed tariffs on imports of certain steel products in an attempt to protect the domestic U.S. steel industry from foreign dumping. The failure of these tariffs to work as designed and the economic harm they caused provide a foreboding tale of what we should expect ...
The subsequent Bush administration, including hawks like Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney scotched efforts by Colin Powell's State Department to follow up the Clinton diplomacy. Then the discovery of a North Korean highly enriched uranium program, that flouted the ...
The Bush administration withdrew the tariffs in December 2003, about 21 months after they were imposed, but not without a cost. The Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition found that 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs as a result of the tariffs. For comparison, the entire U.S. steel ...
Richard Painter, the chief ethics lawyer during the George W. Bush administration, may throw his hat into the Minnesota special election for the Senate seat once held by Al Franken. Painter announced Wednesday that he was starting an exploratory committee to weigh his options for the seat, which is now ...
Despite promising a free trade agenda and stocking his administration with supporters of free trade, Bush enacted a tariff of 8% to 30% on foreign steel arguing that the U.S. steel industry was hurt by a surge in imports from overseas. The Bush Administration knew the move would draw sharp critiques with ...
Former presidents and first ladies came together Saturday to honor the life of former first lady Barbara Bush, who died Tuesday at the age of 92. In a photo captured by Paul Morse, who previously served as a White House photographer during President George W. Bush's administration, the leaders of the ...
The photograph was taken by Paul Morse, who served as a White House photographer during President George H.W. Bush's administration. It was originally sent out as a tweet by Bush's current spokesman, Jim McGrath. Trump announced in a statement last week that he would not attend Barbara Bush's ...
Morse, formerly with the Los Angeles Times, served as an official White House photographer and deputy director of photography during George W. Bush's administration. He later started his own event photography business and worked not only with the Clinton Global Initiative, but also the George W. Bush ...
Richard Painter, the former chief White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush administration, blasted the prospect of former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton replacing General H. R. McMaster as President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor. "John Bolton was by far the most dangerous ...
As the historian Gabriel Glickman declared in the Washington Post, “There is no chance this Republican administration will share the moral imperative of the last Republican administration, led by George W. Bush, that emphasized the maintenance and expansion of a liberal world order.” Story Continued ...
The former Republican president regularly knocks the current administration, a source close to the Trump administration told National Journal, unable to understand why the White House often seems to be in chaos. "Bush is often heard to remark, unable to stifle his trademark smirk: 'Sorta makes me look ...
A former assistant secretary of education in the George W. Bush administration will join the U.S. Department of Education again after a brief stint at the Department of Labor. Diane Auer Jones will serve as senior adviser to the assistant secretary for postsecondary education, the post she previously held.


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          43rd george walker bush
            arms sales
            bush doctrine
            detainee policy
            domestic policy
            energy policy
            environmental policy
            foreign policy
            military orders
            state of the union

US administrations:
          1st george washington
          33rd harry truman
          38th gerald r. ford
          39th jimmy carter
          40th ronald wilson reagan
          43rd george walker bush
          44th barack hussein obama
          45th donald john trump