

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 public policy think tanks

Think tanks

A Think tank is an organization that claims to serve as a center for research and/ or analysis of important public issues. In reality, many Think tanks are little more than public relations fronts, usually headquartered in state or national seats of government and generating self-serving scholarship that serves the advocacy goals of their industry sponsors; in the words of

columnist John Chuckman, "phony institutes where ideologue-propagandists pose as academics ... [into which] money gushes like blood from opened arteries to support meaningless advertising's suffocation of genuine debate".


Of course, some Think tanks are more legitimate than that. Private funding does not necessarily make a researcher a shill, and some think-tanks produce worthwhile public policy research. In general, however, research from Think tanks is ideologically driven in accordance with the interests of its funders.


<div class=attribution>statue by Rodin, photo by David Metraux</div>
The Thinker
statue by Rodin, photo by David Metraux
The Thinker

updated Thu. September 19, 2024

BRITISH Think Tank Chatham House was late Monday forced to retract a tweet it had posted claiming Zimbabwean Foreign Affairs minister Sibusiso Moyo had declared the country would go to the polls on July 18. Moyo, however, indicated elections will be held in July without giving a date. Former Higher ...
Idaho has vast stretches of desert, topographically speaking. But a pro-school choice think tank mapped out a different patch of “charter school desert” — a pocket of the Treasure Valley northwest of Boise. It's an area with high poverty and a shortage of charter schools, the Thomas B. Fordham Institute said ...

LONDON (Sputnik) - The UK is home to "a racist culture," and Prime Minister Theresa May is the "architect" of this hostile environment, the vice chair of the Council of Management of the Institute of Race Relations think tank told Sputnik amid the scandal on the immigration status of the so-called Windrush ...
Researchers at education thinktank the Mitchell Institute argue that if enrolments in the vocational education and training (VET) sector stay on trend, and growth in university places only matches population growth, there will be 10.7 per cent fewer tertiary graduates in just over a decade. That compares to an ...
Attackers with a plan will survey the target environment before launching an attack. This is an incident – where defences have been overcome, but there is as yet no consequence to the organisation. Discovering such incidents early, before the incident becomes a breach, should be the aim of every organisation. Download ...
Four think tanks stand out. Firstly, the Centre for Policy Studies has taken on new senior staff, most notably in the form of journalist and author Rob Colvile, and No 10 policy adviser Alex Morton - respectively the think tank's new director and head of policy. The CPS recently announced the launch of four ...

We should probably start by defining toxic dwell time. If an attack has become tangled in the weeds and is dwelling because it is struggling to proceed, then dwell time – while not unimportant – is less threatening than one that has successfully managed to penetrate a network and carry out damage or exfiltration and has ...
The Roman Catholic Church should mediate in the crisis in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon, where separatists and security forces are embroiled in a dangerous conflict, a think-tank urged on Thursday. "The Catholic Church could help break this dangerous stalemate," the International Crisis ...
Greece's economy will expand by 2.1 percent this year, the country's most influential think tank IOBE said in its quarterly review on Thursday, sticking to a previous forecast. The Foundation of Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE) also estimated that the country's jobless rate will drop further this year, ...
Taipei, April 25 (CNA) the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER), one of Taiwan's leading think tanks, said Wednesday that it has upgraded its ... from an earlier forecast, while the think tank has also upgraded its forecast of the country's imports growth by 0.17 percentage points to 3.92 percent.
SPAIN has come 149th out of 178 countries in a think tank's rankings of the world's most fragile states. The country's place in the table has risen from 155th place in 2017. The rankings, from the Fund for Peace (FFP) group, lists countries by the risks they face in remaining united, functioning countries.
Fred Dews tackles some of the world's most urgent issues on his podcast, the “Brookings Cafeteria.” But on a recent day, he was focused on D.C. high school senior named Doseza Jackson. Sitting in the Brookings Institution's cramped podcast studio with Dews overseeing from the next room, Jackson was ...
The subscription box market is booming and consumers are flocking to sign up for a seemingly endless variety of product offerings. In fact, estimates suggest that between 2013 and 2016 the number of monthly visits to subscription service sites increased by 3,000 percent. Among this sea of subscription ...
With the fourth industrial revolution taking place globally, South Africa cannot go on with business as usual, according to the Industrial Development Think-Tank (IDTT), which is calling on the government to restructure the economy. The IDTT, which is housed at the Centre for Competition, Regulation and ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially result in a nuclear war by 2040, according to a research paper by a U.S. think tank. The paper, by the nonprofit Rand Corporation, warns that AI could erode geopolitical stability and remove the status of nuclear weapons as a means of deterrence. While peace has ...
A retail company can have all the data in the world, but if executives are only looking at the surface level, so much consumer insight can be lost in those spreadsheets. The key to uncovering? Hire a digital anthropologist. For years, there was a notion that numbers are numbers — there's no room for human ...
John Bolton, US President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser, was on the board of what some critics have called an anti-Muslim think tank. The former US Ambassador to the United Nations under President George W Bush had served as the chairman of the Gatestone Institute, a New York-based ...

John Bolton presided over anti-Muslim think tank. The content of the advocacy group Gatestone is part of an echo chamber that includes Russian media. by Heidi Przybyla / Apr.23.2018 / 12:57 AM ET. National security adviser John Bolton, second from left, listens to President Donald Trump, far right, speak during a working ...
PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles City Council has winnowed down a host of issues into four main focus areas in its first “think tank.” The four items ... Council think tanks will be held the second Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the City Council chambers at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St. The purpose of the ...
The think-tank, which has the backing of Gavin Barwell, the PM's Chief of Staff, will draw up policies aimed at bolstering the Conservative Government and will feed into the Tory manifesto for the 2022 election. Will Tanner, a former aide to Mrs May, is Onward's director. It will launch on May 21 - after what ...
The Today Public Policy Institute (TPPI), the only independent non-partisan think-tank in Malta, has shut up shop due to a lack of funding, driven according to its director, by businesses' fear of government. Joseph Tabone, who has headed the institute since March 2017, told The Sunday Times of Malta that ...
The US-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies – the only think tank in Washington DC devoted to Korean Peninsula issues – will close next month after a dispute over funding and academic independence with the government in Seoul, writes Anna Fifield for The ...
The Office of the Vice President for Diversity hosted the “Think Tank: Free Speech Summit” on Friday, April 13 to discuss free speech within college campuses. The event began with opening speeches from Dr. Shannon Archibeque-Engle, director of assessment and strategic initiatives for the VPD, and ...
Australia can have a reliable, clean energy grid, but not if investment in coal continues, a major Australian think tank says. A new group within the coalition has formed to promote coal-fired power, but Australia Institute executive director Ben Oquist says coal is "on the way out". Coal is increasingly ...
The Upper West Regional Hospital is in dire need of government's attention to address the facility's human and logistical constraints hindering effective healthcare delivery. The challenges facing the Hospital have caught the attention of stakeholders including the Savannah Development, a policy think tank, ...
Retail is entering a new era in which innovation and understanding the consumer are key to surviving in a time of rapid change. The pace is faster than it ever has been, and it's important to remember that we will never move this slow again. That means embracing change and harnessing massive amounts ...
The third gathering of the Health Innovation Think Tank brought together a diverse group of leaders, innovators and policy makers to identify best practices that can move the industry toward key clinical models associated with value-based care, connected health and virtual care. This unique meeting of the ...
You may have heard the term "think tank," which usually refers to a policy or research institute where scholars provide insight and advice on political, social or economic issues. Such institutions have been criticized in the past for their outsized influence on U.S. policy formulation. But there's new research ...
Now the Cato Institute, a Washington-based think tank, is urging the Supreme Court to review a 2017 court ruling. It all started with a frantic call to police on Oct. 4, 2011 reporting a driver turning his lights off and on, and driving recklessly. That call would lead State Police officers to a secluded home in ...
A veteran economist has been appointed president of China's top think-tank, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), amid an ongoing reshuffle of senior officials. Xie Fuzhan, who has extensive experience in government think tanks, will return to Beijing from central Henan province, where he ...
BEIJING, March 23 (Xinhua) -- A senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Friday stressed the importance of building national top think tanks for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. A pilot project has made progress and the influence of China top ...
Dayana Schonwalder is a volcano expert, who traveled extensively while working on her doctorate in geological sciences at the University at Buffalo seven years ago. She now works as a research fellow at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, focusing on researching a crater left by a meteorite that struck ...
In actuality, only a handful of think tanks are recognized as operating without a liberal or conservative bias. When you hear an opinion expressed by a think tank or someone claiming to be an expert, please do not blindly accept it—question that opinion, review the background and, most important, continue ...
The CSU Office of The Vice President for Diversity and Colorado Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education invite students, faculty and staff to attend “Think Tank: Free Speech Summit” for a day with a presidential panel as well as morning and afternoon breakout sessions on April 13. The event is ...
The province expects to sell recreational cannabis through 40 government-run stores this year, which will leave “a ton of room for the black market to continue operating,” Rosalie Wyonch, a policy analyst with economic think tank C.D. Howe Institute, told Marijuana Business Daily. Ontario's relatively few ...
Today's shopper is undeniably mobile, and retailers who have been slow to adapt should take notice. Mobile accounted for 60 percent of traffic to retail sites and nearly 40 percent of orders in the fourth quarter of 2017 — an all-time high. For the first time in history, the majority of Christmas Day orders were ...
One of Japan's largest production companies, AOI Pro., has acquired a major stake in Southeast Asia production group Directors Think Tank (DTT). Directors Think Tank was established in Malaysia in 2007 but has since gone on to open offices throughout SE Asia including Singapore and Indonesia.
A little over a month since Gerald Stanley was acquitted in the shooting death of Colten Boushie, a group of prominent academic lawyers are promising a deep dive into the Saskatchewan trial. Stanley is the Biggar-area farmer who was charged with second-degree murder after Boushie, 22, was shot on his ...
Proposals for a unitary authority for Suffolk could be put back on the table after a think-tank was appointed to review the options. Suffolk County Council has asked ResPublica to look at "the merits of Suffolk making a bid to the government for a reformed system". It said it wanted it to consider ways to "unlock ...
Cutting trade tariffs completely when leaving the European Union would reduce prices in British shops by only 1.2 per cent, a think tank has said. The Institute for Fiscal Studies said that “simple arithmetic” suggested little scope for consumer prices to fall significantly after Brexit, despite the plan to leave the ...
It seems that everywhere we turn today, marketers are jumping into the “subscription box” marketing strategy as a new way to engage customers and prospects. The data indicates today's shopper craves a direct relationship with brands they know and trust. The appeal of connecting on this deeper level ...
UK think tank Parliament Street has lifted the lid on spending by police forces on training staff to deal with cyber crime and recommended greater collaboration in this regard ...
Council tax is an outdated and regressive levy on households that should be scrapped in favour of a progressive levy on property, according to a report by the Resolution Foundation. The thinktank said council tax had become almost flat-rated in some areas to leave it resembling the much maligned poll tax ...
CLTV — aka customer lifetime value — is a measure of the amount of revenue or profit generated by a customer over the course of a relationship. For marketers in the retail industry, few, if any, KPIs pack as much punch. But for many organizations, getting an accurate read on CLTV is difficult because ...
Anthony Fisher was the man who brought battery-farming to Britain. It may have been a cruel practice, but it was a transformatively efficient one—it turned chicken from a luxury into a British staple, and made this old Etonian fabulously rich along the way. His big ideas did not stop there, however. At the end ...
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities warned Friday that restoring cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments to insurance companies participating in the Obamacare markets could end up doing more harm than good. Restoring the payments is part of the bipartisan bill sponsored by Sens.
The conservative Heritage Foundation believes Defense Department statistics that show as many as 71 percent of all U.S. citizens between ages 17 and 24 are ineligible to serve in the military — a statistic that poses a significant threat to national security. “If only 29 percent of the nation's young adults are ...
A refugee is quite different from other immigrants to this country. This week, the Think Tank explores the experiences of refugees in Arizona, past and present. We have two guests: Jani Deng was a refugee from South Sudan who came to the U.S. about 20 years ago as one of a group then known as the ...
Leaders from more than a dozen global cities will gather in Austin March 15 and 16 for the second annual Music Cities Think Tank, a community of practice that invites leaders in the Music Cities movement to share ideas, compare strategies and build knowledge. In addition to the Live Music Capital, cities ...
Read more Security Think Tank articles about dealing with fileless malware. How to tackle fileless malware attacks. Social engineering at the heart of fileless malware attacks. Aim to detect and contain fileless malware attacks quickly. Multi-layered security key to fileless malware defence. There are many other threat ...


Alan Guttmacher Institute
Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
American Institute for Research
American Legislative Exchange Council
American Savings Education Council
American Tax Policy Institute
Americans Back in Charge Foundation
Asia Pacific Policy Center
The Aspen Institute
The Atlantic Council of the U.S.
Battelle Memorial Institute
Biophysical Society
British American Security Information Council
Brookings Institution
The Capital Research Center
Carnegie Endowment for Intl. Peace
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Cato Institute
Center for Defense Information
Center for Democracy
The Center for Equal Opportunity
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Intl. Environmental Law
Center for Intl. Policy
Center for Intl. Private Enterprise
Center for National Policy
Center for Policy Alternatives
Center for Public Integrity
Center for Public Justice
Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments
Center for Strategic & Intl. Studies
Center for the Study of Social Policy
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities
Center on Policy Attitudes & the Program on Intl. Policy Attitudes
Chemical & Biological Arms Control Inst.
The CNA Corp.
Committee for Economic Development
Competitive Enterprise Institute
The Congressional Institute Inc.
Consumer Energy Council of America Research Foundation
Council for Excellence in Government
Council on Competitiveness
Council on Foreign Relations
Council on Hemispheric Affairs. (COHA)
Economic Policy Institute
Economic Strategy Institute
The Eisenhower Institute
Employee Benefit Research Institute
Employment Policies Institute
Environmental & Energy Study Institute
Environmental Law Institute
Ethics & Public Policy Center
The European Institute
Fair Government Foundation
Forum for International Policy
The Foundation Center
Foundation for Future Leadership
Foundation for Public Affairs
The Freedom Alliance
The Fund for Peace
George C. Marshall Institute
George Meany Center for Labor Studies/The National Labor College
German Marshall Fund of the United States
The Henry L. Stimson Center
Heritage Foundation
Hudson Institute
IIT Research Institute
Initiative & Referendum Inst.
Institute for Alternative Futures
Institute for Defense Analyses
Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis
Institute for Health Policy Solutions
Institute for Intl. Economics
Institute for Justice
Institute for Policy Studies
(IRET) Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation
Institute of Gas Technology
Institute of Medicine
Internet Policy Inst.
Intl. Foundation for Election Systems
Intl. Law Institute
The Intl. Management & Development Institute
Investor Responsibility Research Center
Johns Hopkins Univ. Foreign Policy Institute (SAIS)
Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies
The Justice Policy Inst.
The Leadership Institute
The Lexington Institute
The Lindesmith Center/Drug Policy Foundation
Logistics Management Institute
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
The Middle East Institute
National Academy of Engineering
National Academy of Public Administration
National Center for Policy & Research for Women and Families
National Center for Policy Analysis
The National Center for Public Policy Research
National Center on Education & the Economy
National Democratic Institute for Intl. Affairs
National Environmental Policy Institute
National Health Policy Forum
National Institute for Public Policy
National Policy Assn.
National Research Council
National Security Archive (GWU)
New America Foundation
New Directions for Policy
Northeast-Midewest Institute
The Philanthropy Roundtable
Pinchot Institute for Conservation
Population Referance Bureau
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
Progress & Freedom Foundation
Progressive Policy Institute
Public Service Research Foundation
Resources for the Future
SRI Intl. [Stanford Research Institute]
Tax Foundation
Urban Institute
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Woodrow Wilson Intl. Center for Scholars
World Resources Institute
Worldwatch Institute


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think tank: