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 Front Groups

Front groups

A front group is an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned. For example, the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) claims that its mission is to defend the rights of consumers to choose to eat, drink and smoke as they please. In reality, CCF is a front group for the tobacco, restaurant and alcoholic beverage industries, which provide all of its funding.

Front groups

A front group is an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned. For example, the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) claims that its mission is to defend the rights of consumers to choose to eat, drink and smoke as they please. In reality, CCF is a front group for the tobacco, restaurant and alcoholic beverage industries, which provide all of its funding. logo
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updated Thu. July 11, 2024

It's a strange political fact, but nearly every major anti-gun group has been a front group. The NRA is maligned 24/7 and yet it's completely obvious whom it represents. Despite the efforts to tie it to everyone from firearms manufacturers to the Russians (if you can't tie any random Republican thing to the ...
A few of the front groups came together before the pace was ratcheted up once more for the first ascent of the Paterberg. Michal Kwiatkowski (Sky) was at the front with a few of his Sky teammates and looking good. However, he would miss the final selection and not be a factor in the finale of the race.

Selected speaker-doctors and opioid-makers also worked with "front groups" claiming to be independent patient advocacy organizations to change how doctors, patients and officials perceive painkillers, the suits said. One such group, the American Pain Foundation, had financial ties to Purdue, Endo and ...
Robert Mueller's indictment of these operatives revealed a network of virtual front groups and confederate activist accounts, which were promoted through targeted online advertising and attracted hundreds of thousands of followers. Yet, Facebook only handed over Russian-linked ads after almost two ...
Aaron M. Rosenberg The former executive vice president of Redflex Traffic Solutions did not find a sympathetic ear in the Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals on Monday. Aaron M. Rosenberg insisted he was owed $2.3 million as a reward for snitching on his colleagues at the Australian red light camera ...
Immoral politicians like Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel occupy law enforcement positions not with a sense of duty to protect and serve but with a determination to do the bidding of the National Rifle Association and other front groups for gun manufacturers. On his second full day as attorney ...

On Thursday, the watchdog group Documented published a list of hundreds of corporations, politicians, and front groups that attended a conference given by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) last July. ALEC is a right wing lobbying group that works with conservative state lawmakers and ...
Not only did Ms. Shumway ignore the main point of the presentation, which was about the danger posed by radical Islam acting through its agents in the Council of American Islamic Relations, North American Islamic Trust and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups, she also selectively quoted DCRP ...
"I love it," he had written of Moscow's outreach. Manafort and Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump's husband, joined him. Democratic Party emails that U.S. intelligence officials say Russia stole were released by front groups beginning later that month. Afterward, Trump publicly asked Moscow for more dirt. "Russia ...
In a statement, the Sierra Club legislative director, Melinda Pierce, called the accusations of Russian-backed financing “absurd, false smears” that “were invented by the same deceitful front groups getting paid to do the dirty work of big polluters and big tobacco”. Footnotes supporting the congressional ...
Then there's the the coup de gra?ce, learning details of the Koch, et al. octopus of front groups such as the AFP with their self-defensive absolutism, misrepresentation of facts and melodramatic demonizing of all things progressive or liberal. Please consider our history, this past century is full of epic, ...
“If the latest round of protests were truly about the influence of campaign cash, these front groups would be protesting those congressional Democrats in the Minnesota delegation who have taken far more money from the NRA than my campaign has. But naturally, they are not. Instead, they are exploiting a ...
The company is using a hidden network of dark money and pay-for-play front groups to dismantle the RFS and attempt to put farmers like me out of business, according to the article. That's why Brown and DeFries call the RFS “broken” and insist that “reform is coming,” no matter what the cost to Indiana.
The CPA was able to build a Popular Front Against Fascism. It formed front groups in the community and won respect among the ALP rank-and-file. Menghetti also details how “a remarkably strong and independent women's movement” was able to prosper in the north, despite “backward” and “chauvinistic” ...
Rather than using Facebook and Twitter to create make-believe organizations, the CIA organized front groups. Rather than creating bots to spread fake news, the CIA bribed foreign journalists, financed foreign newspapers and set up false flag radio stations. The disruptive goals of information warfare have ...
This isn't the first time we've seen these nonacademic industry front groups misinterpret data. We saw it last month when Texans for Natural Gas incorrectly assessed EPA data to draw erroneous conclusions about methane emissions declining in Texas. But again, when you read the fine print of EPA's ...
A new women's rights organization is demanding that the head of Miami's Everglades Foundation step down over his longstanding ties with accused serial rapist Harvey Weinstein. But billionaire hedge-fund investor Paul Tudor Jones is pushing back and alleging that the group is actually a front for Big ...

The ABA has set up grassroots-sounding front groups and has blanketed the neighborhood with flyers and messaging. In Richmond in 2012, for instance, the ABA group fighting a soda tax referendum on the ballot was called “Community Coalition Against Beverage Taxes.” In El Monte, the front group was ...
At the same time, a recent study by the University of Colorado and Yale University found that climate change denial groups, many linked to the oil and gas industry, were getting increasing coverage in print and television news. “These front groups are getting a little more engaged in the public conversations ...
Muslim Brotherhood front-groups have targeted Hollywood as one of many vehicles through which to conduct its civilization jihad. That they have left no sphere of society untouched and no stone unturned is evidence of the thoroughness of their strategy to subvert western society from within. Islamist ...
“We ... don't support the notion that hotel industry front groups should determine how thousands of Angelenos use their homes to pay the bills,” said Urbancic. Proposed rules for short-term rentals would prevent hosts from listing apartments covered by the city's Rent Stabilization Ordinance and limit the ...
Payments can be used to inhibit groups from criticizing pharma, or used to create front groups with fancy names that fight legislation that would hurt a company's profits. “But here's the key to disclosure: If we have full disclosure in ALL those areas, then each of us can give weight to those sources of ...
Groups representing the industry say ethanol has real environmental benefits, and the bill would threaten that. “When oil companies try to ghost write legislation for environmental front groups, you end up with some pretty backwards ideas, and that's exactly what this appears to be. It's dead on arrival with ...


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Front Groups