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updated Tue. May 7, 2024

And those techniques are used by political hacks with their eyes on the 2018 elections. That is the way of hot takes. Then, a few hours pass, and the facts start coming out. In August 2017, the U.S. Secret Service arrested Travis Reinking, who is from downstate Morton, Ill., near the White House.
... years is unseemly. There's an additional problem with Freeman appointing his successor, one cited by the Chicago Tribune. He has a history of questionable appointments to lower-court positions — former law clerks with little trial experience and political hacks who proved to be ethical embarrassments.

This is the long-awaited memoir from former FBI director James Comey. On Nov. 11, President Trump called Comey a political hack “proven to be a liar.” Comey responded by quoting from an 1855 sermon by the Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon: “If you want the truth to go round the world you must hire an ...
The election of Laura Gillen as Town of Hempstead Supervisor in November 2017 ended 112 years of Republican rule. For generations, Hempstead had been the breeding ground for GOP political hacks who believed the town existed to benefit themselves, not taxpayers. Power, pensions and perks drove ...
ABC News had that interview by George Stephanopoulos with Comey. Stephanopoulos is such a good journalist. Truth is he never went to journalism school. He's just a political hack operative. Did they mention the fact that he worked in Bill Clinton's war room to help destroy any woman who talked about ...
In attempting to relitigate Comey's 2016 Clinton email controversy decisions, though, some progressives have mirrored the conservative framing of Comey as just another political hack. Nowhere has this argument and its weaknesses been clearer than in a piece by Greg Sargent in Tuesday's Washington ...

Former FBI Director James Comey launched his book sales tour this week, and it's a case study of what happens to once-right minded citizens who don't properly maintain their political immunity against Potomac swamp fever. As Mark Alexander has framed it, “They turn into bureaucratic political hacks, and ...
Yet political hacks of both the red and blue persuasions do that painting with mega broad brushes today. An example close to home is the hatchet job being done on Congressman Jeff Denham who happens to be a Republican from Turlock. His positions on immigration are neither beast nor fowl. There are ...
At other agencies, professionals, including scientists, are replaced by clueless political hacks. Republican voters and Teabaggers wanted “a clean sweep.” What would be their reaction if Marshall Hospital decided to do a “clean sweep” by announcing? “Marshall Hospital is now replacing its neuro-surgeons with generalist ...
It was not intended to give huge salary increases to two political hacks who the Administrator already brought on staff. It was not intended to allow the Administrator to hire a chemical industry lobbyist like Nancy Beck so she could evade ethics guidelines that block her from deciding on issues she'd worked ...
Sun., April 1, 2018. Every political hack is working hard to build momentum — but not too much — as a campaign launches. A certain momentum killer for the front-runner is the headline: “Majority Sweep Coming!” This is every seasoned campaign manager's nightmare. First, it sets expectations too high. Second, it kills ...
When did the definitions change on the words hack and trap? So what does it mean to hack or better yet, what is a hack? I remember the term political hack. And I know what it means when someone hacks into one's computer. But now I am hearing the term used in a hair color commercial and I saw it in a ...
Like “Veep” and “The Thick of It” — Iannucci TV productions that satirize the banal but pathological problems of American and British political hacks — “The Death of Stalin” isn't so much about specific officials. No one was cast because they look like the real human beings they play. And the humor is largely ...
Stories of Corbyn's radicalism come so fast and furious nowadays that only a handful of political hacks seemed to care. But it's not the general public whose reaction concerns me. It's the reaction of the Jewish community. Almost unnoticed, the levels of antisemitism in politics and the public sphere which we ...
I can't resist commenting that when our mayor wanted the most knowledgeable people to improve our government, she appointed all five deputy commissioners, whom the chair of the previous Charter Change Group disparaged as “political hacks.” Obviously Mayor Kelly, herself a former deputy, knows ...
Gardner has sparred with Democrats in the past for being seemingly too accommodating to Republicans, but his last serious challenge came in 1984, according to the Union Leader. “New Hampshire would lose our First-in-the-Nation prestige and our election integrity would be at risk with a political hack as ...
The Best Man by Gore Vidal is set during a fictional American election in 1960. Two gifted candidates seek their party's nomination. Secretary Russell is a chilly but experienced political hack whose marriage is a sham. Senator Cantwell, a more attractive character, is an impulsive charmer married to a ...

A political battle is brewing in New Hampshire that has some warning the state's first-in-the-nation primary status could be at stake. Former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Colin Van Ostern announced he will challenge Bill Gardner, the nation's longest serving secretary of state, to oversee New ...
Political hacks and Putin's word. We now have a detailed narrative in the indictment of how this interference occurred. Of course, there is a question to what extent that Russian impact on the outcome. The fact they spent millions of dollars on this, it is safe to assume that it did have an impact on at least one ...
... say that she doesn't think Trump's "out there to destroy women or take things away." What about Hillary Clinton? "Oh my God yes I would never ever ever vote for Hillary," Jenner said. "We're done, if Hillary becomes president, the country is over." She then called Clinton a "f*cking liar" and "political hack.".
"Were even a little bit of the allegations these political hacks are printing was true – even the slightest bit – don't you think the FBI would have found it? They didn't find it because it was nothing but allegations put forward by communists." The McHenry County Blog is maintained by Cal Skinner, a former ...
ST JOHN'S Antigua -- Gaston Browne mouth piece and Labour Party sympathiser Melanius Alphonse has suddenly found his voice again, launching a series of fictional articles on a 'news' site called Caribbean News Now, which everyone knows is a fabricated farce 'sponsored' by certain politicians ...
Thanks to his eponymous dossier, ex-spy Christopher Steele is at the dizzying center of a partisan battle over President Trump's Russia links — and the fate of his presidency. While Trump's congressional allies are seeking to undermine Steele's credibility, his former British intelligence bosses and ...
Political hacks have the same rights as everyone else to operate propaganda sites, even if, like Savage, they're the sorts of cowards who do so ... 3-2 vote, it opted not to investigate whether Savage was operating the site as part of his job or as the sort of bizarre hobby that only a political hack would enjoy.
Political hacks have the same rights as everyone else to operate propaganda sites, even if, like Savage, they're the sorts of cowards who do so ... 3-2 vote, it opted not to investigate whether Savage was operating the site as part of his job or as the sort of bizarre hobby that only a political hack would enjoy.
They are of course counted by the anti-gun political hacks to bolster the danger of anybody having a firearm. A clear example of how the anti-gun crowd manipulates statistics to show that guns rather than individuals misusing firearms are the problem. Honest citizens defending themselves are not the “gun ...
Former Puerto Rico Attorney General Jose Fuentes called her a “political hack.” Prior to Hurricane Maria, Cruz's approval rating stood at 24 percent. Melendez said Cruz is trying to use attention generated by the storm for political advantage. “Local and federal responses were not up to par in Puerto Rico ...
... branches of government.” “We know that this scares those that are entrenched in our current political system,” Caskey told AP. “But, to be clear, nothing that we're attempting to do can curtail the rights and freedoms enshrined in our U.S. Constitution, no matter what hyper-partisan political hacks may say.” ...
Ever heard the ol' adage “The Pot calling the Kettle black”? All this hyperbole about Russia interfering with our election rings hollow to anyone who cares to look at the United States' record of election interference of other countries. This country went as far as to depose an elected president in Vietnam and ...
Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican, complained, “It sounded like something that came from a political hack, not D.H.S.”. I recently spoke to seven current and former officials at D.H.S. to understand what's been driving Nielsen. All of them described her as more of an opportunist than an ...
His widely praised work helped him overcome the image he brought with him when he entered the Senate as a machine-bossed political hack. The activities of the Truman committee ranged from criticizing the “dollar-a-year men” hired by the government, many of whom proved ineffective, to investigating a ...
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on Thursday said White House physician Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson sounded like "a political hack" during his briefing to reporters on President Trump · Donald John ... “But his own words are not the words of a physician, they're the words of a political hack,” he said.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at U.S. intelligence leaders for their conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, calling them “political hacks” and slamming the investigations into Russian interference as a “Democratic hit job.” Speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, Trump blasted ...
The Republican-dominated Idaho Legislature should be charged with practicing medicine without a license. This was the year political hacks became quacks. Its record bears this out. For six years, the Legislature has failed to help Idahoans who are not poor enough to receive Medicaid benefits but can't ...
Political hacks have the same rights as everyone else to operate propaganda sites, even if, like Savage, they're the sorts of cowards who do so ... 3-2 vote, it opted not to investigate whether Savage was operating the site as part of his job or as the sort of bizarre hobby that only a political hack would enjoy.
But political hacks and social media disinformation campaigns over the interceding years have muddied those waters. The web's power for good or ill depends on who wields it — and in the era of sophisticated, state-sanctioned cyber warfare, even that's often unclear. Get The Outline in your inbox.


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