

  cross-referenced news and research resources about

 United States Secretary of State John Kerry

President Nixon: Apparently, this fellow, uh, that they put in the front row, is that what you say, the front the real star...Kerry.

Haldeman: Kerry. He is, he did a hell of a great job on the, uh --

President Nixon: He was extremely effective.

Haldeman: he did a superb job on it at Foreign Relations Committee yesterday. A Kennedy-type guy -- he looks like a Kennedy and he, and he talks exactly like a Kennedy.

John Kerry with John Lennon

John Kerry with John Lennon

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updated Tue. July 16, 2024

Under the leadership of Chairman Menendez in 2013, the committee unanimously approved the nomination of John Kerry · John Forbes KerryOvernight Defense: Pompeo clears Senate panel, on track for confirmation | Retired officers oppose Haspel for CIA director | Iran, Syria on agenda for Macron visit ...
Today, on Earth Day, John Kerry shares the news that's most on his mind. Kerry grew up all over the world. He volunteered for Vietnam, and came home disillusioned. At 27, he spoke out against the war, earning him a spot on President Richard Nixon's “Enemies List.” Later, he represented Massachusetts ...

Former Secretary of State John Kerry's forthcoming memoir will be entitled "Every Day is Extra," Axios reported Sunday. The book, which is due out in September, is named for a phrase that Kerry and his closest friends use to sign off on emails and notes to one another, a source close to the former top ...
The retreat on the idyllic island of Nantucket once frequented by former secretary of state John Kerry has been sold for $17.5 million. The property at 5 Hulbert Ave., which was owned by Windy Point Trust, was sold to 5 Hulbert Avenue LLC, said Amanda Furtado, administrative assistant in the Nantucket ...
On Mar. 28, 2018, the 68th Secretary of State, former Presidential candidate and previous US Senator from Massachusetts, John Kerry, visited the University. Kerry was hosted by the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia and the Elenore and Robert F. Moran Sr. Center for Global Leadership at Villanova ...
From left to right: Former Secretary of State John Kerry, University Associate Professor of History and moderator Hugh Shapiro, and former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid address a Univeristy of Nevada, Reno campus audience during the first-ever Harry Reid Public Engagement Lecture Series event April 3, 2018.

RENO — Former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid and former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry told an audience of nearly 1,000 on Tuesday the nation needs to reclaim democracy from the forces that have reduced Congress to a body unable to serve the American people. "We need to reclaim our own ...
and former Secretary of State and former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry will appear together as part of the inaugural Harry Reid Public Engagement Lecture Series event. The lecture, moderated by University Associate Professor of History Hugh Shapiro, is scheduled from 3-5 p.m., ...
A lecture with former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada and former Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled at 3 p.m. April 3 in the Glick Ballrooms of the Joe Crowley Student Union at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR). The event is free and open to the public, although reservations are required.
Five years ago: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Afghan President Hamid Karzai (HAH'-mihd KAHR'-zeye) made a show of unusual unity between their two nations in Kabul as the U.S. military ceded control of its last detention facility in Afghanistan, ending a long-standing irritant in relations. Anthony ...
Miller then delivered a blistering critique of John Kerry, the Vietnam war veteran turned protester, whose military service was a central theme of his campaign. Miller noted how Kerry “opposed the very weapons system that won the Cold War and that is now winning the War on Terror.” Miller then listed off ...
Five years ago: Just days after the 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, on a previously unannounced trip to Baghdad, confronted Iraqi officials for continuing to grant Iran access to its airspace and said Iraq's behavior was raising questions about its reliability as a ...
In August of that year, Corsi and a failed lawyer named John O'Neill published their now-discredited debut Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. The book spuriously accused Kerry of having lied about his service in Vietnam, for which he earned three Purple Hearts, ...
Democrats considering bids for the White House in 2020 are already busy wooing the few party operatives qualified to manage a national campaign. Nearly two full years before the Iowa caucuses, several potential candidates have already begun lining up the aides and advisers who could guide them to ...
Secretary of State John Kerry did the same in 2014. Meanwhile, Biden's son Hunter and Kerry's stepson Chris Heinz carried out massive business deals with Chinese officials and the state-owned Bank of China. Worse, Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz even invested in a Chinese nuclear company under FBI ...
It's not what John Kerry did. It's not what Al Gore did.” “And if your goal is to help the party and help us understand how to get white working class men and women back in the Midwest, this is not helpful to that cause.” Clinton famously alienated white working-class voters in a September 9, 2016, speech at ...
... Governor Charlie Baker, Eastern Bank Chairman and CEO Robert Rivers, the Honorable Robert DeLeo, Harvard Professor Charles Ogltree, BCBS President and CEO Andrew Dreyfus, State Senator Dan Wolf, Senator Edward Kennedy, Taylor Smith Properties Chair Richard Taylor, Senator John Kerry, ...

... even if you don't hire everybody instantly — a coherent strategic team,” said Robert Shrum, who played senior roles on presidential campaigns, including Al Gore's and John Kerry's, for years. Some senators in the 2020 conversation have added aides with national campaign experience in recent months, ...
“And that means the secretary of state is not exactly playing catch-up but always needs to reassert the important of diplomacy.” Asked about Mr. Bush's two secretaries, Colin L. Powell and Condoleezza Rice, and Mr. Obama's, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, Mr. Sestanovich said, “You have to say that these ...
Harry Reid and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will be held on April 3 in the Milt Glick Ballrooms of the Joe Crowley Student Union. The event, which is free and open to the public (though reservations are required, please see link below), begins at 3 p.m., and will discuss bipartisanship and public ...
Joe Biden's and John Kerry's sons bought the other 49 percent in a deal that was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which includes members of numerous government agencies including the State Department. In an email, a spokesman for Heinz told The Hill that Heinz ...
THE ONE CONSTANT you can count on with the Trump administration is chaos. Yet even by that standard, the last seven days have been tumultuous. Last week, chief economic adviser Gary Cohn hit the silk. This week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was pushed unceremoniously off the plane. Tillerson ...
5 The Pew Charitable Trusts welcomed a crowd of Antarctic conservation champions, including former Secretary of State John Kerry, to celebrate the designation. Secretary Kerry, who played a critical role in securing the Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area (MPA), led the crowd in a cheer for the ...
In the state primary election six months later, Diehl would have had a choice for the US Senate Democratic nomination: incumbent John Kerry seeking reelection or Gloucester attorney Ed O'Reilly. “He doesn't remember Kerry having a primary,'' Robichaud said. In the 2008 general election, Robichaud ...
He subsequently worked on Al Gore's 2000 campaign and John Kerry's 2004 campaigns in Michigan and Hillary Clinton's 2008 primary campaign in New Hampshire. He was also an informal advisor to Clinton's 2016 campaign. — It was through Democratic politics that Campion met Charlie Baker and ...
Tillerson was no Iran dove: He never shared the appetite of his predecessor, John Kerry, for sustained dialogue with Tehran and never spoke one on one with his Iranian counterpart. Nor is Tillerson a great fan of the deal's terms, which unfroze billions of dollars in Iranian assets and lifted crippling Western ...
... equipment, Buhari aide Femi Adesina said in a statement. Buhari pledged free and fair elections in 2019. Recalling a visit from a previous secretary of state before the 2015 elections, he said that John Kerry "told the party in government then, and those of us in opposition, to behave ourselves, and we did.
John Kerry '66 and Marian Wright Edelman '63 L.L.B. have dedicated their lives to service – to country, cause, and helping under-resourced children around the world. On May 12, these two luminaries will lend their efforts to the university's signature alumni community outreach endeavor, serving as the ...
It's a notion he shared at the Munich Security Conference that was strongly and passionately denied by John Kerry, former secretary of state, who shortly after said any claim that Iran could have nuclear weapons in 10 years is “fundamental not accurate” and “physically impossible.” Click here for full ...
At the request of Gov. Jay Inslee, former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited the state Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 13 to advocate for the governor's proposed carbon tax. Flanked by Inslee and several prominent Democratic lawmakers outside of the Capitol Legislative Building, Kerry argued that, in the ...
Still, the proposals have cleared policy committees for the first time. Senate Bill 6203 has passed the Energy, Environment and Technology Committee. House Bill 2338 has passed the Environment and Transportation committees. Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was at the Capitol on Tuesday to ...
Jay Inslee is hosting former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to talk about his carbon tax proposal. Inslee invited the former U.S. senator to Olympia Tuesday to participate in meetings on the governor's proposed tax on fossil fuel emissions. Kerry is scheduled to meet with lawmakers as well as business, ...
OLYMPIA – Even though President Donald Trump has pulled the United States out of an international agreement on fighting climate change, Washington lawmakers should continue the fight and approve a carbon tax, former Secretary of State John Kerry said Tuesday. “Washington has an opportunity to ...
OLYMPIA – Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday urged support for legislative efforts in the Washington state to pass a carbon pollution tax to address climate change. Kerry told reporters outside the state Capitol that while the U.S. has pulled out of the Paris agreement – the global pact on ...
Throughout his eight-year tenure as county executive, the hapless Ed Mangano was clueless about the state of the county's finances. Year after year, he would announce that his deficit-ridden budgets were balanced. He dismissed the annual warning from the Nassau Interim Finance Authority, that the ...
What's John Kerry up to these days? The former secretary of state is apparently freelancing for fashion magazines. In the March issue of Elle, the 74-year-old statesman interviews actress-director Angelina Jolie, though not about her career in Hollywood. Instead, the pair chat about climate change and ...
A former official at a State Department-funded global health nonprofit founded by former Secretary of State John Kerry's daughter Vanessa is facing a criminal charge that he violated federal conflict of interest law by lobbying former colleagues in government. Federal prosecutors have charged longtime ...
Former Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that the Republican decision to release a memo that details the abuse of surveillance authorities under the Obama administration is an "ugly" reminder of the Watergate era. "The Nunes memo is dangerous, ugly, and an assault on the integrity of the ...



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        john kerry

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