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updated Sun. July 28, 2024

They find Israel, as a country, guilty of all kinds of crimes, and regard Jews, anywhere, as Zionist sympathisers. Within the far left, the de facto position is one of hostility and distrust, not just towards Zionists but towards Jewish communities wherever they are. This attitude infects the whole party, even my ...

Religious Zionist rabbis have come out against a Diaspora Affairs Ministry report recommending Israel to reach out to tens of millions of non-Jews with an affinity to Judaism. The rabbis criticized the report, saying that calling for the conversion of non-Jews is not Judaism's way. “According to Jewish law, ...
The date picked for this mass march, on the same day Israel's Arab citizens hold their annual Land Day demonstrations, is hardly coincidental. This is the best date on which to mobilize Palestinian brothers in the Israeli Arab towns of Sakhnin and Tarshiha against the “Zionist enemy” that expropriated their ...
Two major political parties in Israel still bear the names “Labor” and “Likud,” but the contending ideologies that fueled their founding—and animated the venomous quarrels between them—seem to be fading away. Where Labor is concerned, union membership continues to plummet, biting into the party's ...
In 1976, a New York magazine article referred to the Presbyterian Senator as the “Jewish candidate” for President. The article quoted the Saudi ambassador in Washington: “who is this Henry Jackson—from 6,000 miles away from Israel, more Jewish than the Jews, more Zionist than the Zionists?” For 30 ...
Earlier this month Bialik asked her followers on Facebook to nominate her to light the torch reserved for a representative of Diaspora Jewry during the opening Israel Independence Day ceremony on Mount Herzl. At the Global Forum, she is scheduled to speak about her experiences as a Jewish and Zionist ...
In a message to residents issued Friday, Kfar Vradim Mayor Sivan Yechieli said he was “responsible for preserving the secular-Jewish-Zionist nature of Kfar Vradim,” adding that he planned to “ask the relevant government bodies to create solutions allowing for the maintenance of demographic balances.”.
They are waging an uncompromising and unapologetic battle with one goal: a redefinition of the normal place women have in Israeli society. The air force clip threatens Zionist rabbis since it shows that female pilots, airplane mechanics, combat soldiers and commanding officers is the norm, whereas their ...
But behind all these excuses stood the latest polls, which predicted that Zionist Union was heading for a crash. It's now clear that the party deserves to crash, having lost whatever remained of its political path. Israel's opposition leaders were more concerned about their political future than the future of the ...
Valid or not, the Israeli Zionist contention that all of Palestine belongs to the Jews has received unqualified backing from Christian Zionists in America and elsewhere. Christian Zionism – a prime mover in the birth of Israel – has become a key supporter for all that country's policies, including the ceaseless ...


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