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updated Fri. July 19, 2024

But at what cost, both to the native Palestinians on whose homeland a Jewish state was built and to the moral character of those who settled there? And has it really provided the sanctuary it promised? Those questions should be especially troubling to Israelis in the wake of three weeks in which Israeli ...
To the contrary, as Jews were claiming their political legitimacy, the forces that have historically haunted our people, the enemies of our community and the emerging opponents of the Jewish state, were reinventing their case against Judaism and Zionism. The seeds of modern anti-Semitism would be ...

The leader said that for students who love Israel, it's often better to have the Jewish state be more obscure rather than at the forefront of everyone's mind. In other words: “Make Israel Azerbaijan again.” The vote, lasting from April 11-18, is open to students of Barnard College, the women's school affiliated ...
Print Email. WIN's Steve Leibowitz speaks with Israelis and tourists at Jerusalem's First Station asking them how they plan to celebrate the Jewish state's 70th birthday and what they wish for the Jewish state on this special day.
The CBC asked the RJC for help and heard crickets. What kind of fake Black-Jewish relationship is this? And while Israel is kicking Black Africans out of Israel, she is blocking Ethiopian Jews from reuniting with family members living in the so-called Jewish state – which seems to welcome White Jews Only.
Shai DeLuca-Tamasi is an interior designer and media personality in Toronto. Since 2011, he's been appearing on CityTV's morning show, Cityline. Born and raised in Toronto, DeLuca-Tamasi moved to Israel after high school and served in the Israel Defence Forces. He's an outspoken advocate for Israel ...

Israel's values as a Jewish state differentiate it from other democratic states. There are many democracies around the world. Only Israel is not just a democratic state but a Jewish one as well. “The Jewish state” is the state of the Jewish People; it is a state to which any Jew has a right to immigrate – the ...
We are still arguing among ourselves over whether the two-state solution is dead, but here's a question that is rarely, if ever, asked: Exactly when did the idea of peaceful co-existence between a Jewish state and an Arab state first enter the international diplomatic conversation? The surprising answer is ...
Prior to Israel's founding in 1948, the village residents lived northwest of where the village currently stands. Like many Bedouin, they were expelled during and after the 1948 war, and like most Arab citizens of the nascent Jewish state, they were placed under strict martial law until 1966. Bedouin inspect the ...
We are not only a democratic state but also a Jewish state.” Finally, voices of protest have been raised over the new draft bill's clause “allowing the establishment of residential communities for Jews alone” (something that even a member of Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid party likened to “apartheid”). But Palestinian ...

Other ultra-Orthodox groups identified with the self-proclaimed Jewish state and integrated into government institutions with their constituents now participating in Israel's parliament. Leading political parties like Shas and Agudat Yisrael have members who are ultra-Orthodox yet ardently support the state of ...
Thank you, thank you both, for all that you do for the Jewish people and the Jewish state," he said." [Haaretz; Pic] BUZZ ON BALFOUR -- "Netanyahu mocks reasons behind corruption probes" by Orly Azoulay: "Speaking at the Economic Club in Washington as part of his five-day trip to the US, Netanyahu ...
The Jewish component in Israel's definition as Jewish and democratic not only hasn't been neglected in legislation, it even preceded the human-rights Basic Laws by more than 40 years. The 1950 Law of Return (another magnificent piece of Knesset legislation) defines precisely what a Jewish state is: the ...
Palestinian revolt against the Jewish state is precisely the idea that Facebook is suppressing. Facebook does not only censor what any reasonable person can recognize as “hate speech” or “incitement to violence” against an individual or group — “to keep Facebook safe” as Facebook advertises in its warning messages; ...
“It really bothered me that no other alternatives [to the law] were discussed. The discussion was restricted and revolved around the framework created by the right, which focused on the Jewish State. It lacked mention of a minority group. Our status, our rights. Twenty percent of the Israeli population were ...
The Israeli Knesset is fast tracking a “nation-state bill” which opposition groups have denounced as “institutionalising the apartheid regime”. Knesset members approved the final draft of the bill defining Israel exclusively as a nation for Jews. The “Zionism's flagship bill”, as it's been described by Israeli ...
They were rejoicing at the United Nations resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state in their ancient homeland, but Benzion Netanyahu, then executive director of the United Zionists-Revisionists of America, had drafted and published a large advertisement in the New York Times titled ...
Many of Israel's founders believed the Jewish state was necessary because the Jewish people would always be under the threat of destruction, others could not be relied upon to protect the Jews, and the preservation of the Jewish people required a country of their own. Or, to put it with typical Israeli ...


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